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tOSU Indiscretions of May (Mega Merge)

Domino Effect

Here we ago again....I swear the off-field issues at tOSU are like a domino effect....Skeete, Haw, Schafer........Who is gonna be next?

Anyone want to place bets on who is next in line to be in trouble with the law that is on the football team....

I know a lot of people smoke bud everynow and then....But damn....If I was on a full-ride schollie at tOSU I would not be doing some of the crap that has been going on..I will admit...I smoked pot in college...And for those of you who don't, you would be shocked to know who all smokes pot...Especially athletes b/c they think that they are invincible at a place like OSU...It just seems so common these days to smoke pot....I could name 3 players that were on the football team that I personally smoked with while at OSU...Two of them you wouldn't be so shocked...The other one was a shocker though....I was just thinking to myself.."Damn you guys are stupid"....anyways.....I will lay off the smoke talk for now.....
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Ginn & Juice said:
I know a lot of people smoke bud everynow and then....But damn....If I was on a full-ride schollie at tOSU I would not be doing some of the crap that has been going on..I will admit...I smoked pot in college...And for those of you who don't, you would be shocked to know who all smokes pot...Especially athletes b/c they think that they are invincible at a place like OSU...It just seems so common these days to smoke pot....I could name 3 players that were on the football team that I personally smoked with while at OSU...Two of them you wouldn't be so shocked...The other one was a shocker though....I was just thinking to myself.."Damn you guys are stupid"....anyways.....I will lay off the smoke talk for now.....
Somewhere, someone is saying...

"I know a lot of people smoked bud everynow and then....But damn...If I had the opportunity to go to a university like tOSU I would not be doing some of the crap that has been going on...I will admit...I smoked pot while working as a janitor at a college...And for those of you who don't, you would be shocked to know who all smokes pot...Especially college students b/c they think that they are invincible at a place like OSU...It just seems so common these days to smoke pot...I was just thinking to myself.."Damn you guys are stupid"
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Coaching Staff

Is there anyone on this coaching staff that can communicate with the kids we are recruiting.Not lecture them, bui really communicate..I get the feeling JT and DT et.al. are out of touch with the (ahem) lifestyle of the athletes they recruit. If we could get TG.Sr to come here as a top assistant it would be the best hire since JT. To all OSU football players a target is on your back please try to stay clean till you graduate or more likely till your eligibility is used up. You rule and law breakers give all on the team a bad name..and there are many football players who are quality people who shouldn't be thrown in with the troublemakers,etc.

Im sure this will all pass but it sure is getting tough to defend this program....
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I purposely stayed out of this until you brought me in. OSUGrad21 is correct -- I'm a former HFC in Ohio.

All of you know the success Tressel had at YSU -- 4 National Titles and 2 Runners-up. Now let me tell you what you may NOT know. YSU is a I-AA school that other than winning FB games not much is said about . Little media attention. Yet , under Tressel--
One player from Canton McKinlry involved in murder was recruited by him to YSU,the big boys wouldn't touch him
One YSU player (All American)was murdered by a gang involving another Tressel FB player.
One player was sent to prison for sexual assault-- later to be released(just in time) to join the team & go to the play-offs.
Multiple players arrested for drugs & dealing drugs.
One player was sent home from a National Championship game because he failed an NCAA random drug test.
Assaults,shop lifting , theft,NCAA investigation ( Tressel was the AD and this story is too long to tell, but "cover-up" is the result).
Everyone in the area KNEW what was going on and still, no one wanted the "good times" to stop. Little media attention here

Tressel is a great FB coach. But his "standards" and his "discipline" are a different story.He is a PR genius.

But at some point you have to ask yourself --winning at all costs ?? OSU has a reputation to defend. It owes a great deal to protect its integrity, its alumni ,students and fans & friends of the University. It also has $$$ contributers that are fed up. Not just boosters, but people who support OSU, the institution.

Other than argue with idiots on a computer board at Buck-Nuts, suffice it to say there are changes coming. OSU as an institution and as a FB program is bigger than a few misfits. The other players are being hurt by this.

Its not Tressel's program. Its Ohio St.'s program. BIG Difference.
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What exactly does your dislike of JT stem from?
Your comments on here and Bnuts have been, well IMHO, ridiculous.
I for one can say, I do not believe what-so-ever that Tressel runs a Win at all Costs program.
Does he need to change his discipline style? Maybe, obviously some people are getting it.
But your comments have been way, way overboard.
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paladin1aa said:
...at some point you have to ask yourself --winning at all costs ?? OSU has a reputation to defend. It owes a great deal to protect its integrity, its alumni ,students and fans & friends of the University. It also has $$$ contributers that are fed up. Not just boosters, but people who support OSU, the institution.

I love it when a guy whose only tie to OSU is rooting for the football team lectures me on "over-reacting" to the multiple arrests/violations occurring in recent years.

While I'm sure my donations will never get me an invitation to the President's box in Ohio Stadium, there are thousands of alums just like me, for whom "Ohio State" is the name on the diploma hanging in their office; "Ohio State" is the name on their resume' under "Education"; and, "Ohio State" is part of their lives 12 months of the year, not just 11 Saturdays in the fall.

We love watching the Buckeyes win games as much as any other fan, but we also expect the program to reflect the ideals of the University - OUR ideals - and we do NOT think winning and proper conduct are mutually exclusive concepts. If you still think that's too much to ask, then forget about "proper conduct"...how about they just stop getting suspended and arrested?
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paladin - fascinating post. What you are suggesting is staggering to anyone who is hearing these accusations for the first time.

I am not calling you out but I am struggling to come to grips with the discrepancy between what you suggest and everything else I have heard and read of Jim Tressel up until now. For example -

1. Why did Andy Geiger go to a lower division coach with no track record at 1A and roll the dice if he had this background? At the time it was precisely JTs reputation off the field that was the selling point that Geiger pushed. We were winning under Cooper after all - it was off the field problems that cost him his job.

2. Why has Jim Tressel had such great success recruiting in Ohio if this is the reputation he has? You are a former HFC in Ohio. What is the special perspective that you have that is not shared by other Ohio HFCs that they are so eager to send their kids to Ohio State?

3. Despite all of the off the field problems OSU has had the past few years where is the first instance that a player was not disciplined? Where is the first evidence of any sort of cover up by the football program of any player misconduct?

The NCAA has investigated and found nothing. What is their incentive to participate in some sort of cover up?

4. ESPN has spoken to everyone who has ever driven across the state in search of dirt on the OSU football program, Andy Geiger, and Jim Tressel. Why did none of this surface? Why would folks like Tom Friend who did not hesitate to report information that has since been debunked hesitate to report good stuff like this?

Again, I am not calling you out. But your list clearly implies not simply that these things happened, but that they were somehow orchestrated by Jim Tressel or somehow the responsiblity of Jim Tressel (else what is their relevance). I do think it is fair to question a picture that is so different than any other that has been painted to date of Jim Tressel - particularly when that picture is painted by an anonymous poster on a message board.
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Wow paladin, i didnt know all that, but a couple questions??

Iunder Tressel--
One player from Canton McKinlry involved in murder was recruited by him to YSU,the big boys wouldn't touch him
What was his involvement?? and did he get in trouble while at YSU???

One player was sent to prison for sexual assault-- later to be released(just in time) to join the team & go to the play-offs.
Why was he released? Did he serve any punishment by Tressel?

Multiple players arrested for drugs & dealing drugs.
One player was sent home from a National Championship game because he failed an NCAA random drug test.
Assaults,shop lifting , theft,NCAA investigation ( Tressel was the AD and this story is too long to tell, but "cover-up" is the result).
What did Tressel do? Nothing?
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paladin1aa said:
...under Tressel--
One player from Canton McKinlry involved in murder was recruited by him to YSU,the big boys wouldn't touch him
One YSU player (All American)was murdered by a gang involving another Tressel FB player.
One player was sent to prison for sexual assault-- later to be released(just in time) to join the team & go to the play-offs.
Multiple players arrested for drugs & dealing drugs.
One player was sent home from a National Championship game because he failed an NCAA random drug test.
Assaults,shop lifting , theft,NCAA investigation ( Tressel was the AD and this story is too long to tell, but "cover-up" is the result).

I've color-coded your statments so that I can address each one in kind:

"Involved" in murder. Obviously he was innocent of any involvement else he would've been in prison instead of at YSU.
Someone murdered by a gang in Youngstown...how shocking. Tell us which "another Tressel FB player" was a member of the gang. Was this player still on the team at the time, or was he a former player?
Played released from prison. Do they let guilty persons out of prison? How long was he in there?
How many players? Your use of "multiple" could mean two or three, although you imply many more.
Which NCAA title game was this?
Tressel was coach in one of the toughest towns on the entire fucking planet for 15 years, and you expect boy scouts. Shit will happen.
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paladin1aa said:
I purposely stayed out of this until you brought me in. OSUGrad21 is correct -- I'm a former HFC in Ohio.

All of you know the success Tressel had at YSU -- 4 National Titles and 2 Runners-up. Now let me tell you what you may NOT know. YSU is a I-AA school that other than winning FB games not much is said about . Little media attention. Yet , under Tressel--
One player from Canton McKinlry involved in murder was recruited by him to YSU,the big boys wouldn't touch him
One YSU player (All American)was murdered by a gang involving another Tressel FB player.
One player was sent to prison for sexual assault-- later to be released(just in time) to join the team & go to the play-offs.
Multiple players arrested for drugs & dealing drugs.
One player was sent home from a National Championship game because he failed an NCAA random drug test.
Assaults,shop lifting , theft,NCAA investigation ( Tressel was the AD and this story is too long to tell, but "cover-up" is the result).
Everyone in the area KNEW what was going on and still, no one wanted the "good times" to stop. Little media attention here

Tressel is a great FB coach. But his "standards" and his "discipline" are a different story.He is a PR genius.

But at some point you have to ask yourself --winning at all costs ?? OSU has a reputation to defend. It owes a great deal to protect its integrity, its alumni ,students and fans & friends of the University. It also has $$$ contributers that are fed up. Not just boosters, but people who support OSU, the institution.

Other than argue with idiots on a computer board at Buck-Nuts, suffice it to say there are changes coming. OSU as an institution and as a FB program is bigger than a few misfits. The other players are being hurt by this.

Its not Tressel's program. Its Ohio St.'s program. BIG Difference.

Great post. It is hilarious how many ignorant OSU fans will defend JT just because he won a NC. Of course, they will trash Bowden or even Lloyd Carr for the same thing, but nobody has ever accused the average Buckeye fan of being intelligent.
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Lots of questions. Answers (i think to most) -- RB at Canton McKinley was Adrian Brown who should have been a D-I recruit. Big boys wouldn't touch him because he was involved in a Raymond Williams ( Benedictine) situation in H.S. Brown was relatively free of trouble at YSU , but was watched closely. Became YSU leading rusher.

Patton, the player involved in sexual assault was taken back on the team after being released from prison. Know of no punishment. Fortunately, YSU lost their record breaking rusher and another 1000 yd back , but released ( presto), ,Patton became the leading rusher and took the team to the play-offs.
The NCAA investigation ( Tressel was the AD as well) was stalled long enough that statue of limitations expired and a national title was spared( miraculously). But the former YSU Prez swears he was lied to( during investigation).

Let me sum up, Tressel "disciplined " players, some when he had a public knowing what was going on. Others ?? A game suspension here or there.Few players dismissed ( but there were some). And a serious question needs to be asked -- did the "discipline" hurt the team from winning ??

Many of us wondered what would happen in the "fishbowl known as OSU". You will ultimately have to answer the question of --does Tressel have control, is the discipline effective , is the character of the players good, etc.

I like JT. Ohio coaches like JT.He is considered a decent guy but there are questions. I want to win ( at YSU or OSU). But at what price ??

The Geiger question -- JT was a candidate while at YSU for the Maryland HFC job. And its AD?? --Geiger. Geiger brought in a coach with a reputation for winning as he knew JT before.. My take -- Cooper was fired for losing to Mich. & not winning bowl games. His players may have been out of control, but losing cost him his job. Now JT is winning , but his "boys" are still "bad" .
Difference -- WINNING. FRankly, Gieger was a fund raiser and a builder,not a supervisor. And I don't know what Geiger knew about him, other than the winning.

Now what ??
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