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Game Thread tOSU at Purdue, Noon ET Nov 12, BTN

osugrad21;2034918; said:
Most damning commentary of the game..."Jake Stoneburner had 4TDs in the first 2 games and has had 4 catches since"

Not sure about accuracy but its close...sad.

and those TDs were thrown by Joe. Not sure what that means other than the team went back to a very basic running game... Stoneburner dropped a few in the past few games and wasn't targeted at all today. There's hope for the future though, Braxton Miller. :osu:
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utgrad73;2034955; said:
and those TDs were thrown by Joe. Not sure what that means other than the team went back to a very basic running game... Stoneburner dropped a few in the past few games and wasn't targeted at all today. There's hope for the future though, Braxton Miller. :osu:

Not disagreeing at all but if we are judging targets by drops...who do we ever throw to?
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osugrad21;2034957; said:
I'd say playcalling...and QB development. With a run heavy offense, a TE like Stoney should be lethal.
We have alot of plays and formations but we need a philosophy built around a formation and a group of plays and counters that we can execute when things break down or the game is close..in my mind we have way to much of an O for a freshman QB and WR's..
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Jaxbuck;2034904; said:
But he's the one that's been in charge of the offense that has pretty consistently done all of the things you mention year in and year out.

He's gone and OSU will be better for it.
Don't take my post as sticking up for Bollman. I won't speak to playcalling as I'm no offensive genius. I was merely pointing out it was much more than playcalling that lost this game whereas many wanted to lay the blame solely at Bollman's feet.
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CHU;2034971; said:
For the life of me, I still cannot figure out why so many bombs or deep-routes called for a true freshman QB.


Someone ask for me?
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CHU;2034971; said:
For the life of me, I still cannot figure out why so many bombs or deep-routes called for a true freshman QB.

Doesn't make any sense that they can't find a decent game plan that caters to Braxton's abilities. Just look at freakin Purdue today...you can't tell me Terbush is half the athlete Brax is...but they let him throw short safe passes...mix up the runs quite a bit...inside and outside runs. Roll him out of the pocket...get him some confidence. What the heck do we work on in practice? Running up the gut and throwing the bomb? It just doesn't make sense that this far into the season, the coaches can't get any more creative with the playcalling. :(
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