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tOSU TV Viewing/ESPN GamePlan?

heisman;882978; said:
Directv is definitely the best route. Not only are they carrying BTN, but they are also showing all the available games, unlike cable which will probably only show 1 regional game. Also, no need to buy GamePlan again, as the Big Ten games will not appear on it this year or in the future.

I just got off the phone with DirectTV and was informed that Gameplan will be carrying Big Ten games this year. Where did you hear they won't be?
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kgraber;884641; said:
I just got off the phone with DirectTV about the Gameplan and they said they will be showing Big Ten games this year so I would imagine if you can't get the game elsewhere it will be on Gameplan.

This response may need to be clarified. I think that tOSU games that are on ABC regional coverage this year will be available on Gameplan, as holybuckeye33 explained. But it seems that games like Y-Stare and Akron that are scheduled for the new Big Ten Network may not be on Gameplan.

Can somebody confirm if that's the case?
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holybuckeye33;884630; said:
I'd imagine that outside the state of Ohio to ensure seeing all the Buckeye games this year you'll need a combination of the Big Ten Network/ABC/ESPN/ESPN2/Gameplan. YSU, Akron, Kent St. and maybe a couple Big Ten games will probably be on the BTN. ABC national will probably show the Penn St. and Michigan games and ESPN and ESPN2 will probably pick up the rest. Where you'll still need Gameplan however is for certain games picked up by ABC regional coverage (Washington, Wisconsin) which probably won't be showing in Texas and other parts of the country. I'm skipping buying the whole season of gameplan and will probably only buy it on a week to week situation as needed. You'll have to wait until the coverage maps come out to see what game will be in your area.

Bingo. As long as you have access to BTN and GamePlan, you won't miss a game. If you have DirecTV you are set for the season.
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This link shows a CFN page with TV listings, by week. Currently, only tOSU games for national broadcast are listed.

But some games, like the Wash. St. at Wiscy game on 9/1, are listed as ABC/GP. That's an ABC regional telecast, that will be available on Gameplan for those outside the ABC viewing regions. Which tOSU games will fall into that category are unknown at this point in time.


2007-08 College Football Schedule
(all times Eastern)
** GamePlan DirectTV Channels in parentheses

09-01 Sat. Big Ten Regional Game Noon BigTen
09-01 Sat. Washington State @ Wisconsin 3:30 p.m. ABC/GP

09-08 Sat. Big Ten Regional Game Noon BigTen

09-15 Sat. Ohio State @ Washington 3:30 p.m. ESPN

09-29 Sat. Ohio State @ Minnesota 8:00 p.m. ABC/ESPN/ESPN2

10-06 Sat. Ohio State @ Purdue 8:00 p.m. ABC/ESPN/ESPN2

10-20 Sat. Michigan State @ Ohio State 3:30 p.m. ABC

10-27 Sat. Ohio State @ Penn St 8:00 p.m. ABC/ESPN/ESPN2

Cont'd ...
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MililaniBuckeye;884682; said:
Wow, why doesn't the PSU game being moved to a night game surprise me? :roll1:

A client of mine is a PSU season ticket holder and told me earlier this week that he was upset that they made the OSU game at night again, because he saw enough heinous acts 2 years ago to last him a lifetime. He said it was disgraceful the way PSU fans acted before, during and after that game and that he saw numerous OSU fans bloodied and beaten.
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BB73;884648; said:
This response may need to be clarified. I think that tOSU games that are on ABC regional coverage this year will be available on Gameplan, as holybuckeye33 explained. But it seems that games like Y-Stare and Akron that are scheduled for the new Big Ten Network may not be on Gameplan.

Can somebody confirm if that's the case?

It is my understanding that no Big Ten games would be on Gameplan this year. The afternoon regional games on ABC are supposed to be picked up by ESPN or ESPN2 in outer markets(outside the regional area for ABC). I have included a link from the Big Ten site which includes the language from the contract. What I am not clear about is the NIGHT games in the Big Ten. On 9/22 there are 2 night games on ABC(8pm starts), Wash ST at USC and Iowa at Wisconsin. The contract language only states "afternoon" games by ABC will be picked up by ESPN or ESPN2. Scroll down to Football and you will see the agreement on ABC regional coverage. Forgot about your Big Ten Network question. Only the BTN will show those designated games, they won't be on anywhere else.

Big Ten Conference ABC/ESPN Agreement Fact Sheet :: <blank>
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i dont have direct tv..i have digital cable and it sounds like i will be able to see most games on that are not on the big ten network on espn.espn2/abc combo..really looks like there is no need for the gameplan at all..i also believe the osu-wiskey game will be national if both teams are undefeated coming into it..prolly would be two top five teams..my only question is what happens when you have 2 or 3 big ten games scheduled for that 330 regional game on abc for those out of region..i live in ACC area and get those games on my local abc channels...would they move 1 big ten game to espn,,,1 to espn2 and 1 to espnu??
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