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Game Thread tOSU 21, TSUN 10 (Nov 21, Noon ET, ABC)

Buckrock;1598019; said:
If you are going to the game and have never been to the Big House here is a word of advice. Hit the head waaaay before half time. The walk way up the stands are very narrow and it gets backed up as people head for the rest rooms and concessions. Also, tail gate. There is really no Hinneygate or anything of the sort. Definately not the show but a great venue. :oh:

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Buckrock;1598019; said:
If you are going to the game and have never been to the Big House here is a word of advice. Hit the head waaaay before half time. The walk way up the stands are very narrow and it gets backed up as people head for the rest rooms and concessions. Also, tail gate. There is really no Hinneygate or anything of the sort. Definately not the show but a great venue. :oh:

He's right. The bathroom situation there is criminal. However, I'd probably pee my pants before I'd miss a single play.

As for the tailgating. Right, again. Bring your own party. If you're not looking for trouble, those pansies will leave you alone.

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CalvinistBuck;1598031; said:
He's right. The bathroom situation there is criminal. However, I'd probably pee my pants before I'd miss a single play.

As for the tailgating. Right, again. Bring your own party. If you're not looking for trouble, those pansies will leave you alone.


Just pee on the scummers sitting in front of you.
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We have a new tradition started between the Bucks and scum. It's like the blood donation contest, and is called the tOSU - scun belly button jewelry contest.
Ohio State won this years contest and here is our entry;
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My son started his soccer season last week on Tuesday with his first practice.

At said practice, my son asked the coach what day the first game was scheduled and the answer was Nov. 21st.

This would not be a concern if I was still living in Ohio as I could listen to The Game on the radio while watching my son play, but living in SFL it is a concern because The Game will not be on the radio. (Sat. radio, I know, but I am not paying for something I would listen to maybe 5 min a day).

Anyway, just got word his game doesn't start until 4:45pm that day.

Allllrrriiiiggghhhhtttt! Giggity!

Fuck *ichigan.
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I'm sick and tired of hearing local sportcasters, fuck the names, worry about how the rivalry is losing it's luster nationally. WHO THE FUCK CARES WHAT THE RIVALRY MEANS TO THE NATION. I only care what it means to me, and other TRUE Buckeye fans. I don't even care what it means to crappy Michigan fans. I know that I want to beat Michigan EVERY year. I know that I want to beat them more than any other school. This game means more to me than ANY bowl game could mean. To me, Ohio State football was created for ONE reason, and that's to BEAT MICHIGAN.

This year is just as important for this game as any, if not more. Because Michigan is bad. They are awful. And we have a chance to destroy them, just like we did last year (42-7...Michigan SUCKS). And WHENEVER you have the chance to kick the crap out of Michigan, you take it. The Buckeyes should hit harder, play harder, and try harder than they ever have, because they KNOW Michigan is down...they should smell blood and attack, attack, attack!!! Ask any former Ohio State football player if they would have liked the chance to play a Michigan team with a losing record and kick the crap out of them??? I assure you every one would answer, "Hell yeah!"

I love years like this because THEY don't happen too often. I love when Michigan is bad. And I know for sure their fans wouldn't feel sorry for us if we were bad. I know they didn't feel sorry about beating us in 1999 and costing us a bowl bid. They were arrogant. They were mean. DON'T FORGET THAT! They wanted nothing but the worst for us, and I'm never going to want anything but the same for them. I hope Michigan is bad next year, too. I hope they suck. I hope Rich Rod gets fired, and some other idiot comes in and sucks just as bad. But you know what, if they win all their games, like 2006, then big deal, we will go beat them anyway. You want to know a guy on THIS team that gets it? Kurt Coleman. He will be playing harder and more fired up than he ever has. Just watch him. He is going to be "That Guy" this year that is ALL OVER EVERY TACKLE. You know where he gets it from? Malcom Jenkins. Malcom Jenkins was all over everywhere last year. And Jenkins got it from guys like Gholston...and so on and so on. Every upperclassman on this team has learned what this game means from guys who have come and gone. And they pass it on to the younger guys. This Saturday is what being a Buckeye is all about. It's the only day of the year that truly matters. Every week we may ask ourselves, What did I do to beat (insert name of team we are playing this week)? That's fine...but EVERY DAY of the year, we also should ask ourselves, "What did I do today to beat Michigan?" I KNOW that Tressel has each and everyone one of his players thinking this way. It's why they work harder in practice. It's why they work out just that extra bit harder in the off-season. It's to win THIS GAME!

What is the first question that people ask former Ohio State football players? What was your record against Michigan? And I can tell you that those who can say 4-0 say it with the biggest damn grin on their face. Nobody asks...what was your record against GOOD Michigan teams. They don't care. If Michigan was 11-0 every year you played them, and you went 1-3, then nobody is going to be impressed. It doesn't matter. It's Michigan. BEAT THEM. DAMMIT BEAT THEM!!!
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scarletmike said:
Preach it brother! [censored] *ichigan! [censored] them until they scream for mercy, and then kick them while they're down. They don't get one bit of mercy, not one. The whore must die.

:slappy: at you writing out [censored].

Welcome to BP. I get a little fired up, this week. Not as fired up as Buckyle though. If there is anybody that doesn't think this game is the most important game every year, then us two and our beards will kick your ass.

Go Bucks!!!
Beat Blue!!

NUTS4theBUCKS28 said:
i say we keep the whore alive and keep bangin that skank year in and year out:oh:

You can't O-H an O-H....two :io::io:'s for both of you. LoL

If you want you can :ho: an O-H
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