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Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

I was impressed with Walker. Good patience, solid burst, and seemed extra slippery. He made TEverett look silly twice early on. When he had space, he was dangerous....it was the progress of the game that slowed him down. CW out-thought himself tonight.
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Congrats to the seniors, Coach Tressel, the players, and all of Buckeye Nation...er, Planet!

Ohio State now holds the lead in the all-time series over Notre Dame 3-2. Coincidentally, Ohio State now leads the series 3-0 since mankind discovered that the world isn't flat.
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38.2 PPG, 489 YPG, 334 Pass YPG, 154.8 Rush YPG for Notre Dame.
21 Points, 360 Yards, 294 Pass yards, 66 Rush yards tonight.
Only scUM held ND to fewer points than OSU did. A very good defensive performance.

What a friggin' game. Could have, and arguably, should have been a lot worse than that. Over the last two games, we have made so many mistakes, but have managed to win them both. Anti-Tresesel ball? If this offense can avoid turnovers and can iron out some of these special team miscues, this offense could be (even more) electric next year.

The big plays were unbelievable!!! 68 yard run, 60 yard run, 85 yard pass, 56 yard pass, 44 yard pass! Those five plays accounted for 313 yards and all four touchdowns, in addition to the 44 yard pass setting up one of the field goals.

Charlie Wies is a helluva coach and ND is going to be a force with which to be reckoned if he can continue to recruit as well as he has so far this year. However, ND just didn't seem to have the athletes to keep up with the Bucks tonight.

Tonight, OSU clearly proved that they are, at worst, the 4th best team in the nation, and the way they are playing right now, I honestly believe that they could play with any team in the nation.

Congratulations for a wonderful season fellas!!! I can't wait for next year!!

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90 yards and 3 TDs is pretty good out of Walker, especially against the best defense in the country I'd say. On the other hand, OSU covered both of our hot receivers perfectly all game, and our passing game went no where. Not to mention we failed to pick up the blitz on a number of occasions, which resulted in incompletions and sacks.
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what a great win for the buckeye seniors........all of them will be missed, but looking forward to next year i think it was good to get larinitus (sp) some valuable playing time, it will only help him, plus kerr already knows what big ten football is already about seeing he played a key role in indiana's defense his fresh year..........it is sad to see holmes go, but he has to do what is best for his family, and we should be more than okay with gonzo and ginn at wideouts
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I was impressed with Walker. Good patience, solid burst, and seemed extra slippery. He made TEverett look silly twice early on. When he had space, he was dangerous....it was the progress of the game that slowed him down. CW out-thought himself tonight.

Weis seems to be one of these guys that thinks he dictates the game. I don't mean that as praise or criticism, just observation. Looking at his post-game quotes, he gives the impression that he will control what happens during a game. Same thing with his pre-game comments regarding ND's two losses, he stated that he was disappointed with his performance. I am curious to see how involved he becomes with the defense as his career evolves. Without a doubt, he holds himself in high esteem. On a side note, I was very impressed with Walker as well. I thought ND could have stuck with the run a little longer.
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BuckeyeKid, the holding calls definitly went both ways, but I'm certainly not using that as an excuse for losing this game. We were certainly outmatched, and no change in officiating would have changed anything. There were definitly a lot of overlooked holding penalties though, there was one on our DE Talley that could have allowed him to get to Smith sooner, but he just missed the sack. OSU just played well on both sides of the ball and were deserving of the win.
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Honestly, I though the officiating was a bit uptight. There were several calls that I thought were kind of ticky-tack. This is a big game, let them play. It was certainly not the WORST officiated game since the bowls started. If you desire to feel that the officiating was more to ND's benefit, then do so, but I have seen games that ND was involved in that the officiating was more off kilter. It doesn't matter anyway. We still won.
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Yes, but I also saw many non-calls on the tOSU offense also...Holmes on one Pittman run was not called (maybe the TD)

Agreed, I think both teams could find instances of missed calls at some point in the game, but these officials let the players decide the game on the field. Overall I thought it was a very well officiated game.

Secondly, I must admit I was expecting a lot of pass interferance calls against us. I can remember only one. Major kudos for the secondary as this was my only concern coming into the game.
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Just watched Mili's clip of Pittman's TD run. Yeah, there was a little jersey grab there by Holmes. If you're gonna get away with one, it might as well be on their best defensive player.

Mili, big ups on posting clips so soon.
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secondary concerns eased!!!

going into the game I was very concerned about the size of the ND WRs... The secondary did a fine job today!!!! BTW, I think Hawk would look great in a browns uniform... lord knows they need someone to stop the bleeding on defense.
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