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Game Thread tOSU at Purdue, Noon ET Nov 12, BTN

I stopped watching and went into my office when Marve converted the run past Howard.

Did they rush the field again?

Also, run -- run -- deep-routes -- incomplete -- punt


Wildcat -- run -- deep-routes -- sack -- punt.
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Coaching and preparation never gave this team a chance this week.

This staff has absolutely no idea what to do when Plan A doesn't work. Tressel was the same way.

The silver lining in all of this is there are only two games left with this offensive staff.

I feel bad about losing the D staff as the new hire will want his guys, but this offense is just plain terrible. They look like they don't practice all week.


And Purdue fans should rush the field. Their team is terrible and they know that Purdue at their best should never beat OSU at their worst, yet here it is 2 out of the last 3 years and the OSU offense gives the team absolutely no shot to win.
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