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Game Thread tOSU at Sparty - Sep 29, 3:30 ET, ABC

Bell gets just 45 yards rushing. Total of 34 yards on 22 attempts. That kind of stat line sounds very familiar. Buckeyes win TOP by 0:27.

I also think that they turned a bit of a corner today. Good to be the underdogs. Good to win. Good to see Meyer's relationship with the team.

I go to bed happy!
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This was a great great win today. Lot's of mistakes and problems to correct, but the team fought and came through with the win. That says something about the future of this year and the program. The offense and defense made the plays they needed to make to win.

Miller showed me something today as well. Made a huge throw and played banged up to end the game and secure the win. He needs to hold onto the ball, but this was a huge game for this team to build off of.
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Magua;2224329; said:
If I hear one more remark about how ugly bad sluggish or boring our game was followed by how exciting and awesome and great with video game like numbers the wvu Baylor games as I am going to go kick down a fence. If OSU ever played in a game like that I would stop watching at halftime because where the FUCK is the defense!? Jesse Palmers stupid ass didn't make one remark about poor defense either.

133 points in a game is not exciting, it is embarrassing.
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You know, I'm not nearly as knowledgeable as a lot of folks on here, but it sure is refreshing to see a lot of hard work from the players and the coaching staff pay off today. Braxton appears to me to have grown up today, despite the turnovers. Just jumped in, so if I'm a parrot, oh well. It's been a long time since I've had the "good feeling" from a win. :oh:
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Bucky Katt;2224297; said:

So much this :biggrin:
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