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Game Thread tOSU at Purdue, Noon ET Nov 12, BTN

CookyPuss;2034831; said:
Kid made a great throw there with 2 guys in his face. The blocked XP was the killer in this one. Didn't see that coming.

The XP could've saved us but there were plenty of killers today on both sides of the ball. We put ourselves in a position where one XP mattered.
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A team that Wisky crushes and doesn't score, scores on us and we don't score on them? I don't understand. The predictable play-calling caught up this game. QB draws, wildcat, and rushes up the middle, every team knows it's coming. If the O doesn't get long gains on a rush, is usually when the drive fizzles. No passing game doesn't help. A down year and we had a chance to go to the inaugural B10 championship game, blown to a bad bad team.
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Purdue deserved this win, that's all there is to it. Ohio State got out-played.

This team knew what it had to do; win out, get some help from Penn State, and they're in. And they blew it.

It hurts, but I almost expected them to lose this game anyway. This team is just so inconsistent.
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