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tOSU Indiscretions of May (Mega Merge)

I was the deleter, not the deletee (just some michigan troll ragging on the Haw bust).

To be perfectly clear I do not have a personality disorder and I have never been sober.
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And the rationalizations continue. :roll2:

Apparently, anyone who is fed up with the stupid shit that our players are doing off the field, over and over again, is a chicken little who thinks the sky is falling, or is over-reacting as though the players killed someone.

And how do we reach those conclusions?

Because Coop had the cops call him first and JT does not. Because other schools cover up similar transgressions by their players. Because some of us smoked weed when we were students at OSU.

Well, hell, I feel a lot better now. I'll just ignore the bad press afforded my alma mater, repeatedly, because some of our football players find our laws inconvenient. I'll just ignore having our gridiron accomplishments tainted by the negative publicity, as well as watching our reputation sink to the level of "The U", "Free Shoes", "Tennecheat" and scUM. As long as we compete for the "NC", I'll just ignore all of it. After all, "everybody else" does it, so it's no big deal. :shake:
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oh, come off it already... the kids at Ohio State are red blooded Americans between 18 and 22 just like the kids at any other football program in America... what i really want to know is: which hurts worse; the fact that our kids are just like all the kids at any other school, or the fact that you can no longer comfortably hurl stones at other schools? PLEASE ANSWER THAT QUESTION.

once again, i am NOT condoning nor am i justifying the illicit actions of any members of the Ohio State Football Program, but for Pete's sake, we are talking about kids here... like it or not, they are getting their first experience of true freedom, and the bad choices that they make are something that comes with the territory... it's called growing up... maybe you forgot that portion of your life? or were you born a 45 year old?

YOU CANNOT TEACH WISDOM. it is something that only comes through experience, and more often than not, learning from your mistakes...

well, i guess that when you are born fully matured, you miss a valuable life lesson called "WHO CARES WHAT 'THEY' FUCKING THINK!" if your sole criteria for satisfaction is what others think or say about you, then you are in for a truely rotten life... so, FUCK the people who talk shit, they don't really give a shit about us, so why the fuck is THEIR opinion held in high esteem? they can all eat a dick for all i care...
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Bucknuts Ballistica & Mr. Mangold - A Proposal for Moderation?

Bucknuts Ballistica & Mr. Mangold

Man -- as divided as opinions are on this subject it is strange indeed to see VLMarti stepping, time an time again to try and talk folks off the ledge over at Bucknuts (see link).

Here is one exchange -- with the primary protagonist -- one paladin1aa

Junior Varsity
Posts: 421
(5/20/05 12:45:32 pm)
Re: National Champion Thugs <hr size="1"> IOU -- Haw should get what penalty JT dishes out. Its going forward from here. A line in the sand needs to be drawn. And people cut loose.
The quality of athlete being recruited is not an issue. Their character is. We are bringing too many misfits to the program.

My position here is that the FB team is out of control and reflects badly on students and alumni. Many thousands of alumni are upset that OSU is being held up to scorn & ridicule and has for several years. Education here comes first. You come for an education, not FB. Those are the people who many are forgetting. They donate time & money to OSU.

Where are their concerns being met ?? We fans are split now, but many are calling for firm measures or else.

I have had 3 phone calls with prominent people. This is going to be dealt with. Some fans may not like whats coming, but its long overdue.

Rogues are deadmeat. Buck Fever -- Catch It

Edited by: paladin1aa at: 5/20/05 12:47:22 pm
And this ---
Junior Varsity
Posts: 422
(5/20/05 2:25:54 pm)
Re: National Champion Thugs <hr size="1"> Wolfie -- So the plunder and pillage is to continue ??

Sorry , but the wheels are already in motion.

And you will shortly see whats going to happen. Buck Fever -- Catch It
And then this from another
Heisman Winner
Posts: 3386
(5/20/05 5:52:05 pm)
Re: National Champion Thugs <hr size="1"> Yes, I am 48 so I'm old fashioned. I believe:

1) Haw should be kicked off the team for being so STUPID to smoke a joint in such an open area.
2) Haw should be kicked off the team for being so SELFISH and having little regard for the University's reputation.
3) Haw should be kicked off the team for VIOLATING team rules that I must assume he agreed to uphold.
4) Haw should be kicked off the team to set an EXAMPLE that no more of this nonsense will be tolerated.

For the record, I've said the same thing about Skeete and about Smith.

To be a student athlete here or anywhere else carries extra responsibilities in this information age. These public relations disasters are diseminated too widely and too quickly. They damage the reputations of institutions and people not deserving of such damage.

It's a different era that we live in now. In my younger days, issues like these would have been grounds for immediate dismissal. Our society is now far more tolerant. I would guess that's why these occurrences continue and/or occur more often.

Apparently, not enough players respect Tressel and the staff ENOUGH to pay attention to the rules. Or, they are just so selfish that they just don't give a damn. Fine. Let them go somewhere else.

Regardless, JT now needs to be held accountable. If he cannot create an environment that greatly reduces the liklihood of these occurrences, then he should go. He, and the football team, are not bigger than the University.

Having been an OSU fan since 1967, its pains me to say all this. But with these occurences now numbering well in to the teens, this is beyond isolated incidences. This is an epidemic. And curing an epidemic requires drastic measures.

Just my opinion....
To which VLMarti (Mr. Mangold) replies tangentially --

Posts: 1639
(5/20/05 6:02:01 pm)
Re: National Champion Thugs <hr size="1"> Well, I too am 48 and I have been a Buckeye fan since 1968.

Of course, I am not sure what that relevation has to do with the subject at hand.

Concerning paladin's meltdown, I am indeed concerned. I hope that he does not prognosticate for a living becuase his read of the tea leaves on this matter is certainly skewed.

My heart aches everytime I read somebody bashing a young man that they don't even know. It is hurtful, but I suppose the justification is based upon one's ability to purchase a game ticket and to buy some Buckeye trinkets. With those credentials in hand, the fan can feel empowered to be judge, jury, prosecutor and jailer.

Oh well, it should be August soon. Every year that my son has attended OSU I have had to endure the May-to-August crazy period. This year is no exception.

The season cannot come fast enough!

In all our discussions concerning these young men and their actions, ill-considered or noble, it would be useful to keep in mind the VLMarti's of this world, and their children.. of whom we speak.
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I wonder who these 3 phone calls palinwhatever were to?? I guess it's over then, he obviously has the pull to single-handedly decide punishment for tOSU football players.....I'll anxiously await his press conference......

I'd also like to see him tell Haw to his face what he thinks.....
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