have you ever driven over the speed limit? rolled a stop sign? because THAT IS ILLEGAL. PERIOD... look, about ten years ago, i got popped on campus with some herb, and literally got a TICKET. yes, technically, i was under arrest, but they didn't even take my picture or fingerprint me... yes, what he did was illegal, but only for the simple fact that the Gov't cannot regulate a substance that you can grow in your kitchen... stop comparing what he did to felonious behavior, because what he did, according to the eyes of the law, was as serious as driving 80 in a 65... actually, not even as serious, since he won't get any points on his license... he will be fined $100 for minor misdemeanor (he'll probably get it reduced to a Disorderly Conduct) and will get it expunged from his record after one year... stop blowing this out of proportion...
concerning the fact that news gets out so fast now, the internet is a double edged sword, no? BTW, did you know that campus Police used to have Coop's home phone number on speed dial, so he could go bail his players out and hush it up? yup, it's true... part of the reason that we hear about every infraction now, is that when Tressel first got to Ohio State, he told the cops that he didn't want them to call him, because the public humiliation that comes with thousands of people calling you a dumbass mere moments after you get caught, is a bit of a deterrent...