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Game Thread tOSU at Purdue, Noon ET Nov 12, BTN

TresselstillownsTSUN;2034906; said:
I hate to lose, but watching our spoiled ass fan base meltdown is always a [censored]ing glorious thing to watch.

It can be funny, but pretty sad at the same time. Luckily it's just temporary. People's expectations this year were absolutely ridiculous. I'm just numb at this point though.
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shiznit7;2034917; said:
It can be funny, but pretty sad at the same time. Luckily it's just temporary. People's expectations this year were absolutely ridiculous. I'm just numb at this point though.

Losing games I thought we would win is enough to make me break things. With the way the season has gone, luckily, I expected (accepted?) the remote possibility of Purdon't winning this, and planned accordingly. (Alcohol)
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Jaxbuck;2034915; said:
Why wouldn't they?

UNRANKED school rushing the field after beating another UNRANKED team.... Makes perfect sense to rush the field. :bonk:

Here I'll even add to it... UNRANKED school who'm rushed the field ALSO beat same UNRANKED team two years ago... Then again, this is the most excitement those corn fuckers have gotten to see since they planted their crops.
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osugrad21;2034918; said:
Most damning commentary of the game..."Jake Stoneburner had 4TDs in the first 2 games and has had 4 catches since"

Not sure about accuracy but its close...sad.

As for the rest of the commentary...I don't know where they hired those guys, but they had absolutely no idea what was going on. All game. 90 seconds left..."Is this 4 down territory?" WTF? Saying the EP hit the crossbar? Homie say huh? Saying it was a first down in OT when he was 4 yards short? Uh....what?
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OHSportsFan9;2034920; said:
I just feel numb.

It's surreal watching this joke of an offense.

[censored] Michigan. Seriously. Just win that game. Please.

If you want to feel better, I think Buckeyes still aren't last in Total Passing. Also, only a couple more games left (for those who dislike the offensive coaches).

The real decision may be for the administration: Let the current coaches coach the team in bowl practice -- if there is a bowl -- or let a new guy use the practice for next season.

This isn't a Lloyd Carr situation, as Carr had somewhat of a tenure and it was out of respect (w/ Rich Rod on the sidelines).
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