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Game Thread tOSU at Purdue, Noon ET Nov 12, BTN

MililaniBuckeye;2035017; said:
If the defense doesn't have about 20 missed tackles, we win the game. Oh, and did we blitz even one [censored]ing time today? I cannot remember a single blitz.

Agreed. We respected Turdcutter, Turdbush, whatever his name is WAY too much. What happened to the LB'ers pinning their ears back and getting after the QB?!
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MililaniBuckeye;2035017; said:
Oh, and did we blitz even one fucking time today? I cannot remember a single blitz.
Seriously? That's hard to do.

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You know that rumor (or report) about Gene Smith showing up at Limited Brands Headquarters on Morse?

I keep laughing at the thought of the AD of Ohio State getting Les Wexner's dry cleaning or something.
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@BCastOZone CJ Barnett said there was another miscommunication on 3rd down pass in OT. Said "maybe guys weren't paying attention."
Boostinlsj;2035053; said:
I agree, but it seems to be the only pass play they know:(

The wind also looked to be a big factor.
PDBuckeyes Doug Lesmerises

Asked Jim Bollman why Buckeyes don't throw more short/midrange passes. Said those require precision. Implication is OSU not very precise
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