Listen to the 'talking heads' and think that this is the highest tOSU will be ranked. Saying that, see a couple of 5* that MIGHT commit, but a long way from certainty. Bama will do it's usual surge, collecting scalps and 5*'s galore, and finish in top 1-2 per usual. Was pleasantly surprised that the new DB &S coaches were able to recruit as successfully as they did. LB - Knowles, will get his compliment needed (2?), but that cupboard is far from bare. OL is biggest concern, as we're two years without a road grader. Sure, some of last year and this year recruits CAN do it, but that's potential. Not seen any vignettes yet about Frye, how he's training the OL, back-ups, etc. Know it's a dead period for coaching, but am looking forward to him working in some of the new guys after some of these early games get played (after ND certainly). tOSU will lose three, maybe four starters from what should be an outstanding line. IF they all live up to their potential, but I see no reason why they wouldn't. Do like that Day doesn't use the xfer portal as a candy store, but cherry picks a starter or two (never been more than two a year, no?) to fill a specific need. Looking forward to the product tOSU puts on the field in the fall. Go Bucks!
I've been thinking about the new coaches and their past positions before arriving at OSU, and I think too much expectations were being placed on Frye after so many Stud misses. But many of us failed to realize that Frye wasn't recruiting the level of talent that is expected at OSU, and the same can be said about Knowles. We hired 1 coach who's young and energetic who was going to relate to recruits/current players better, and he was going to need a year to build relationships. But we're severely under rating the OH kids he got. Like @RB07OSU said, Frye getting the 3 OL from OH was big, because there was a time where we might've only gotten 1 or 2 of them. And the fact that he had UCLA as 2nd in rushing avg/gm and overall yds/gm, all with guys many programs didn't want, says a lot. This may be big for some of the guys who we all thought were plan b guys(you know the names), but in starting in '24, he's going to need to win some of the big battles for the high 4star and 5star OL(especially OTs)
But I think there shouldn't be a surprise about the DB recruiting, when Eliano already had a solid list of names from UC, as he can point to 2 CBs drafted just this past draft, and both were 3stars(and one even won the award for the best CB). Walton already had an NFL track record, and can connect with the players as well as the parents, and show them what it takes to make the NFL. Sure it hurt losing Coombs, and knowing we wouldn't land Harris, but we all know we couldn't keep him and demote him. And Eliano/Walton have had the best case scenario in DB recruiting.