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Game Thread tOSU 21, TSUN 10 (Nov 21, Noon ET, ABC)

Jaxbuck;1598609; said:
Couple of tidbits:

-Beanie is also the only OSU player besides Paul Warfield to score a TD in 3 games vs scUM.

I believe Muck City's finest, Santonio Holmes is in this company. Caught two TD passes @ scUM in 2003. Smoked Marlin Jackson for a score to finalize the rout in 2004. Then he caught a late score back up there in 2005, the one where he got penalized. (It's easy to forget the 2003 game :wink2:)
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MililaniBuckeye;1598892; said:
Beanie is likely to be the only player in history to have a 50+ yard TD run in each of three consecutive games against the same opponent...

That's whay I will always love Beanie...there are no words to adequately describe how he apefucked dUMb during his tenure. While he was in the lineup, it was obvious we were going to be OK on rivalry Saturday. That's a feeling I've rarely had.
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Any one who watches football would have to love to see Beanie run.
I would like to mention another RB who scorched tsun pretty good in recent years, Antonio Pittman.
He had a 50 yard td just before Beanie had his. He was the main ball carrier in that game.
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naptownbuck;1598881; said:
I believe Muck City's finest, Santonio Holmes is in this company. Caught two TD passes @ scUM in 2003. Smoked Marlin Jackson for a score to finalize the rout in 2004. Then he caught a late score back up there in 2005, the one where he got penalized. (It's easy to forget the 2003 game :wink2:)

good call, I completely missed that one.

Still a pretty exclusive club.
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Ttown;1598927; said:
Any one who watches football would have to love to see Beanie run.
I would like to mention another RB who scorched tsun pretty good in recent years, Antonio Pittman.
He had a 50 yard td just before Beanie had his. He was the main ball carrier in that game.
Beanie had his 50 yard touchdown run in the second quarter I believe, while Pittman's came in the second half.
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Merih;1598985; said:
Quoted For Truth.

Pittman had two great games against SCUM. GW TD in '05, backbreaking TD in '06.

Watch at the 4:12 mark and see how eerily similar John Woolridge run in 1985 was to Pittmans run in 2006.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u2IoMYcsYA"]YouTube - 1985: Ohio State v. Iowa (Drive-Thru)[/ame]

About 3:30 mark for Pittmans run

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9AcjXi5Bm0"]YouTube - Ohio State vs. Michigan 2006 Highlight Video[/ame]
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Stolen footage from Michigan practice:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMdIHuzJRbw&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Bethel College Football Trick Play[/ame]
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