jwinslow;1597906; said:Correction, the offense is a lot better outside of b10 play. Most use their overall statistics, but look at the numbers within the conference.
7 B10 games before OSU: 168 pts (08), 164 pts (09)
Let's look at the common opponents. I'd argue that PSU, ILL & Purdue all got worse from last year.
08 | 09 | Oppon | Diff
20 | 13 | Illinois | -7
17 | 10 | PSU... | -7
21 | 20 | MSU... | -1
42 | 36 | Purdue | -6
27 | 24 | Wisky. | -3
I guess its pretty easy to pad stats against the likes of WMU, EMU, and Delaware State