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Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

Yes I'm saying Notre Dame is better than Ohio State.......my favorite team.......:roll1:

note: that's sarcasm

Dont get defensive, that wasn't what I was trying to say, but my point all along was that in our big games that we lost by the narrowest of margins, they likely would have been destroyed. Also, in those games we held the two teams that beat us to their lowest point totals of the season.
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WyoBuck said:
Dont get defensive, that wasn't what I was trying to say, but my point all along was that in our big games that we lost by the narrowest of margins, they likely would have been destroyed. Also, in those games we held the two teams that beat us to their lowest point totals of the season.
and my point was everything you're saying bad about them can be said about us.
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and my point was everything you're saying bad about them can be said about us.

JESUS CHRIST! Is it your job to play devils advocate? I mean, the only real comparison is that each of us suffered a loss to a good team. Beyond that there is no comparison. Yes, we lost another game. To a good team. They lost another game to a shitty team and gave up a whole bunch of points to even shittier teams and almost lost to one of the shittiest teams in the country.
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I guess that you would be right if you were to consider their game against Michigan as important to them as it is to us. If not, then ND is exactly 0-1 in big games. But, at this point any more discussion into this particular matter is futile and in all actuality moot. Suffice it to say that I feel like OSU played a MUCH more demanding schedule than Notre Dame and by a comparison of opponents, and of mutual opponents, that Ohio State is, without question, the better team. In addition, I apologize to the rest of the board for bringing up a topic allowing an argument as stupid as to whether ND is, in fact, 0 and 1, or 1 and 1 in "Big" games.
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so basically to sum up how big this game is(in random order)
1. this is the last game for the seniors and as someone said they have a chance to be 4-0 in bowl games
2. this is a huge make or break game for some juniors(youboty and whitner) and they could potentially help their cause a lot regarding the draft
3. the whole aj and laura thing which the media has blown way out of proportion but nonetheless ads to the overall effect of the game
4. the series is tied 2-2 and the winner of this game has braggin rights for a long ass time/until the next game is played when we kick the shit out of them again
5. most of the '06 recruits have made up their mind already but this game is also huge for a lot of the '07 recruits who already seem to be down to us and them(martin and a few others)
6. this is a BCS game and a chance to prove to the nation that we do indeed belong to be here
7. Notre Dame and their offense against tOSU's spectacular defense sure makes for a great storyline
8. Charlie Weis finally gets the ass kicking he deserves bc they finally play a good team(aside from USC and a tough stanford team)
9. our offense over the last 5 or 6 games has been gelling...its only a matter of time before Ginn busts out fo his "slump" that he has been in...and with how well pittman and our line are playing our run game is back

i am sure there are more so feel free to add to that list but damn this is gonna be one hell of a game
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8. Charlie Weis finally gets the ass kicking he deserves bc they finally play a good team(aside from USC and a tough stanford team)

How great would it be to see Notre Dame's president/dean/whoever their boss-person is say, "DAMMIT!! WE GAVE THIS FAT LARD A 10-YEAR CONTRACT?!?" They're going to wish they could take the extension back after Ohio State shows them they aren't deserving of a BCS bowl.
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so basically to sum up how big this game is(in random order)
1. this is the last game for the seniors and as someone said they have a chance to be 4-0 in bowl games
2. this is a huge make or break game for some juniors(youboty and whitner) and they could potentially help their cause a lot regarding the draft
3. the whole aj and laura thing which the media has blown way out of proportion but nonetheless ads to the overall effect of the game
4. the series is tied 2-2 and the winner of this game has braggin rights for a long ass time/until the next game is played when we kick the shit out of them again
5. most of the '06 recruits have made up their mind already but this game is also huge for a lot of the '07 recruits who already seem to be down to us and them(martin and a few others)
6. this is a BCS game and a chance to prove to the nation that we do indeed belong to be here
7. Notre Dame and their offense against tOSU's spectacular defense sure makes for a great storyline
8. Charlie Weis finally gets the ass kicking he deserves bc they finally play a good team(aside from USC and a tough stanford team)
9. our offense over the last 5 or 6 games has been gelling...its only a matter of time before Ginn busts out fo his "slump" that he has been in...and with how well pittman and our line are playing our run game is back

i am sure there are more so feel free to add to that list but damn this is gonna be one hell of a game

excellent post....except for the "tough stanford team" part...:wink2:
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