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Game Thread tOSU 21, TSUN 10 (Nov 21, Noon ET, ABC)

Couple of tidbits:

-Beanie is also the only OSU player besides Paul Warfield to score a TD in 3 games vs scUM.

-We were talking about the 1961 team in another thread so I read up on The Game in '61. Woody was up 42-20 with :34 seconds left and the ball on his own 20. He proceeded to call a bomb to Warfield that went to the scUM 10, then another pass play to score the TD. To top it off he went for 2 to make it an even 50. Final was OSU 50 scUM 20. :biggrin:
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CalvinistBuck;1598608; said:
And I remember, after 2002, TSUN fans were saying, "Let's see if Tressel can win with his own players."

Pathetic bastards.
Yes.. let's see if Tressel can...

Tressel's first recruiting class was prior to the 2001 season. Thus, the last class of Coops players was the 2000 class. (Yes, we can probably reasonably argue that most of the 01 class was Coops too, but... it doesn't matter here, lol)

Ohio State's last loss to Michigan, of course, was 2003. The class of 2000's 4th year, or - leaving out 5th year seniors - the last year Tress had any players who weren't his.

Tressel is thus 5-0 with his own players.

Considering possible 5th year Sr's of Coops - they're still 4-0. And, even if we give Coop credit for parts, or even the bulk, of the 01 class and consider 5th year players, Tress is 3-0.

Yep.. anyway you slice it, Tressel's done just fine with his own players.

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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1598615; said:
Yes.. let's see if Tressel can...

Tressel's first recruiting class was prior to the 2001 season. Thus, the last class of Coops players was the 2000 class. (Yes, we can probably reasonably argue that most of the 01 class was Coops too, but... it doesn't matter here, lol)

Ohio State's last loss to Michigan, of course, was 2003. The class of 2000's 4th year, or - leaving out 5th year seniors - the last year Tress had any players who weren't his.

Tressel is thus 5-0 with his own players.

Considering possible 5th year Sr's of Coops - they're still 4-0. And, even if we give Coop credit for parts, or even the bulk, of the 01 class and consider 5th year players, Tress is 3-0.

Yep.. anyway you slice it, Tressel's done just fine with his own players.


Yes, sir. Great stuff. It's so good to be a Buckeye!

I can't believe I waited five years to post on this (or any) site.

(Without sounding too patronizing, BP is a great place. This is a great vehicle to release tension during Michigan Week.)
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Ohio State at Michigan MatchupsQBRBWROLDLLBDBSTCoach
:slappy::slappy:NCAA College Football Take 2 - College Football - ESPN - ESPN
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Seriously, I've got that feeling in my stomach that can only be explained by this game. It's getting hard to focus on anything else.

I can't even explain my feelings for this game at this point.

Well, besides...

"Fuck Michigan!"
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Gerbils live for five years.

There are no gerbils alive today who have seen Michigan win The Game.

Once we finish business Saturday the older generation of muscrats and leopard frogs must resign themselves to the same fate.

Just a bit of perspective.
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