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Game Thread tOSU at Sparty - Sep 29, 3:30 ET, ABC

I love seeing Urban/team this happy. They deserve it after all of what happened last year and all the bumps so far this year. What a game, and yet again there's still much we could improve on like turnovers and getting off the field on 3rd down.

Great Game by the defense. What a performance by them and it's good to see them gang tackle and play tight coverage.

What else can you say about Braxton Miller. Turnovers aside he made plays when we needed them. 9 Sacks last year and only 1 today great performance by the Oline.
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well, now that i've caught my breath..

Overall, good (not great cause of some awful secondary play) effort from the defense, holding Bell to under 50 is amazing, tackled well for the most part, hopefully getting Barnett back will help a bit

Offense...some bad play calling IMO, great effort from Brax overall, tough runs, still needs work on seeing the field, don't think that can be denied, hopefully that just gets better over time

Mr. Carlos Hyde needs more carries, very very good running the ball today, especially had those 2 clutch runs on the last drive
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If I hear one more remark about how ugly bad sluggish or boring our game was followed by how exciting and awesome and great with video game like numbers the wvu Baylor games as I am going to go kick down a fence. If OSU ever played in a game like that I would stop watching at halftime because where the FUCK is the defense!? Jesse Palmers stupid ass didn't make one remark about poor defense either.
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Only got to see the last OSU possession as I had to work late but what I saw looked like OSU power football to kill the clock. That was heartening going into the B1G season. Sounds like the D showed out against Bell too. Maybe they've turned the corner.
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