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ttun basketball (Juwan out, Dusty May in)

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UM fans have been getting their hopes up about landing Jaylen Brown, the #1 basketball recruit in the country. UM has always been rumored to be in his top-2/3 no matter who the source was (with varying teams also in there). Teams keep getting eliminated, but not UM.

As of today, it's thought to be UK vs UM. Now that seems like a pretty easy one to predict, but his recruitment has been very weird to follow.
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UM fans have been getting their hopes up about landing Jaylen Brown, the #1 basketball recruit in the country. UM has always been rumored to be in his top-2/3 no matter who the source was (with varying teams also in there). Teams keep getting eliminated, but not UM.

As of today, it's thought to be UK vs UM. Now that seems like a pretty easy one to predict, but his recruitment has been very weird to follow.

I'm trying not to get my hopes up. There seems to be a lot of buzz with recruiting sites predicting he'll pick UM. They don't have a very good track record going against UK though.

Brown eliminated Kansas the other day. His top 4 is now UK, UM, Cal, and UNC
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Nik Stauskas trolls Ohio State fans, claims Thad Matta didn’t know who he was (PHOTO)

Loved this pic too much to not post it. Now I know why so many people hated me. #GoBlue@umhoops P.S the day before this game coach Matta was interviewed and didn't know my name and didn't know who I was. I took it personally

The caption reads: “… P.S the day before this game coach Matta was interviewed and didn’t know my name and didn’t know who I was. I took it personally.” That part is inaccurate. Stauskas was a starter for the Wolverines. You’d hope Matta would be familiar with the starting five of a Big Ten rival, especially one his team played against earlier that season.

The actual quote Stauskas is referring to, according to Nick Baumgardner of MLive.com, was “The wing, No. 11, I have trouble saying his name.” Matta also said that prior to Ohio State’s first meeting with Michigan that season, a 56-53 win for the Buckeyes on Jan. 13, 2013.

Entire article: http://collegebasketballtalk.nbcspo...laims-thad-matta-didnt-know-who-he-was-photo/
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