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Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

From CFN-stream of conciousness

While it doesn’t feel quite right to get excited for all these games on January 2<SUP>nd</SUP> instead of January 1<SUP>st</SUP>, it’s hard not to be jacked up for this one. I’ve gone on the record to say I think Ohio State is fantastic and will have too much on offense for the Irish; I’m thinking this will be a shootout with tons of big plays. … The bowl season has been outstanding so far that the BCS games are due to suck. … Forgive me if I’m bitter and grouchy. Between the Benadryl, DayQuil, NyQuil, Claritin, and any other over-the-counter drug you can think of, my body is waging a pharmacological war against cold/flu/dog dander. … I’m already sick of promos for ABC’s lousy lineup of programming. I want to meet the person who’s actually excited for the series premier of inJustice. Actually, no I don’t. …. How far do we get into the broadcast without a Maurce Clarett reference? … My kingdom for one teensy-weensy tidbit of info or entertainment from this ABC “milk the ad dollars” pregame show that STILL has 15 minutes left until kickoff. … Wow. Laura Quinn, Brady’s sister is mega-hot. A.J. Hawk is not an attractive man. …

First Quarter
Notre Dame on its own 28
- You have to love the fearlessness on the first play of the game. Jeff Samardzija had Ashton Youboty beaten by a good five yards on a deep post, but he couldn’t hang on.
- This is going to be a long day for the Buckeye secondary if it’s not ready to handle the deep ball.
- This is going to be even a longer day if the Buckeyes can’t tackle. Darius Walker busted through a few stops on his first two carries.
- Quinn is getting four days to throw. Ohio State has done absolutely nothing on the first four plays. It’s jump ball time for Samardzija or Stovall.
- Or else
Walker will simply coast into the end zone. Notre Dame ripped through the Buckeyes like it wasn’t even there. Walker read inside where Hawk was looming, and bounced it outside for a stunningly easy 20-yard run. This game is going to be a ton of fun.
Notre Dame 7 …
Ohio State 0
Ohio State on its own 18
- Notre Dame is playing far more jacked up. They’re more active and showing a bit more fire so far.
- Third and long. Troy Smith overshot a wide-open Ted Ginn Jr.
- Smith takes off for the first down. It’ll be there all day long for him; he’ll get to run the option as much as he wants to.
- Very, very soon, OSU has to get the ball to Ginn or Santonio Holmes on the move to test the speed of the Notre Dame secondary.
Ohio State can’t survive if it keeps getting into third and long situations.
- I could be reading this wrong, but with still ten minutes to go in the first quarter, Notre Dame’s defensive line appears a bit gassed. All four have their hands on their hops and are breathing hard. Was it too amped up too early?
- Apparently so. The line were held in place for a good four count and Smith found a wide-open Ginn for a 56-yard touchdown. I know Ohio State’s defense is decent and can potentially slow down Notre Dame, but Notre Dame’s defense won’t be able to stop the speed of the Buckeyes.
Notre Dame 7 …
Ohio State 7
- Thank goodness someone found another vehicle for the multi-talented John Stamos. Jake in Progress has winner written all over zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Notre Dame on its own 20
- Yet another pass, and yet another play Ohio State’s defensive line doesn’t get close to Quinn.
- OSU isn’t tackling well. Darius Walker isn’t that slippery.
- I’m watching this on a widescreen TV. This isn’t flattering to ol’ Chuck Weis. Then again, I’m one to talk after firing down a bucket of Godiva chocolate covered pretzels.
- OSU isn’t generating any pressure, but that’s also because Quinn is doing a good job of sliding around so his line can pick up the blocks.
- It’ll be interesting to see what kinds of chances the Buckeyes take to get to Quinn. That’s when the really big plays should start.
- I hate it when teams get too cute. Everything is working for the Notre Dame blocking scheme, and then it screws around and runs a bootleg-throwback play that had no hope of working. It killed all the momentum of the drive.
Ohio State on its own 10
- Antonio Pittman did nothing on the first drive. It’ll be interesting to see how long OSU sticks with the ground game to try to ear down the Irish line.
- As interesting as this game is, after watching football since early this morning with the start of the Cotton Bowl, I can hear men all across America starting to doze off. It just feels like nap time.
- Great play from Corey Mays and the Irish defense to force a Smith fumble. Smith appeared to try to make a play that wasn’t there.
Notre Dame on the
Ohio State 15
- How is Walker getting that much room so close to the goal line? The Irish blocking scheme has been nearly flawless.
- Where’s the OSU defensive speed? Where are Hawk and Schlegel? They’re been blocked tremendously well.
- I know I’m questioning Charlie Weis, but where are the jump balls into the end zone with the tall receivers?
- Why is Brent gushing so much comparing Weis to Bill Parcells? Tuna hasn’t won squat in almost 15 years. Parcells could only wish he had the recent success of Weis.
- And there’s A.J. Hawk. On fourth and one, Hawk was in Quinn’s face from the word go and didn’t let him get the throw off. Once again, Notre Dame went away from what worked blocking the OSU front seven.
- Unnecessary, but fortunate shot of Laura Quinn number three.
Ohio State on its own 14
- Pittman finally is getting some room to run.
- Entertaining first quarter. It lived up to the hype so far.

First quarter score: Ohio State 7 ... Notre Dame 7 <!-- BEGIN: AdSolution-Redirect-Tag 4.3 : collegefootballnews.com / Pixel_Tag --><SCRIPT language=javascript src="http://a.as-us.falkag.net/dat/dlv/aslmain.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=javascript type=text/javascript>Ads_kid=100906;Ads_bid=0;Ads_xl=1;Ads_yl=1;Ads_bt='';Ads_xp='';Ads_yp='';Ads_xp1='';Ads_yp1='';Ads_wrd='';Ads_prf='';Ads_par='';Ads_cnturl='';</SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=javascript src="http://a.as-us.falkag.net/dat/njf/41/collegefootballnews.com/pixel_tag.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="http://a.as-us.falkag.net/dat/bjf/00/10/09/06.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=JavaScript>function Ads_PopUp() {}</SCRIPT><SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="http://a.as-us.falkag.net/dat/brf/00/22/60/21.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>

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Second Quarter
- And then there’s Ted Ginn Jr. After doing a great job of adjusting to help out Smith on an 18-yard pass, he ran a reverse with a thrilling, creative run for a score. As good as Notre Dame is, it just doesn’t have the overall defensive speed to keep up.
Ohio State 14 … Notre Dame 7
- Firewall. Didn’t we already do this with Ransom and Air Force One?
Notre Dame on its own 20
- Samardzija is getting open, but he isn’t making plays.
- Now the Irisih receivers aren’t getting open. Quinn isn’t finding an open second or third receivers, and now Ohio State is finally starting to get pressure.
- I know I’m harping, but it just doesn’t seem like Notre Dame is able to run with OSU on either side of the ball.
Ohio State on its own 26
- I love Brent, but he seems a bit off. He’s rambling too much.
- Notre Dame is starting to play a bit frustrated. It’s making some silly penalties.
- AFLAC Trivia Question: Who said, “I’m the best recruiter Notre Dame ever had.”? No clue. I’ll be wacky and say Woody Hayes.
- Pittman is getting more and more room to motor. As crazy as this might sound considering it’s 14-7, this has blowout potential in a real hurry unless Notre Dame can make, and capitalize, on more big plays on both sides of the ball.
- Did Brent just call Tom Zbikowski a former Golden Globes boxer?
- We have a Santonio Holmes sighting. The Buckeye receivers are wide open.
- And there’s the break the Irish needed. Smith made an awful pitch on the option to Ted Ginn on what would’ve been a sure touchdown.
Notre Dame on its own nine
- Go up top. Try to stretch the field a bit more and bomb away.
- AFLAC Trivia Answer: Woody, because he pushed recruits who wouldn’t go to OSU to Notre Dame.
- Something is missing from this game that I can’t put my finger on. There has been some big plays and moments of excitement, but it’s a bit dry. Maybe it’s building.
- Can we go one freakin’ second without a freakin’ promo for something ABC does? Judging by the coverage of the baseball playoffs, I’m sure this will get better once Fox gets the BCS (cough).
- Notre Dame is pick, pick, picking its way down the field on slant patterns and quick hitters. It got the offense out of a jam.
- Notre Dame’s running plays are now taking too long to develop allowing the speedy Buckeye defenders to get time to get around Walker. Yes, once again I’m questioning Chuck.
- It almost seems like Quinn is throwing to not make a mistake instead of letting it rip. It’s like he doesn’t want to give up the big play the other way.
- WONDERFUL punt from D.J. Fitzpatrick. Notre Dame is making the breaks, but it has to capitalize.
Ohio State on its own one
- Just over four minutes to go and in command, relatively speaking, Ohio State needs a few first downs just to get out of this bad field position.
- I’ve been waiting years for this. The officials chastised the camera people for the overhanging camera being too close to the field.
- Notre Dame can’t account for the mobility of Smith, who took off when he had to for a first down.
- Beating a dead horse time; Notre Dame isn’t fast enough. Santonio Holmes blew past the DBs on a straight post pattern for an 85-yard score.
- Oh cut it out. Santonio Holmes doesn’t deserve a celebration penalty for giving the We’re No. 1 before getting across the goal line. He appeared to be acknowledging the Buckeye fans in the end zone. That’s a total crap call.
- Gary on Troy Smith: “He had that alteration at the beginning of the season.”
Ohio State 21 … Notre Dame 7
Notre Dame on its own 26
- Ohio State is hopping now. The defense is flying all over the place.
- Notre Dame’s receivers aren’t doing anything to help Quinn out.
- Brent: “Charlie’s going to have to figure out what kind of love he’s going to use at halftime.” A big, giant bear hug and smooch on the forehead won’t make your defensive backs faster.
Ohio State on its own 34
- With 1:42, this could really be over by halftime if the Irish D doesn’t come up with a big play here.
- Smith is sharp and throwing darts, but an ND defensive back has to take a chance and anticipate one of his out routes.
- We have our first Maurice Clarett mention.
- OSU is going five-wide, On the ND 40, why not bomb deep again?
- How do you know things are going down the tubes? Zbikowski missed an open field tackle.
- Why not take a few shots in the end zone? OSU moved it well underneath, but there wasn’t time for passes in the middle of the field.
- With the way things are working, why not fake it here? I know it would be a momentum changer, but you could end this thing.
- Josh Huston’s kick gets tipped, but Brent and Gary must have been gone getting a hot dog and didn’t comment on it until late. Will this change things in the second half?
- Ha, ha, ha … Notre Dame’s school promo was all about how the dough from this game will go to the school’s academics. That and Charlie’s contract.

First Half Score:
Ohio State 21 – Notre Dame 7

Third Quarter
Ohio State on its own 24
- According to Jack Arute, Jim Tressel’s halftime adjustment was for no more turnovers. That’s not an adjustment, that’s a prayer.
- I’ll say it. I really do want to see more of Queen with Paul Rogers.
- OSU on a third down. I said earlier that the Buckeyes would be in trouble if they were stuck in third and longs. Ooos. They’re eight for eight.
- Make that eight for nine. Notre Dame needed to come out with a big stop.
- Only two scores down, a touchdown from the Irish ends all blowout talk in a big hurry.
Notre Dame on its own 12
- Watch for the Irish to come out of halftime sharp. No one adjusts like Weis.
- The Irish receivers must not be getting any room. Quinn isn’t able to get rid of anything deep.
- Unnecessary, but fortunate shot of Laura Quinn number four.
- Hawk is getting room to move. He’s starting to fly around the field more and isn’t getting blocked like he was in the first half.
- Unnecessary, but fortunate shot of Laura Quinn number five.
- Unnecessary, but fortunate shot of Laura Quinn number six.
Ohio State on its own 46
- Pittman is having a quiet game, but I’ll be he finishes with an unnoticed 80-yard day.
- This has been a weird broadcast from Brent and Gary. I’m Brent’s biggest backer, but there’s been no flow to his call. I’m under the belief that an announcer can make a big game feel like a big game, and no one usually does that better than Brent. Not here. He handed Ohio State the Fiesta Bowl trophy after the first Ginn touchdown and has been in blowout banter ever since.
- Unnecessary, but fortunate shot of Laura Quinn number seven.
- Huston for a 46-yard field goal … blocked. Notre Dame is still hanging around. As bad as things have been, one big Irish play makes this very interesting.
Notre Dame on its own 28
- The slant plays against Malcolm Jenkins were working in the first half. ND should go bacl to that.
- ND starts off using slant plays on Youboty.
- Great move going to the no-huddle. ND needs to pick up the temp and start to get into a rhythm.
- The Irish receivers simply aren’t able to get open, but they are able to get off the line well.
- Ohio State had this thing in a walk, but kept making mistakes in scoring chances. The momentum has quickly shifted on this drive.
- Matt Shelton has turned into the go-to guy on this drive.
- Quinn is in a rhythm now. This just turned interesting.
- Uh, Brent. Why do you think of Ricky Proehl when talking about Jeff Samardzija? Is Proehl tall? Noooooo. Is Proehl a deep threat? Not really. Hmmmm, what could it be? He does have a Steve Largent/Drew Bennett quality to him I can’t put my finger on.
- Walker up the middle for a score. He just slides off tackles. He might not be all that big, but he’s a tough runner.
- And there goes the mo to the other side after a flat-out miss on the extra point.
Ohio State 21 … Notre Dame 13
- Where’s my pizza?
Ohio State starts on its own 35
- Oooooh. That was almost a BO Jackson vs. Brian Bosworth Monday Night Football tunnel moment. Ginn slipped a tackle and took off only to have Zbikowski, who is fast, to just barely catch up to him.
- Once again, Smith is due to hang one of those out patterns up just a little bit. It’s a pick six if an Irish corner can anticipate one of them.
- And there goes Zbikowski’s speed picking up an Anthony Gonzalez fumble for an 89-yard score, but that has to be reviewed. If it wasn’t an incomplete pass, Gonzalez was certainly down.
- Illegal block in the back, but it’s being given to Notre Dame. Here’s the replay … INCOMPLETE PASS. Notre Dame had better snap the ball in a hurry. He a) never had it and b) was down even if he did have it.
- Huh? Why an interview now with Dave Parry about instant replay? If this doesn’t get overturned, this will be mega-egg on his face. This one isn’t even close.
- Incomplete pass.
- It’s sort of funny; Gonzalez was patted on the back on the sideline. Nice drop!
- The system works. How icky would it be to have this turned around on such a badly missed call?
- Another Huston kick and …
- … he hits this one down the middle. And there was much Buckeye rejoicing.
- Where the (bleep) is my pizza?
Ohio State 24 … Notre Dame 13
-Notre Dame on its own 20
- ND had Samardzija wide-open on the opening play and hasn’t given him a shot deep since.
- If it ain’t broke … ND’s quick hitting passes keep on working.
- Hawk is starting to have a whale of a game.
- Ohio State is trying to adjust to the slant throws, but it’s hurting its pass rush.
- Has Anthony Schlegel done anything yet?
Third quarter score:
Ohio State 24 … Notre Dame 13
Fourth Quarter
A.J. Hawk is so good when he gets room to run. His closing speed is tremendous. This play to stop Quinn short of a first down will be played a few times on draft day.
- Unnecessary, but fortunate shot of Laura Quinn number eight.
- Unnecessary, but fortunate shot of Laura Quinn number nine.
- I’m (bleeping) serious. Where the (bleeping bleep) is my (bleeping) pizza. There’s something to be said for taking one on the chin and ordering Domino’s.
- OSU is overdue for a home run swing.
- You can’t open like that. Arute tried to compare the Quinn-Quinn-Hawk situation to the relationship between Troy Smith and Jim Tressel. Do you like Gladiator movies?

- The Irish D looks gassed.
- Ginn under center.
- Zbikowski is a playmaker. He’s the one Irish defender who’s all over the field.
- There’s over 12 minutes to go and it’s still a game, but Brent is still, STILL in game over wind down mode, and I’m still waiting for my pineapple and pepperoni pizza.
- There’s no truth to the rumor that Brent and the Buckeye program will be vacationing together in
Key West after this is over.
- Has
Gary left the booth?
- Aw son of a …I’m seriously going to cry. The wife forgot the pizza. I’m serious, I’m about to sob like a little girl.
- Oh yeah, and Huston hit another field goal. I’ve lost all interest in life.
Ohio State 27 … Notre Dame 13
- What does it say that I’m so hungry that I’m popping another Claritin to fill me up, but I have no interest in a Tostito despite being bombed with ad mentions for the last three hours?
-Notre Dame on its own 20/

- The ND offense is making a lot of noise, but it’s not going anywhere. Here’s my problem with Quinn as a pro prospect; he’s fantastic as a robot in the Weis system, and his great at reading his progressions, but he’s not much of a factor when everything breaks down.
- But that robot sure can throw a pill (mmmmm, pill). He completed a fourth down strike to Jeff Samardzija to keep the game alive.
Ohio State’s front four is sucking some serious wind. This hurry-up Notre Dame offense is putting some serious pressure on the Buckeyes.
- This ad for Nokia phones once again proves that no matter how hot a chick is, like Heather in this particular ad, nothing spoils looks faster than hearing her gush about her dog.
- A fourth and eight and Quinn made it happen. He did a great job of getting away from his first two options and throwing a strike on his third read.
- With 6:14 to go, all the Irish need to do is punch it in, and then get the ball back with about three minutes left.
- Unnecessary, but fortunate shot of Laura Quinn number ten.
- To be wacky, I’d try a halfback option pass from Walker. Ohio State is frothing at the mouth to stop Walker from getting into the end zone.
- Touchdown, touchdown touchdown. Walker ran wide and got in despite a brilliant play by Hawk. He was called down at the one, but he definitely got the ball over the plane. It’s indisputable, which means it’ll probably be ruled down at the one.

- Unnecessary, but fortunate shot of Laura Quinn number eleven.
- Touchdown.
- Unnecessary, but fortunate shot of Laura Quinn number twelve. And she’s cheering hard for the Irish.
- Of course you go for one. Why is there even a mention of going for two when you can be down seven with over five minutes to play?
- What’s Dave Parry supposed to say? “The ref blew it. Walker was down at the one.”
- Fitzpatrick nails the extra point.
Ohio State 27 … Notre Dame 20
- Give the Irish credit. They were getting beaten and beaten badly for three quarters and ten minutes, but didn’t get knocked out. Ohio State had more than enough chances but didn’t get it done.
Ohio State on its own 15
- This has to be where the Buckeye line dominates. It has to come up with a few big runs from Pittman.
- This could be where Jim Tressel gives the game away. He got out of the spread, and away from a red-hot Smith, and has gone with a fullback/power running game. This takes OSU out of rhythm.
- OSU needs about two more first downs, but it’s third and long.
- Once again, give credit to the ND defense. It bent all second half, but it has come through incredibly clutch when it has had to.
- Oh deal Lord is Troy Smith amazing. He was sacked. It was over. Notre Dame was going to get the ball back. But he spun away, kept his eyes downfield to make the first down pass. That’s the type of play Quinn can’t make.
- Ball game. Pittman hammered all game long, and then he tore off a 60-yard touchdown run to finally put it away. He was having a nice game before, and now he put it away. Give credit to Smith for keeping the drive alive.
Ohio State 34 … Notre Dame 20
“How many more innocent people are going to have to go to prison?” How many more inJustice promos are we going ot have to watch during these BCS games?
Notre Dame on its own 20
- ANOTHER inJustice promo, this time read by Brent.
- Brent is so excited about Troy Smith and Ohio State that he’s about to have an accident.
- It turned entertaining with a little bit of excitement. Not a bad start to the BCS.

Final Score:
Ohio State 34 … Notre Dame 20
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I think Wies is a good coach but I don't like his arrogance. I just wish we could have beaten ND by more than we did (like everyone else). I got tired of hearing about how great Wies is at planning and how he'll expose the OSU defense.

The only thing exposed today was the ND defense and how good our offense is and could be next season.

Wies didn't do a bad job of coaching but ND was lucky that the game was as close as it was.

Great season Bucks. Way to finish out. Congratulations to the outgoing seniors!!! And Santonio!!!!
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This was a great win. No matter how you look at it, we dominated that game. Take away our mistakes and it would have been 47-20. Notre Dame and Weis had no answer for our offense and especially Ginn. When he touched the ball ND's D looked like "WTF are we supposed to do." Great game for Ted. Great game for Troy too. As I said, what a year he has had. The maturity that he has shown through the progression of the year is awesome. A.J. Hawk. What can you say that hasn't already been said numerous times throughout the year. I hope you're still around when Cleveland drafts or they can pull a rabbit out of a hat and trade up.
This is a great win. Period. Put to rest whether or not ND's "high powered Weis and Quinn led offense" are going to chew up OSU's secondary. How many yards did Samardizja and Stovall have? I haven't seen the press conference yet, but I wonder how much class Weis will show, if any.
So Chief, you ready to join the good guys yet or what? I think we can make room.
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"Uh, Brent. Why do you think of Ricky Proehl when talking about Jeff Samardzija? Is Proehl tall? Noooooo. Is Proehl a deep threat? Not really. Hmmmm, what could it be? He does have a Steve Largent/Drew Bennett quality to him I can’t put my finger on."

I was thinking the same thing. Collinsworth would have been a better comparison.
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Lets go back to tempe next year...
Next year the Fiesta won't be in Tempe, supposidly Tempe will host the Insight Bowl instead...and you probably don't want to go to that in place of the Fiesta, and you don't deserve to either.
ND has been holding on every play without any calls, it has been absolutely ridiculous not to get a few of those calls....
Hey, we can definitly say there were handfulls of blown holding calls on both sides of the ball, namely one on our DE on that last drive that could have cost him getting the sack. We definitly lost this game on our own though, better officiating didn't cost us the game.
I wish they'd quit talking about the Golden Glove boxing
Yeah, it did get played up more than a few times, but the ABC staff probably couldn't say anything else positive about our defense. We were awful, theres no denying it. We had a few turnovers, but were anything but consistant and it showed big time. Zibby ( the boxer ) was probably one of our only consistent defensive guys the whole game, he gave 100% every play while most of the defense blew assignments and didn't have the speed. Coincidently, I believe OSU was one of the schools the heavily recruited him out of high school.
Anyway, Charlie did graciously admit defeat in the post-game conference and admitted the better team won. Our defense didn't have the speed and talent to keep up with anyone on OSU's offense. Our offense could not consistantly make plays, they blew chances to convert turnovers into points, and they dropped passes. Besides the opening drive, our offense was piss poor the first half and looked confused and frustrated.
Congrats OSU, you guys played a great game and definitly beat us to the punch on both sides of the ball! Can't wait to see what you can accomplish next year with the offense you have returning.
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"Uh, Brent. Why do you think of Ricky Proehl when talking about Jeff Samardzija? Is Proehl tall? Noooooo. Is Proehl a deep threat? Not really. Hmmmm, what could it be? He does have a Steve Largent/Drew Bennett quality to him I can’t put my finger on."

I was thinking the same thing. Collinsworth would have been a better comparison.

I think the comparison was that Proehl played baseball too. At least that is how I understood it, but I know nothing about Proehl.

I think the comparison to Bill Parcells was dead on as the guy is too stubborn for his own good. Going for it on 4th and 2 just fired up the D. He must have been the only person in the known universe who thought they could still win the game with 17 seconds to go. At some point being optimistic just becomes stupidity.

Hey, Did he and JT shake hands? I hope JT quickly lifted the Super Bowl ring. He spent enough years in Youngstown to know how to do that.
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Now posted at the SI web site...We didn't beat ND we were just lucky!!!!:huh:

TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) -- You can't beat the luck of the ... Buckeyes?
Ohio State beat Notre Dame 34-20 in the Fiesta Bowl on Monday night with an offense that was anything but three yards and a cloud of dust, an imposing defense -- and some luck.
The Buckeyes survived a potentially game-turning play when Fighting Irish safety Tom Zbikowski scooped up a fumble and returned it 88 yards for an apparent touchdown in the third quarter.
First, a penalty on Notre Dame nullified the Irish score. Then officials reviewed the play and ruled that slotback Anthony Gonzalez never had possession of Troy Smith's 11-yard pass in the first place..........Blah! Blah! Blah!
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The Holy Ghost should have listened to the Father and the Son before posting:

Registered User
Posts: 33
(12/5/05 11:51:18 am)
We are going to win by 3 TD's<hr size="1"> 1. I still feel that Tennessee, overall, had the best front seven we were going to face all year. Not to say OSU is not good, but, their DL is bigger, stronger and faster and, collectively, their LB's are faster to the ball than OSU.

2. Let Troy Smith pass. He is about as accurate as Kyle Orton was for the Bears yesterday (Orton could not have thrown the ball in the ocean if you placed him on the beach)

3. Jam Ginn with help over the top. Lets face it, Ginn is a puss and hates contact. Smack him in the chin on the LOS.

4. Stovall and Shark have the height advantage and Stovall clearly has a strength advantage over the peanut DB's they have. Also, Fasano can handle the edge blocking of whichever LB they drop (who knows if Carpenter will play) or DE rushes. On top of that, Fasano has shown that the only thing that can stop him is the occsional dropped pass. No way any DB can cover him on man coverage (because you know OSU wil blitz all day).

5. If our DL can penetrate like they have done recently, I see little, if any running lanes for the RB.

6. The only thing I am really concerned about is Smith's scrambling ability. If he gets outside contain, he can pose a run/pass threat that ND has had to face once (stanton) and we saw how that fared
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