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tOSU TV Viewing/ESPN GamePlan?

RLC65;702028; said:
As fate would have it, since my thread-starting post here on Oct. 10, my cable carrier here in the Southwest, Cox Cable, has now added ESPNU to its Sports Tier digital channels. A little late for the Indiana game :wink2: but any new coverages of sports are welcome. We still don't have EspinPlus or Classics (I don't think). I am still totally uncertain what kind of reception the Big 10 Network is going to get out here in the SW. Or, how games on it will fit into Gameplan, if at all. Presumably not, reading above.

Go Bucks!

Dude, you are definitely NOT going to get the Big 10 network on Cox Cable/southwest. Which is what makes all the endless badmouthing of ESPN so laughable.

Your choice, DirecTV or bust...and pay for the package that offers the B10 channel.
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Well, DirectTV is not an option where I live. Besides, interestingly, Cox Cable has added ESPNU since the Indiana debacle. So, who knows what it or any other carrier is going to incorporate in coming seasons?

Generally, I don't give a hoot about the Big Ten Channel generally. I care about being able to see OSU FB and BB games. If they are available via ESPN channels or pay per view, that is fine. I cannot imagine that their availability would be only through DirectTV in whatever form. That would be a revenue loser for the
B10, I would think. Time will sort it all out.

Go Bucks!
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RLC65;738459; said:
Well, DirectTV is not an option where I live. Besides, interestingly, Cox Cable has added ESPNU since the Indiana debacle. So, who knows what it or any other carrier is going to incorporate in coming seasons?

Generally, I don't give a hoot about the Big Ten Channel generally. I care about being able to see OSU FB and BB games. If they are available via ESPN channels or pay per view, that is fine. I cannot imagine that their availability would be only through DirectTV in whatever form. That would be a revenue loser for the
B10, I would think. Time will sort it all out.

Go Bucks!

OSU FB will be on the B10 channel next year...mark it down. And the B10 is creating their own channel to gain revenue. They aren't restricting networks or cable operators, but many rinky-dink cable outfits in the southwest (Cox) will not likely add the B10 network anytime soon. (Why would they in an area with relatively few who care?) Time WILL sort it out, but not likely in your favor for a few years. The B10 network makes the controversy over ESPNU relatively minor. At least with ESPNU, many cable operators and sat companies had it, you just had to upgrade....not so with the B10 channel.
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I assume it will, but does anyone know for sure if the OSU campus cable package will have the Big 10 network? Also, would the off campus housing have a deal to get it? It would be a shame if OSU students couldnt get to watch their own school play on TV.
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2007 tOSU TV viewing help

I know there is a thread for watching the game, but what about a thread for us that are geographically dislocated. A thread that is centralized for us out of staters to gather and discuss the tactics neccessary for successful viewing?

By the way, I am from Vegas- Cox Cable is usually very good with having tOSU on gameplan (except for the OU v TCU fiasco of '05 :wink2: ) but with the advent of B10 tv, I fear for the YSU and Akron games maynot be on GP this year - anyone heard a good word?
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SparkyOSU;882871; said:
By the way, I am from Vegas- Cox Cable is usually very good with having tOSU on gameplan (except for the OU v TCU fiasco of '05 :wink2: ) but with the advent of B10 tv, I fear for the YSU and Akron games maynot be on GP this year - anyone heard a good word?

Been said in other threads, but get DirecTV which will have the Big Ten Network (which will air the YSU game, and Akron game also IIRC). If it's not on ABC, ESPN, ESPN2, or GamePlan, it'll be on the BTN.
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I'm no expert, but I would say BTN has those games locked up. MililaniBuckeye has the best recommendation, but you might find it on the web if you're really hard up....

TVU networks | Welcome

SopCast - Free P2P internet TV | live football, NBA, cricket

TVU is from China, I believe. You will need to download their software and I can't say if it's crapware / spyware free, although it never has come up in a scan. They carry select channels throughout the world. I caught a Browns / Raiders game on there once through a SF affiliate.

Sopcast is P2P. Much the same as VIOP (Skype), I suppose. Again, no crap has come up with an anti-spyware / anti-virus scan. They have listings of what folks are offering.

Both are streaming, so the quality sucks as would be expected (especially full screen), but it can be better than nothing if you can't find what you are looking for. WBNS has followed a former NFL / AFC affiliate, WCHM by airing which ever Browns or Bengal game they think will garner better ratings. Needless to say my Brownies have had some rough times. I've turned to the aforementioned software in a pinch.
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woodyhayes68;882904; said:
I'm no expert, but I would say BTN has those games locked up. MililaniBuckeye has the best recommendation, but you might find it on the web if you're really hard up....

TVU networks | Welcome

SopCast - Free P2P internet TV | live football, NBA, cricket

TVU is from China, I believe. You will need to download their software and I can't say if it's crapware / spyware free, although it never has come up in a scan. They carry select channels throughout the world. I caught a Browns / Raiders game on there once through a SF affiliate.

Sopcast is P2P. Much the same as VIOP (Skype), I suppose. Again, no crap has come up with an anti-spyware / anti-virus scan. They have listings of what folks are offering.

Both are streaming, so the quality sucks as would be expected (especially full screen), but it can be better than nothing if you can't find what you are looking for. WBNS has followed a former NFL / AFC affiliate, WCHM by airing which ever Browns or Bengal game they think will garner better ratings. Needless to say my Brownies have had some rough times. I've turned to the aforementioned software in a pinch.

TVU is pretty good. I don't believe SopCast is spyware (at least my version is not) but there are a few ads within the player that you can ignore fairly easily. I personally thought it was from Europe though....
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MililaniBuckeye;882877; said:
Been said in other threads, but get DirecTV which will have the Big Ten Network (which will air the YSU game, and Akron game also IIRC). If it's not on ABC, ESPN, ESPN2, or GamePlan, it'll be on the BTN.

Directv is definitely the best route. Not only are they carrying BTN, but they are also showing all the available games, unlike cable which will probably only show 1 regional game. Also, no need to buy GamePlan again, as the Big Ten games will not appear on it this year or in the future.
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mcgon07;884617; said:
I recently moved to Texas, and I was wondering if I get ESPN gameplan, will I get all the buckeye games this season? If not, do you guys know of any other cable package I could get? thanks

The site search function will show you the threads we currently have discussing this very matter.
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I searched for 'espn gameplan' and the newest thread on the topic was from '06, which would be obsolete w/ the advent of the B10 network.

I got a letter from DishNetwork about signing up for GamePlan again (I've had it the past few seasons) and the Big T(elev)en was notably absent from the list of conferences that will be available this season...

edit: The more current discussion on Buckeye football broadcasting is in the B10 Network thread found here.
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I'd imagine that outside the state of Ohio to ensure seeing all the Buckeye games this year you'll need a combination of the Big Ten Network/ABC/ESPN/ESPN2/Gameplan. YSU, Akron, Kent St. and maybe a couple Big Ten games will probably be on the BTN. ABC national will probably show the Penn St. and Michigan games and ESPN and ESPN2 will probably pick up the rest. Where you'll still need Gameplan however is for certain games picked up by ABC regional coverage (Washington, Wisconsin) which probably won't be showing in Texas and other parts of the country. I'm skipping buying the whole season of gameplan and will probably only buy it on a week to week situation as needed. You'll have to wait until the coverage maps come out to see what game will be in your area.
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FCollinsBuckeye;884626; said:
I got a letter from DishNetwork about signing up for GamePlan again (I've had it the past few seasons) and the Big T(elev)en was notably absent from the list of conferences that will be available this season...

That's interesting. I would imagine that the weeks in which ABC gets to pick the first Big Ten game, the markets outside of the regional area would still need Gameplan to see said game. For example, when Wisconsin comes to the Shoe, ABC will jump on that game, having the first choice of networks. Viewers in say Florida though will probably be stuck watching an ACC tilt due to regional coverage. I would think that Gameplan would be necessary for them to see the OSU/Wisconsin game.
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