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Game Thread tOSU 21, TSUN 10 (Nov 21, Noon ET, ABC)

jwinslow;1597906; said:
Correction, the offense is a lot better outside of b10 play. Most use their overall statistics, but look at the numbers within the conference.

7 B10 games before OSU: 168 pts (08), 164 pts (09)

Let's look at the common opponents. I'd argue that PSU, ILL & Purdue all got worse from last year.

08 | 09 | Oppon | Diff
20 | 13 | Illinois | -7
17 | 10 | PSU... | -7
21 | 20 | MSU... | -1
42 | 36 | Purdue | -6
27 | 24 | Wisky. | -3


I guess its pretty easy to pad stats against the likes of WMU, EMU, and Delaware State
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jwinslow;1597906; said:
Correction, the offense is a lot better outside of b10 play. Most use their overall statistics, but look at the numbers within the conference.

7 B10 games before OSU: 168 pts (08), 164 pts (09)

Let's look at the common opponents. I'd argue that PSU, ILL & Purdue all got worse from last year.

08 | 09 | Oppon | Diff
20 | 13 | Illinois | -7
17 | 10 | PSU... | -7
21 | 20 | MSU... | -1
42 | 36 | Purdue | -6
27 | 24 | Wisky. | -3


And if anyone wants more evidence, just watch them play. They suck. No, really. They do suck.

When's the last time TSUN came into the game with two wins or less in the B10? Answer: last year. When's the last time TSUN came into the game with only one win in the B10? You know the answer to this one.

They suck. Like I said before, TSUN has earned the right to receive a brutal ass-whipping.
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BUCKYLE;1597920; said:
This week, that [censored] doesn't matter. It's [censored] Michigan Week!

After missing (parts of) more games this season than all other seasons combined, I think I'm even more fired up to watch this whole game. If anyone steps in front of the t.v., may Woody have mercy on his soul. I went the [censored] off on some old lady at work yesterday. I was sitting quietly, eating lunch, and she starts talking [censored]...so I let her have it. Pretty sure I called her an idiot at one. But that's ok, because she is. She was wearing a TSUN jacket.

Yeah, this week has me on edge. I live in NW Ohio so I have to put with an unfair share of TSUN clothing and delusional fans. Yesterday, I insulted the director of the YMCA because he was wearing a Michigan sweatshirt. He was speechless. Stupid fucker.
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CalvinistBuck;1597930; said:
Yeah, this week has me on edge. I live in NW Ohio so I have to put with an unfair share of TSUN clothing and delusional fans. Yesterday, I insulted the director of the YMCA because he was wearing a Michigan sweatshirt. He was speechless. Stupid fucker.

I know what it's like having grown up less than a mile from the de-militarized border myself. Friends turn against each other, and some days, as in my family, you have to look your father in the eyes and say, "Fuck you old man!".

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BUCKYLE;1597920; said:
After missing (parts of) more games this season than all other seasons combined, I think I'm even more fired up to watch this whole game. If anyone steps in front of the t.v., may Woody have mercy on his soul. I went the fuck off on some old lady at work yesterday. I was sitting quietly, eating lunch, and she starts talking shit...so I let her have it. Pretty sure I called her an idiot at one point. But that's ok, because she is. She was wearing a TSUN jacket.

Why am I having visions of you telling her you were on your lunch break?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17VrLTWxw2A]YouTube - Bad Santa - Santa having lunch[/ame]
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buckIalum;1597942; said:
I know what it's like having grown up less than a mile from the de-militarized border myself. Friends turn against each other, and some days, as in my family, you have to look your father in the eyes and say, "[censored] you old man!".


I'm so tired of hearing inane comments like "Ann Arbor is closer than Columbus."

And I say, "Fucking Canada is closer than Washington D.C. Do you root against the USA in the Olympics? You live in Ohio. You're a Buckeye, asshole."

That reminds me. An Ohio kid is on the TSUN campus and asks, "Where's the library at?" The reply was, "At Michigan, we don't end our sentences with a preposition." To which the Buckeye says, "Where's the library at, asshole?"

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Given the state of UM football right now, they will get a TON of mileage out of a close game on Saturday.

Remember how much mileage ND got out of the Bush Push game with USC? Christ, you would have thought they won that fucking game the way ND fans were talking.

I think UM is in a similar spot right now. A close game = a win for their program.

OSU needs to throttle them and I think Tress knows that.
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ysubuck;1597969; said:
Given the state of UM football right now, they will get a TON of mileage out of a close game on Saturday.

Remember how much mileage ND got out of the Bush Push game with USC? Christ, you would have thought they won that fucking game the way ND fans were talking.

I think UM is in a similar spot right now. A close game = a win for their program.

OSU needs to throttle them and I think Tress knows that.

If a close loss gets RR a 10 year extension then by all fucking means lets play some extreme Tresselball.
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CalvinistBuck;1597930; said:
Yeah, this week has me on edge. I live in NW Ohio so I have to put with an unfair share of TSUN clothing and delusional fans. Yesterday, I insulted the director of the YMCA because he was wearing a Michigan sweatshirt. He was speechless. Stupid [censored]er.

I feel your pain. as I write this I am at work in the Domino Farms office complex in you guessed it, Whore Town.

Surrounded by poor Meatchicken fans. Trying to drum up some excitement because 94-year old Earl Bruce was quoted as saying that he hopes Michigan coaches lose their job!!!!

I had to learn a little humility after the Purdue game, and i don't want to have to go through that again.... so we better SQUASH the scUMMers saturday, and make it convincing.

I guess I would be satisfied with a win of any kind, but... hoping for a dominant performance.

Can't wait for the sports pages' photo's sunday morning of RR with his lip curled up and a look of despair on his face, like "what in the world did I get myself into???"

too bad. I lived through the Cooper years, and we are still catching up.
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Jaxbuck;1597971; said:
If a close loss gets RR a 10 year extension then by all fucking means lets play some extreme Tresselball.
No thank you. Zoltan The Space Punter already gives them a pretty significant advantage in the special teams/field position department (for once this decade), and despite the heroics last week we're still putting our faith on the toe of a walk-on 3rd string former soccer player who is 50% on the year?

Screw the Tresselball; throttle these sons-of-bitches!
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UpNorthBuckeye;1597990; said:
I feel your pain. as I write this I am at work in the Domino Farms office complex in you guessed it, Whore Town.

Surrounded by poor Meatchicken fans. Trying to drum up some excitement because 94-year old Earl Bruce was quoted as saying that he hopes Michigan coaches lose their job!!!!

I had to learn a little humility after the Purdue game, and i don't want to have to go through that again.... so we better SQUASH the scUMMers saturday, and make it convincing.

I guess I would be satisfied with a win of any kind, but... hoping for a dominant performance.

Can't wait for the sports pages' photo's sunday morning of RR with his lip curled up and a look of despair on his face, like "what in the world did I get myself into???"

too bad. I lived through the Cooper years, and we are still catching up.

I know what you are going through. The company that I work for is out of Fraser Mi. Nothing will make me happier than a big ol' can of whoop ass opened on *ichigan. I have been useless at work this week, every moment i get I am on this site.

We don't give a damn for the whole state of *ichigan, the whole state of *ichigan, the whole state of *ichigan, cause we're from OHIO!
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Dryden;1597994; said:
No thank you. Zoltan The Space Punter already gives them a pretty significant advantage in the special teams/field position department (for once this decade), and despite the heroics last week we're still putting our faith on the toe of a walk-on 3rd string former soccer player who is 50% on the year?

Screw the Tresselball; throttle these sons-of-bitches!

The good news is we have nothing to lose. I can see a throttlin' a happenin'. We've got the Rose Bowl and Big Ten title locked up. We already lost to a bad Purdue team. Let's lay it on them.
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If you are going to the game and have never been to the Big House here is a word of advice. Hit the head waaaay before half time. The walk way up the stands are very narrow and it gets backed up as people head for the rest rooms and concessions. Also, tail gate. There is really no Hinneygate or anything of the sort. Definately not the show but a great venue. :oh:
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