When I said, "What's next, being expected to be more accepting of pedophiles?", that was not a direct comparison between transgenderism and pedophilia, but rather a question of whether fringe wackos will try to force society eventually accept yet another heretofore taboo. Keep in mind that it wasn't all that long ago that some, if not many, had age-of-consent as low as 13 years old. Not more than a generation ago being a true tranny (actual sex-changed person) was not much better--if better at all--than a NAMBLA freak. Those of you that are over 35 years old and may remember the start of the pro-gay movement in the early- to mid-80s, when it was unfathomable that society would ever get to the point that transsexuals would in any way be considered as normal. So, any idea that there could never eventually be a movement to unvilify (if that's a word) an adult's physical attraction to underage individuals, by using the argument that since other previous sexual social taboos (homosexuality, transgenderism) are none gone then so should that, is misguided and short-sighted.