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Game Thread tOSU 21, TSUN 10 (Nov 21, Noon ET, ABC)


"We want to beat them every year, every year, every year. And that's what we're doing," he said. "I'm all for five in a row, six in a row, seven in a row, and I'd be fine with a couple of coaches getting fired. That wouldn't be bad either."

Coach Bruce is awesome!

toledoblade.com --

God, I love Michigan Week!
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Since RichRod took over the Michigan Job:

Combined Big Ten Record
Ohio State 13-2 .867
Penn State 12-3 .800
Iowa 10-5 .667
Michigan State 10-5 .667
Northwestern 9-6 .600
Wisconsin 8-6 .533
Minnesota 6-9 .400
Illinois 5-11 .313
Michigan 3-12 .200
Indiana 2-13 .133

Stated differently

Combined Big Ten wins in 2 seasons under RichRod: 3

Teams with 3 or more Big Ten wins in 2008 alone: Ohio State, Iowa, Penn State, Wisconsin, Northwestern, Michigan State, Minnesota, Illinois (That's 8 of 11 Big 10 teams)
Teams with 3 or more Big Ten wins in 2009 alone: Ohio State, Iowa, Penn State, Wisconsin, Northwestern, Michigan State, Purdue, Minnesota, (That's 8 Big 10 Teams)

In other words, only Indiana (2008, 2009), Illinois (2009) and Purdue (2008) have failed to reach the 3 win plateau in any one season, and it's taken Michigan 2 seasons combined to reach that level. Only Indiana (well, and Michigan) has failed to win 3 games or more in any of the two seasons considered out of each Big Ten school.

Of those 4 squads, Michigan lost to Illinois (2009) and Purdue (2008) and did not play Indiana 2008. They beat Indiana 2009... barely.

The most recent Big Ten sequence of 2 years which saw Michigan struggle the most was 1965-66 where they were 6-8 .429
1965 Michigan was 2-5 in conference
1966 Michigan was 4-3 in conference (including a win over Ohio State, who was 3-4 in conference, 4-5 overall)

Michigan would follow up 1966 with a 3-4 in conference record in 1967.

Now, by way of comparison, as relative to the other Big Ten Schools over that same time span (1965-1966):

Michigan State 14-0
Purdue 11-3
Ohio State 9-5
Minnesota 8-5-1
Illinois 8-6
Michigan 6-8
Northwestern 5-8-1
Wisconsin 4-9-1
Indiana 2-11-1
Iowa 1-13

Consider: It was over 40 years ago that Michigan was this bad. And at their then worst, they were still able to double their current win total (6 to 3) in one less game (to this point). At their worst, they were still 6th best in the Big 10.

Depending on the results from this Saturday, Michigan will have to go 6-2 in conference to tie their worst 3 year span in conference in over 4 decades.
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OHSportsFan9;1598457; said:
Less than 2 and a half days until kickoff.

So damn close. I can feel it. This is what we live for. Ohio State Football. End of the regular season. This is all that matters for the next 365 days. I don't give a damn for any national perception. Never ever ever lose sight of this game. Nothing else matters. We will live with this victory for the next year. Each and every play will be remembered. We don't get a shot at those arrogant fucks but for once every year.

I fucking hate Michigan.


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Yes. The numbers do not lie. TSUN really does suck.

During the Cooper era I consistently stated that Michigan sucked. And, in principle, they did indeed suck. But as a football team, there were times when they had some pretty decent teams.

But, now? They really do suck! On every level!! It's a glorious thing!

Preach it! Bring out the numbers for everyone to see! Watch the film! Listen to them talk! They really, truly suck! And, there's no end in sight!!

I love this.
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This is probably the most excited about a game that I have been for an OSU game since the 06 Game and the 02 NCG, and I am loving it! *ichigan sucks, and you can't deny it. They're led by a guy who has earned his nicknames and reputation quite well, and who keeps on trying to make excuses for why his program sucks. This is the perfect opportunity to continue exacting revenge on those fucks, and I hope we show no mercy, because you know damn well they wouldn't show us any.

Let's make it 6 straight, and fuck *ichigan!

Almost forgot, let's not leave anyone hanging this week! :io:
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1598532; said:
Since RichRod took over the Michigan Job:

Combined Big Ten Record
Ohio State 13-2 .867
Penn State 12-3 .800
Iowa 10-5 .667
Michigan State 10-5 .667
Northwestern 9-6 .600
Wisconsin 8-6 .533
Minnesota 6-9 .400
Illinois 5-11 .313
Michigan 3-12 .200
Indiana 2-13 .133

I think northwestern is the biggest surprise team on that list and a lot of the credit has to go to fitzgerald....BUT WHO [censored]ING CARES WE'RE ABOUT TO KILL MICHIGAN.

(Also just found out last night that I have a ticket to the game :biggrin:)
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Jaxbuck;1598564; said:
I cannot wait to explain to someone the difference between getting McNeeled and getting Tatered.

Hopefully we can go ahead and paint the end zones on this one.

Is that anything like getting McGuffied? :)

Haven't skimmed this whole thread, but was wondering if they've named the 4th captain yet?
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ysubuck;1598569; said:
Just watched highlights from 2004-2007.

Troy was magic.

THE Wolverine killer.

Just because its fun to talk about look at Beanie's case for the title.

59 carries for 412 yards (6.98 ypc)
4 TD's (TD runs of 52, 59, 62 yards)
222 yards in the '07 game is the OSU record for The Game.

and that's really all in only 2 years as a starter.
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