Never Forget 31-0
Well, the kid has certainly changed his tune, from always saying team, team, team to its all about me.....the puppet strings part makes me laugh, wake up....your getting a full ride to a major u, get your education and wait your turn to play!''I'm not happy. I'm not going to say everything is peaches and cream and that I have no feelings, because this is my life,'' Smith said yesterday. ''Ninety percent of the guys on this team, this is what they want to do after college. They want to go to the NFL and make some money É I'm not going to say they're playing with my life, but they've got puppet strings with it.''
I took this part as implying that Zwick was not doing the correct things on the field and that Tressel was looking the other way and not saying anything.....???''I know they don't really owe us an explanation,'' he said. ''But at the same time, if there's a situation where a guy isn't doing all the wrong things, then something needs to be said. It's not like I'm going out and (cursing) everybody, missing reads and calling the wrong plays. I think sometimes in situations like that, something needs to be said.''
So I guess Tressel bases his decision on the starter on what is said in the press?''That's for you guys to decide,'' he said. ''I really can't say anything on that because I don't want to put myself in a situation where I say this and then the repercussions of what I say to the media have something to do with my playing time.''
Wake up Troy, they are asking you to become a drop back passer and be a quarterback, not an athlete! Take a good look at the spring game, your feet were all over the place!''There were certain times we'd practice and when things would break down and I'd ad-lib, good things would happen,'' Smith said. ''But I was told I don't need to work on that aspect of my game, because that's already where it needs to be, which I don't believe, either. There's a lot of things I don't know about -- tucking a ball, things like that -- because I haven't had a chance to showcase yet.''
so, I guess because your friends with MOC is the reason your not the starter? Unbelievable!After earlier this summer saying that incident would have no affect on who wins the quarterback job, Smith softened that stance yesterday.
''It could've, but who am I to say what someone else is thinking?'' he said. ''A couple situations could have hurt me. Just the whole thing with me being good friends with Maurice Clarett, which I still am. I wish with all my heart he was still here. So a couple things could've been held against me.''
Smith avoided criticizing Zwick or the offense as a whole, but said he chose to speak up now because, in his opinion, he's not saying anything that fans and coaches haven't already witnessed.
too late you already did.......wow...

This picture says a thousand words about Troy Smith and his team first attitude, it was all a bunch of #$%@......
I always respected Smith and really wanted to see him succeed, but after reading about his issues, I have lost some respect for him. I wonder if he meant all those things he was saying in the past about team first and just trying to win games, he sure does mention the NFL and taking care of his family more than winning ball games at OSU. Maybe it is time he moved on, but beware.....ask jaja Riley and Austin Mocherman how there transfers went....