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ttun basketball (Juwan out, Dusty May in)

Elite? No. But given the track record over the previous couple of years prior to this one, even I have to admit he's pretty good. This year, their best player was hurt early on, they lost their PG during B1G play, and lost a ton from last year.

In Michigan's loss to New Jersey Institute of Technology, Walton and Levert each played 38 minutes.
In Michigan's loss to Eastern Michigan, Levert played 38 minutes and Walton played 35.

The team was garbage and wasn't going anywhere even before the injury bug hit it.
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In Michigan's loss to New Jersey Institute of Technology, Walton and Levert each played 38 minutes.
In Michigan's loss to Eastern Michigan, Levert played 38 minutes and Walton played 35.

The team was garbage and wasn't going anywhere even before the injury bug hit it.
I'm all for bashing scum, but those were both early season games, and we know you never take too much away from games in November/December.

Would they have had a similar run to the previous few years in the postseason if healthy? I don't think so, because, no, they weren't going to be as good this season after all of the losses from last year's team. But, I think it's reasonable to expect that they could have ended on similar footing to tOSU as a 10-type seed in the tournament with Lavert/Walton.

Bottom line, in the previous two years, scum played for a national title and reached their regional final. They won a pair of B1G regular season titles in the previous 3 years. That's a pretty good resume that I can't wipe away with one bad year. Doesn't make their bad season any less funny, but I don't think, objectively, you can proclaim them a "doomed" program.

Still...fuck 'em.
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I'm all for bashing scum, but those were both early season games, and we know you never take too much away from games in November/December.

Would they have had a similar run to the previous few years in the postseason if healthy? I don't think so, because, no, they weren't going to be as good this season after all of the losses from last year's team. But, I think it's reasonable to expect that they could have ended on similar footing to tOSU as a 10-type seed in the tournament with Lavert/Walton.

I disagree. OSU didn't lose to Colgate and Morehead State in December. That Michigan team wasn't going anywhere with Levert and Walton or without them. NJIT wasn't even a good Division 6 (or whatever it is) school this year, and Eastern Michigan wasn't even a good MAC team this year (sub-.500 in conference). Tournament teams
don't lose games like that.
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I'm all for bashing scum, but those were both early season games, and we know you never take too much away from games in November/December.

I think you should look into NJIT a little. They play in a middle school sized gym. They have no conference. They are so small that there's no excuse for a BIG team to ever lose to them. They are bad. There is no excuse at all to lose to them.
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I think you should look into NJIT a little. They play in a middle school sized gym. They have no conference. They are so small that there's no excuse for a BIG team to ever lose to them. They are bad. There is no excuse at all to lose to them.
Didn't say there was an excuse. Just pointing out that a lot of teams that have gone on to make the tournament have had some really, really bad losses in November/December. Lot of stuff can change between then and March. Hell, they went 16-16 with a bunch of scrubs. Them keeping their best player and PG and getting to 20 wins doesn't seem like too much of a stretch to me.
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Didn't say there was an excuse. Just pointing out that a lot of teams that have gone on to make the tournament have had some really, really bad losses in November/December. Lot of stuff can change between then and March. Hell, they went 16-16 with a bunch of scrubs. Them keeping their best player and PG and getting to 20 wins doesn't seem like too much of a stretch to me.
Could not agree with you more with not only this post but also the one about their coach who I think does a pretty good job there.. Early-season losses is one of the gripes that I have with the NCAA selection committee.. I think coaches are experimenting with different players and systems and perhaps some losses are due to those factors.
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View attachment 10824

You guys are acting like the NCAA success is the norm and this was just one bad year

Look at his scUM record ^

The successful seasons are the outliers, not the other way around.
Sweet-sixteen, second round, NCAA runner-up, and Elite-8 over the previous four years is a pretty solid track-record. The regular-season records weren't great, but that's 11-4 in the tournament in those 4 years. A lot of schools, including us would be pretty happy with a 4 year run like that. Anyway, fuck you guys for making me try to be objective when it comes to these fuckstains. :lol:
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Sweet-sixteen, second round, NCAA runner-up, and Elite-8 over the previous four years is a pretty solid track-record. The regular-season records weren't great, but that's 11-4 in the tournament in those 4 years. A lot of schools, including us would be pretty happy with a 4 year run like that. Anyway, fuck you guys for making me try to be objective when it comes to these fuckstains. :lol:

He's been there 8 years and missed the tourney 3 times

5 of his 8 years he's either missed the tourney or been bounced in the first weekend

Once in 8 years he won the B1G regular season, one other time he was part of a 3 way tie

5 times in 8 years he failed to finish better than .500 in B1G play

Whatever label anyone wants to put on it is semantics but I wouldn't go much beyond "solid".

He's no Thad Matta, I can tell you that.
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Whatever label anyone wants to put on it is semantics but I wouldn't go much beyond "solid".

He's no Thad Matta, I can tell you that.
I'll definitely agree with this. Like I said earlier, given his coaching style and adherence to a pretty specific system, his "down years" are going to be worse than Matta's and I don't think his ceiling is any higher. Given the choice between the two, I take Matta 11 times out of 10.
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One of the knocks on Matta has always been the short rotations he sticks to. And it frustrates me as well. But generally, he has recruited very well. And that has allowed him to plug and play guys and continue to win 22+ games every year, even with "bad" teams. Yes, the 2011 now Senior class was a pretty big swing and miss, and they have contributed to a couple of sub-par seasons. But they still won well over 20 games and made the tournament. Beilein's teams can't say that.
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Public service announcement:

The New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) basketball team is a 2 1/2 point favorite over Canisus in the quarterfinals of the College Insider.com (CIT) post season tournament tonight.

Just sayin
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