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Game Thread tOSU at Purdue, Noon ET Nov 12, BTN

bkochmc;2034881; said:
As fun as it is to discuss Bollman... he's not the one that overthrew receivers. He's not the one who missed way too many tackles. He's not the one that killed offensive "drives" with penalties. He's not the one that left a hole in the middle of the line on the blocked XP. Need I go on?

So you figure Bauserman for this?
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ysubuck;2034883; said:
Again, no offensive game plan beyond run it down their throats.

The tight end has ceased to exist at Ohio State. Indiana could throw with their freshman yet Ohio State's coaching staff can't implement any type of threat with Braxton's arm.

I'd love to know what they practice all week. Dave right, Dave left, Wildcat?? Seriously, what do they do during their offensive team practices?

Can't imbed video.

They're going to sing Kumbaya.
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Onebuckfan;2034888; said:
I posted it earlierI think the players have been told of a Bowl Ban..looked flat especially Simon Howard, Moeller and the OL. Most in their last year..

I don't know if you're talking about this season (bowl ban), because Simon and Howard have another year of eligibility.

Moeller and the Brew Crew are the seniors.
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bkochmc;2034881; said:
As fun as it is to discuss Bollman... he's not the one that overthrew receivers. He's not the one who missed way too many tackles. He's not the one that killed offensive "drives" with penalties. He's not the one that left a hole in the middle of the line on the blocked XP. Need I go on?

But he's the one that's been in charge of the offense that has pretty consistently done all of the things you mention year in and year out.

He's gone and OSU will be better for it.
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ysubuck;2034883; said:
Again, no offensive game plan beyond run it down their throats.

The tight end has ceased to exist at Ohio State. Indiana could throw with their freshman yet Ohio State's coaching staff can't implement any type of threat with Braxton's arm.

I'd love to know what they practice all week. Dave right, Dave left, Wildcat?? Seriously, what do they do during their offensive team practices?

I honestly think the offense would be better if they called their own plays. Or just played backyard ball.

As for the defense, poor tackling and poor angles. I think they may feel the pressure of needing to make a play to help the offense. Trying to strip the ball has been a reason for many missed tackles.
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If tOSU defense is pretty good, then why do most of the short routes, slant passes, and screens work? I suspect they are not and other teams have figured this out. And why... with Stoneburner being a stud at the beginning of the year, would you move away from plays that would utilize him?

Sigh. I had high hopes for this coaching staff, but even my patience is gone. Don't think two final wins and a bowlgame(?) would be enough to salvage them.
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