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tOSU TV Viewing/ESPN GamePlan?

I think Gameplan will be a must next year to pick up all the games.
My logic is we will be playing a lot of lower profile games.
This year I only had to buy 3 games at $21.95 each.
But, we were rated #1 from the beginning!
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I live in Cincy and occassionaly a game is not picked up locally (BGSU). I found that I'd rather spend my $$ on wings and beer at the local BW3 than on Gameplan the 2-3 times a year they aren't televised here. I understand that not everyone can do this, but works for me.
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Taosman;689139; said:
I think Gameplan will be a must next year to pick up all the games.
My logic is we will be playing a lot of lower profile games.
This year I only had to buy 3 games at $21.95 each.
But, we were rated #1 from the beginning!

You will not get all games with Gameplan next year. Repeat...will not. You must also have the B10 channel, because we will be on that as well.
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Not sure where to put this article.....

I switched to Direct TV almost 2 weeks ago due to this drama.....


Fears of missing big game fuel demand for satellite TV
Ex-Adelphia users take business elsewhere

Saturday, December 30, 2006
Barnet D . Wolf

Carl Sagraves has been in the TV retail business for more than 50 years, but he says he's never seen anything quite like this. His company, Hebron TV, is struggling to keep up with demand to install satellite TV systems in the homes of Licking County residents who ditched Time Warner Cable over concerns they would lose ABC and Fox programs as of Monday.

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Yup and more will, but many who cannot get satellite because of rental housing restrictions etc, will be "left in the cold". People who live outside of Big 10 country will not likely see the B10 channel for many years on their cable outlets. The Golden Age of CFB viewing really has been the past decade.
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MililaniBuckeye;691179; said:
You don't get FOX via satellite there?

Sorry, Mili, didn't see your answer. Nope. No Fox on the satellite. Got two Chinese and a Russian channel, got Fashion TV, National Geographic, Discovery, and 104 more but no bloody Fox sports channel.

And then, depression set in...:(
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OSU game back on for ex-Adelphia cable users
Time Warner to air Sinclair?s TV stations until at least Jan. 12
Monday, January 01, 2007
Spencer Hunt

Thousands of devout Buckeye football fans don?t have to worry that they will miss Ohio State University?s trip to the national championship game. A payment dispute between Time Warner Cable and Sinclair Broadcast Group threatened to black out the big game for Time Warner customers in rural central Ohio. Both sides said yesterday that they will keep talking, and Time Warner agreed to carry Sinclair?s stations until Jan. 12.

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Steve19;699962; said:
Sorry, Mili, didn't see your answer. Nope. No Fox on the satellite. Got two Chinese and a Russian channel, got Fashion TV, National Geographic, Discovery, and 104 more but no bloody Fox sports channel.

And then, depression set in...:(
it's not on Fox Sports. it's nationally broadcast on every local Fox affiliate.
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As fate would have it, since my thread-starting post here on Oct. 10, my cable carrier here in the Southwest, Cox Cable, has now added ESPNU to its Sports Tier digital channels. A little late for the Indiana game :wink2: but any new coverages of sports are welcome. We still don't have EspinPlus or Classics (I don't think). I am still totally uncertain what kind of reception the Big 10 Network is going to get out here in the SW. Or, how games on it will fit into Gameplan, if at all. Presumably not, reading above.

Go Bucks!
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lvbuckeye;701542; said:
it's not on Fox Sports. it's nationally broadcast on every local Fox affiliate.

Unfortunately, the only fox on SA TV appears to be Minky van der Westhuizen.

BUT, Fox website broadcast the Cotton Bowl last night without much fanfare. I'm hoping they broadcast the NC game too
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Steve19;702714; said:
Unfortunately, the only fox on SA TV appears to be Minky van der Westhuizen.

Not too shabby, Steve...

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