I understand everyone wanting to see these kids "get a chance to show what he's got"
Unfortunately life is not that way anymore than football... its like the people I work with who do the minimum at their job- and for the most part do a good job- but then bitch and moan becasue they don't get promoted... well-- why is that? Because they haven't shown all the different things that you need to show... (This is more the attitude of the Smith supporters than Smith himself, it seems)
Same thing here. Troy HAS HAD HIS OPPORTUNITIES. That's what two years on the practice squad and scrimmages are for.
Not to mention that I can't remember the kid getting us a first down the times he has been in the game....
What he needs to realize is this: First, He is the backup QB at one of the premier football programs in the nation. That alone will get him a look in the pros. Second: The kid is obviously very talented... considering all teh praise of heard for Boeckman... Smith is still number 2.. and has not played in any other positions, presumably because we can't afford to let him get injured. To be honest, his best opportunity to play is going to be if Boeckman has Tressels confidence at #2B and Troy can get on the field somehow... He's a valuable player... ironically, that's why hes' not playing.
Edit- Also, all this give the kid a cahnce shit has to stop. Tressel is obligated to the team, the fans, the Alumni, his family, and everyone else to do his job and give the team what he thinks is the best chance to win every week. So to say otherwise is to say that you know better than he does...