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tOSU Indiscretions of May (Mega Merge)

I for one have a hard time with some of the stupid actions taken by certain players at OSU and I'm growing weary of the sustained damage it does to my Alma Mater like the rest of you. I hope that our new AD, Coach Tressel and the Seniors get our house in order soon. As for Haw I hope the best for him, regardless of the recent events. I think we all forget sometimes what a bunch of numbskulls we all were when we were Haw's age. Two things that helps me sleep better at night is: I do believe in Coach Tressel and Maurice Wells is going to be a superstar.


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lvbuckeye said:
oh, come off it already... the kids at Ohio State are red blooded Americans between 18 and 22 just like the kids at any other football program in America... what i really want to know is: which hurts worse; the fact that our kids are just like all the kids at any other school, or the fact that you can no longer comfortably hurl stones at other schools? PLEASE ANSWER THAT QUESTION.
I'll answer that question - I don't give a shit about hurling stones at other schools nor am I pacified by the notion that our kids "are just like all the other kids", as though that should be the goal of our program. Unlike you, I expect Ohio State to be BETTER than other schools, and if all it takes to be BETTER is to have a few less kids arrested for drugs, a few less kids arrested for robbery, and a few less kids accepting prohibited gifts, I don't think that's too much to ask. After all, I'm not asking them to split atoms in their spare time, I'm asking them to stop getting arrested.

once again, i am NOT condoning nor am i justifying the illicit actions of any members of the Ohio State Football Program,
(remember, everything before "but" is BS)

but for Pete's sake, we are talking about kids here... like it or not, they are getting their first experience of true freedom, and the bad choices that they make are something that comes with the territory... it's called growing up... maybe you forgot that portion of your life? or were you born a 45 year old?
Nope, I was a kid, too. I also graduated from Ohio State, and to this day I've managed to not get fucking arrested. Until now, I had no idea what a major achievement it was to avoid handcuffs.

YOU CANNOT TEACH WISDOM. it is something that only comes through experience, and more often than not, learning from your mistakes...
Really? I didn't know I needed to run afoul of the law to gain wisdom.

well, i guess that when you are born fully matured, you miss a valuable life lesson called "WHO CARES WHAT 'THEY' FUCKING THINK!" if your sole criteria for satisfaction is what others think or say about you, then you are in for a truely rotten life... so, FUCK the people who talk shit, they don't really give a shit about us, so why the fuck is THEIR opinion held in high esteem? they can all eat a dick for all i care...
I don't care nearly as much about what "they" think as I do about what I think, and I still don't think it is too much to ask that our student-athletes go to class, obey the law, and follow the rules. Amazingly, millions of kids manage to "grow up" and gain "wisdom" without getting suspended or incarcerated.

Way to raise the bar there, buddy. :roll2:
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Schafer charged with disroderly conduct.

I shit you not.

The online version apparently isn't up yet so I will paraphrase.

It happened at 2:21 Saturday morning outside Blues Station bar. He and some other guy were fighting after the police had TWICE previously told them to break it up. They both had blood, bite marks and - hold on to your seats - smelled of alchohol. Both were charged. Schafer is 21.

In other news, the majority of the OSU football team has not been arrested in serveral days.

I know people are going to start jumping on Schafer for being stupid, but how can you hold someone accountable for their actions when they are drunk?

I just freakin give up.
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From the Columbus Dispatch:

Defensive lineman charged with disorderly conduct
Sunday, May 22, 2005


An Ohio State defensive lineman was charged with disorderly conduct early Saturday morning for his role in a brawl, making him the third Buckeye to face criminal charges in 11 days.

Tim Schafer, a 21-year-old junior from Upper Arlington, must appear May 31 in Franklin County Muncipal Court.

At 2:21 a.m. Saturday, Columbus Police Lt. Thomas A. Quinlan spotted Schafer fighting with Justin Willis, 22, of 353 E. Lincoln Dr., in an alley outside Blues Station, a bar in the Arena District. Twice in the previous hour, police officers said they had found the men scuffling and had told them to break it up.

Quinlan said both men were bloody, had bite marks and smelled of alcohol.

Willis, like Schafer, was charged with disorderly conduct and also must appear in court May 31. Both were treated by medics, then released on their own recognizance.

Schafer, who is 6 feet 5 and 290 pounds, started the first five games last season at right offensive tackle and appeared in 11 of 12 games. He was switched to defense during spring practice.

Other Buckeyes charged recently were kicker Jonathan Skeete on May 11 for marijuana trafficking and running back Erik Haw on Wednesday.
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What's the new over/under on arrests?

Maybe things just happen in 3s?

Or maybe the over/under should be 9 days for the next arrest? VBets? May 31st and after or... before midnight May 30th.

If the averages hold true of late we'll have another 10-11 arrests by Miami. :wink2:

**On another note**

Is it me or does it seem like the kids who are locals are the ones winding up in all the trouble? Better connections or what?

Those pukes up in Ann Arbor should stop coming down and giving our guys pot and starting fights with them. They should really be ashamed. :tongue2:
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