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Game Thread tOSU 21, TSUN 10 (Nov 21, Noon ET, ABC)

JXC;1598393; said:
:slappy: at you writing out [censored].

Welcome to BP. I get a little fired up, this week. Not as fired up as Buckyle though. If there is anybody that doesn't think this game is the most important game every year, then us two and our beards will kick your ass.

Go Bucks!!!
Beat Blue!!

You can't O-H an O-H....two :io::io:'s for both of you. LoL

If you want you can :ho: an O-H

woops ment to put the :io:my bad. thanks for correcting that so you get an :oh:
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In honor of Brandon Minor being injured (listed as doubtful) for yet another game, I whipped this up:

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Bravo Stewie, you genuinely made me chuckle with these...

Hey Stewart -- PLEASE tell me you were joking in your Nov. 15 column where you quoted Jim Tressel as saying that his team can take a couple days off this week because Michigan has no defense!
-- Chad Hartness, Middletown, Ohio

No sir, I was dead serious. I snuck into the Buckeyes' locker room after the game and saw the whole scene. He said it, and then he ripped off his sweater vest, drank a glass of raw eggs, clenched his biceps and shouted: "HEY RICHROD -- WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN TRESSELMANIA RUNS WILD ON YOU?!"

Are you trying to give the Wolverines a little bulletin board material? Absolutely NO WAY did Tressel make the statement attributed to him in "Looking Ahead." And after the meltdown the Bucks overcame in the last quarter against Iowa, no OSU fan with common sense should utter or even agree with such nonsense! Say it ain't so, Stew!
-- Gary Line, Hobe Sound, Fla.
OK, OK, I'll leave you with an actual, true story from Saturday.
After the postgame interviews had ended, a few other writers and I trekked back to the other side of Ohio Stadium to get back to the press box. As we were walking down the concourse (alongside the bathrooms and the concession stands, etc.) toward the elevator, a car started coming toward us -- driving right in the middle of a stadium concourse.
We stepped to the side, and as the red, Toyota Venza drove past, we looked into the passenger-side window and saw ... coach Tressel, munching on a turkey sandwich.
A triumphant coach, literally riding off into the night. In a Venza.


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Less than 2 and a half days until kickoff.

So damn close. I can feel it. This is what we live for. Ohio State Football. End of the regular season. This is all that matters for the next 365 days. I don't give a damn for any national perception. Never ever ever lose sight of this game. Nothing else matters. We will live with this victory for the next year. Each and every play will be remembered. We don't get a shot at those arrogant fucks but for once every year.

I fucking hate Michigan.
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Two days until The Game!!! Was able to get tickets today for face value from a friend of a friend who is a Notre Dame and Michigan alumni and said he'd rather stay home and watch the ND game on TV than go see Michigan get beat. So there will be two more seats in Michigan Stadium that will have Scarlet and Grey in them instead of Maize and Blue. We are in the section that will be the second "O" in the Stadium "O-H-I-O" cheer that will go on several times throughout the game.

Should we start a red out campaign? We could get Michigan fans who are so pissed off at their program to wear red. I'm serious...I bet some would do it! Anybody who knows how to start a chain email that can go out to Michigan fans/students...get it started.

Call it..."Go Blue...Wear Red"
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[Tressel] said it, and then he ripped off his sweater vest, drank a glass of raw eggs, clenched his biceps and shouted: "HEY RICHROD -- WHATCHA GONNA DO WHEN TRESSELMANIA RUNS WILD ON YOU?!"
I giggle at the thought.

The funny thing is, after hearing all the stories about Laurinaitis, such as Freeman wanting to know the proper way to hit with, or be hit by, a folding chair, and Tressel explicitly telling the guys that they could do whatever they want as long as they didn't throw Troy Smith through a table, it makes me wonder how many wannabe pro-wrestlers are inside the locker room passing on JL's tricks.
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Ok im probably going to get chastised for this post but wanna share some thoughts. I know we are a better more physical team then scUM and i know we have more talent but... Something about this game kinda scares me a little. Maybe i just cant remember owning scUM so handily ever in my lifetime as a buckeye fan but i just think it may get a little scary in the shit house this weekend. Anyone else feel this way?
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