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Game Thread tOSU at Sparty - Sep 29, 3:30 ET, ABC

This is a very good win for the young Buckeyes. Lots of stuff to use to motivate them to study and play even more intensely. Nice win for Meyer, it gets him started off right and should help stop Dantonio from recruiting so well in Ohio.
Good win for Miller, now he knows he can tough out the tough games.
Good win for Hyde, the 4th quarter got him into the game and will whet his appetite.
Good win for both lines, Hank and Fragel were great.
Good win for the DB's as I could tell they were playing better, but need to stop non tackling.
Great win for just cuz I say so ....:oh::io:
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OhioState001;2224400; said:
Cry babies

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In all seriousness, the defense really impressed me
considering how I thought they'd play.

Looked like the 2005, or 2009 unit against the run.
Sparty averaged 1.5 ypc today. Outstanding.

Shazier really grew up today. Didn't overrun plays. Flew to the ball.
Was decent at shedding blocks. Didn't biff on trying to make huge hits.
I didn't see him make crucial mistakes. Very encouraging.

Bino had his high points and low points.
C.B. at nickel back is a troubling sign.
I see they finally put in Doran in the late 3rd.

OJ had 3 huge hits to prevent 1st down conversions.
Had the huge non attempt on the tackle that led to the touchdown though. Need 100% effort every play.

The holding calls were maddening. Aside from that, Howard played ok
and Roby was pretty damn good. For a team scared to put our defenders
in consistent man coverage. I thought they held up quite well.

Front four is great against the run. Pass rush is still a bit inconsistent.
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Buckeneye;2224413; said:
In all seriousness, the defense really impressed me
considering how I thought they'd play.

Looked like the 2005, or 2009 unit against the run.
Sparty averaged 1.5 ypc today. Outstanding.

Shazier really grew up today. Didn't overrun plays. Flew to the ball.
Was decent at shedding blocks. Didn't biff on trying to make huge hits.
I didn't see him make crucial mistakes. Very encouraging.

Bino had his high points and low points.
C.B. at nickel back is a troubling sign.
I see they finally put in Doran in the late 3rd.

OJ had 3 huge hits to prevent 1st down conversions.
Had the huge non attempt on the tackle that led to the touchdown though. Need 100% effort every play.

The holding calls were maddening. Aside from that, Howard played ok
and Roby was pretty damn good. For a team scared to put our defenders
in consistent man coverage. I thought they held up quite well.

Front four is great against the run. Pass rush is still a bit inconsistent.
Yeah, aside from the awful touchdown sequence, that was a HUGE step forward...especially considering how sparty was throwing some odd sets in there.

The lack of a consistent pass rush is still kinda baffling to me, though...
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Jeremy Sampson ‏@jeremysampson10
#MSU coaches were not happy with #OSU tape exchange where shifts and motions on offense were edited out. #BIG10 office has been notified.

That might explain that less than pleasant exchange between coaches at the end of the game. Dantonio looked like a very unhappy soul.
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Bucknut24;2224415; said:
After watching this game, and seeing/hearing about all this stuff after the game..I have officially lost all respect for Dantonio

The cheap shot he just took at OSU was an absolute disgrace. Puts him right up there with Bielema in the d-bag line.
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Buckeneye;2224420; said:
Call me uneducated on this topic if you will - but what in the blue hell is a tape exchange?

I'll assume it means giving their coaches tapes of our offense/defense and vice versa...?

Correct. Bie-enema caused a kerfuffle when he didn't give their's to Oregon State a few weeks back...
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