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Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)



Tostitos Fiesta Bowl To Showcase 2005 College Football Hall of Fame Class

Ohio State's Jim Houston to be honored

Dec. 22, 2005
MORRISTOWN, N.J. - The National Football Foundation & College Hall of Fame announced today that the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl will showcase ten legends from the 2005 Hall of Fame Class during its Jan. 2 match-up between Notre Dame and Ohio State.
The Hall of Famers will participate in many of the pre-game festivities while being introduced during the 3 p.m. (MST) game on ABC. The honoring of the Hall of Fame Class at the 2006 game marks the beginning of a new tradition to promote the best ever from the college gridiron on the national stage at the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl, building on a long-standing relationship between the organizations.
"Having the newest class of Hall of Famers attend our events each year will enhance the fan experience during the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl," said Mike Allen, chairman of the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl Chairman. "Highlighting the accomplishments of these living legends adds to our year-end celebration of college football and its rich history and pageantry."
Tom Curtis - DB, Michigan, 1967-69
Keith Dorney - OT, Penn State, 1975-78
Jim Houston - E, Ohio State, 1957-59
John Huarte - QB, Notre Dame, 1962-64
Roosevelt Leaks - FB, Texas, 1972-74
Mark May - OT, Pittsburgh, 1977-80
Joe Washington - RB, Oklahoma, 1972-75
Paul Wiggin - DT, Stanford, 1954-56
David Williams - WR, Illinois, 1983-85
The Buckeyes' Jim Houston and the Fighting Irish's John Huarte will receive special recognition as their respective teams take the field. Hall of Famers who have participated in a Fiesta Bowl include Keith Dorney who helped the Nittany Lions to a 42-30 victory over Arizona State in 1977 and Mark May who played in Pitt's 16-10 win over Arizona in 1979. "We are excited to partner with the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl to highlight the accomplishments of the most recent class of Hall of Famers," said NFF President Steven J. Hatchell. "The leadership of Mike Allen, John Junker, and the entire Tostitos Fiesta Bowl family on this new initiative will allow us to further showcase the careers of the best the college gridiron has ever seen."

I didn't see this posted anywhere. Sorry if it's a repeat.
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Tyree Suspended for Fiesta Bowl

(In case nbc4i.com updates news, it'll likely show at that page).
Ohio State Player To Miss Fiesta Bowl

Specific Details Not Released

POSTED: 1:21 pm EST December 22, 2005
UPDATED: 1:32 pm EST December 22, 2005
<!--startindex-->COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Ohio State fifth-year senior offensive lineman Andree Tyree has been suspended and will not play in the Fiesta Bowl on Jan. 2 for violating team rules, the school said.No other details were released about the suspension.Hurt by injuries and playing behind other players, Tyree has been in 12 games in his career at Ohio State, including five this year.Watch NBC 4 and refresh nbc4i.com for complete Buckeyes coverage.
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Wow, guess who Lou Holtz picked?


Holtz gives edge to Irish

Friday, December 23, 2005 Roger Brown
Plain Dealer Columnist
Despite being both a legendary Notre Dame head coach and former Ohio State assist ant, ESPN college football analyst Lou Holtz doesn't mince words in leaning towards Notre Dame to beat OSU in their Jan. 2 Fiesta Bowl matchup.
"I think Notre Dame's defense is a little better than people think," Holtz says.
While generously praising Ohio State's highly ranked defense, Holtz says OSU has often survived this season by heavily blitzing opponents - a move that protects its smallish defensive backs. And it's that secondary, Holtz says, that's the Achilles heel of OSU's defensive unit, one he suggests could be exploited by Notre Dame quarterback Brady Quinn, a highly underrated ND offensive line and tall receivers Jeff Samardzija and Maurice Stovall (both are 6-5).
"Anytime a passer gets time, Ohio State has problems," Holtz says.
Frankly, Holtz makes a great point: We'll predict right now that Quinn and ND head coach Charlie Weis will slice up Ohio State's defense like a juicy New Year's Day ham.

EDIT: I thought that we didnt recruit small defensive backs? Youbouty 6'1" 190, Salley 6'3" 220, Whitner 5'11" 205...
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Wow, guess who Lou Holtz picked?


Holtz gives edge to Irish

Friday, December 23, 2005 Roger Brown
Plain Dealer Columnist
Despite being both a legendary Notre Dame head coach and former Ohio State assist ant, ESPN college football analyst Lou Holtz doesn't mince words in leaning towards Notre Dame to beat OSU in their Jan. 2 Fiesta Bowl matchup.
"I think Notre Dame's defense is a little better than people think," Holtz says.
While generously praising Ohio State's highly ranked defense, Holtz says OSU has often survived this season by heavily blitzing opponents - a move that protects its smallish defensive backs. And it's that secondary, Holtz says, that's the Achilles heel of OSU's defensive unit, one he suggests could be exploited by Notre Dame quarterback Brady Quinn, a highly underrated ND offensive line and tall receivers Jeff Samardzija and Maurice Stovall (both are 6-5).
"Anytime a passer gets time, Ohio State has problems," Holtz says.
Frankly, Holtz makes a great point: We'll predict right now that Quinn and ND head coach Charlie Weis will slice up Ohio State's defense like a juicy New Year's Day ham.

EDIT: I thought that we didnt recruit small defensive backs? Youbouty 6'1" 190, Salley 6'3" 220, Whitner 5'11" 205...

Has Holtz watched OSU play this season? It's easy to make comments based on the highlights you see. He probably saw highlights of teams throwing deep on OSU, and highlights of our defense getting pressure on the QB with blitzes. Back to bed old man, go play some shuffleboard at the senior center.

"Anytime a passer gets time, Ohio State has problems," Holtz says.
No shit, you don't say? Last time I checked, anytime that pretty much any passer gets time, a defense has problems. Did Holtz watch the Stanford game where the crappy Cardinals pressured the hell out of Quinn, forcing him to throw 2 picks in the first half?
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I think that any time a QB has time to throw, the DBs are in trouble, not just OSU DBs.

On paper, OSU has better athletes than ND. OSU's defense is formidable, especially in bowl games for the past three years. For ND to win, relying on the playmaking abilities of its players is not going to be enough, even though they do have a pair of 6-5 wideouts. They would have to devise a system that anticipate osu's attempt to take away the running game early and frustrate osu's defense with short passes to the sidelines with the occassional jump balls.

Someone on that OSU defense must have a big game, and it would awesome if AJ can prove to the voters that he deserved those awards that were stolen from him.
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OSU players savor break for holiday

Saturday, December 24, 2005
Ken Gordon


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The meaning of Christmas changed for Santonio Holmes once he became a father.

"It wasn’t about me anymore,’ said the Ohio State junior, who will spend the holiday with sons Santonio III and Nicori on Sunday in Belle Glade, Fla. "I wouldn’t ask for anything, I tell (people), ‘Put it down for the kids, not for me, because it’s more important to them.’ "

Holmes and his teammates are happy to be home for Christmas after spending last year’s holiday away. They arrived in San Antonio on Dec. 22 for the Dec. 29 Alamo Bowl.

This year, the Buckeyes practiced for the final time in Columbus last Monday and headed home for a six-day break. They leave this Monday for the Jan. 2 Fiesta Bowl in Tempe, Ariz.

For Holmes, who is giving strong consideration to declar- ing for the NFL draft, the time with his sons will be extra special.

"It’s going to be a business if I make a decision after the bowl game (to turn pro), so I’ve got to get as much time in as possible," he said. "I’ll probably buy them a few toys, clothes, shoes, not too many material things, just a little bit. But mainly, spend time with those guys."

Coach Jim Tressel, too, did not have an extravagant Christmas list.

"I want a day off; I haven’t had one of those in a while," said Tressel, who in between practices and game-planning is traveling the country on the recruiting trail this month. "Time with family is a gift that when you don’t get much is worth more than a tie or a pair of socks or whatever."

Not all Buckeyes were so high-minded when it came to holiday wishes. Some still had traditional requests.

"I’m at the age now where it’s just clothes or money or really expensive electronics," defensive tackle Quinn Pitcock said. "I’ve been asking for money from my family. They don’t really like giving that right now, so the only thing I asked for from my grandma was a money clip, so I can carry money."

Pitcock and his like-minded teammates will be pleased with what the Fiesta Bowl stuffs in their stockings. All bowls have something for participating players, but some of the lowertier bowls stick to commemorative hats and trinkets.

Being a Bowl Championship Series bowl, here is what OSU players will receive in Tempe:

A Sony PSP (that’s a PlayStation Portable video-game system, for the technology-challenged), a Bulova watch, commemorative football, a Fiesta Bowl dart board and "a snackfilled duffel bag."

And given the game’s title sponsor, Tostitos, they probably also can count on all the chips they can eat.
[email protected]
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<TABLE borderColor=#000000 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=770 bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle><TABLE borderColor=aqua cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: top; WIDTH: 466px" vAlign=top>Irish lift Weis' holiday spirits

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Tribune Staff Writer

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SOUTH BEND -- Christmas came early for Notre Dame football coach Charlie Weis this week.

Two injured starters -- fifth-year senior kicker/punter D.J. Fitzpatrick and sophomore defensive end Ronald Talley -- were back in midseason form during the team's seven Fiesta Bowl practices crammed into the past five days.

The players were released at noon Friday to go home for the holidays before reconvening Tuesday in Tempe, Ariz., and resuming preparations for the Fiesta Bowl Jan. 2 against Ohio State.

<!--START Inline Ad--><TABLE style="WIDTH: 321px; HEIGHT: 270px; TEXT-ALIGN: left" cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: top"><SCRIPT language=JavaScript><!--OAS_AD('Middle');//--></SCRIPT> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!--END Inline Ad-->Both Fitzpatrick and Talley were injured in ND's home finale Nov. 19 against Syracuse. Talley missed the regular-season-ending 38-31 survival at Stanford the following week. Fitzpatrick, a fifth-year senior, probably should have skipped the Stanford game as well, given that he missed two field goals and an extra point while trying to play through the injury.

"D.J. kicked without any side effects of that leg getting banged up," Weis said Friday. "Ronald looked like he was running around full speed. They both looked perfectly normal this week, which lifted my spirits."

Also adding some cheer to Weis' holiday were the Irish players' grade cards. Fifty-six of the 97 players on the roster (including walk-ons) achieved a 3.0 grade-point average or better for the fall semester, and the team's aggregate GPA topped the 3.0 mark.

"I don't know if that's ever been done before, to tell you the truth," Weis said. "It's a huge jump from where they were last semester, and I really don't know how to account for it. I'd like to sit there and take credit and pat myself on the back, but I was here last semester, too."

Even though everyone is academically eligible for the bowl game, Weis said there could be a player or two left behind for not living up to his academic standards.

"No one significant, he said. "My standards are a little higher than the rule. I believe there's a right way and wrong way of doing things. We'll see. There's a little time there left (before the team leaves)."

The road ahead

Weis, who spent the previous 15 seasons coaching in the NFL, will have Christmas Day off for the first time in his married life.

"I'm sure I'll be driving my wife nuts by Sunday night," he said.

Once the team arrives in Tempe and resumes practices, there will be no installation of the game plan going on there. That already took place this past week.

"Now we'll tweak a whole bunch of things (in Arizona) -- either things we like or things we didn't like," Weis said. "We'll add a few plays. We'll eliminate a few plays, but the nuts and bolts of the game plan are already in.

"I think there's too many distractions to be putting everything in the week of the game. It's just like going to the Super Bowl. When you have two weeks, you put everything in the first week."

Touched by tragedy

Weis' heart sank when he heard the news of the death of 18-year-old James Dungy. The son of Indianapolis Colts coach Tony Dungy was found dead in his Florida apartment Thursday, the result of an apparent suicide.

"I went home last night and had a long conversation with (son) Charlie about how a parent's worst nightmare is having to hear news like that about one of their kids," Weis said. "I explained to him what that meant to me. I know Tony's got four other kids he has to worry about, but I'll tell you right now, our hearts and prayers are with him right now. It definitely affects me, because I'm a football coach who's a family guy, and I definitely think Tony epitomizes what that really is."

Recruiting rumblings

Springdale (Ark.) High School quarterback phenom Mitch Mustain continues to throw Notre Dame out as a possible landing place after decommitting to Arkansas earlier this month, but don't expect it to happen as long as ND's two QB commitments -- Zach Frazer and Demetrius Jones -- remain firm.

The 6-foot-3, 198-pound Mustain is rated the nation's top QB prospect by recruiting analyst Tom Lemming and No. 2 high school senior, regardless of position, overall. Frazer (6-4, 220), from Mechanicsburg, Pa., is the nation's No. 12 prospect and Jones, from Chicago, No. 33 on Lemming's top 100.

Weis was asked Friday if he was finished recruiting quarterbacks.

"We're pretty much done, period," he said. "There's not too much -- just a few guys we're involved with." It is believed Notre Dame is still pursuing defensive tackle Gerald McCoy and offensive tackles Sam Young and Matt Carufel.

With regard to recruiting, Weis also added, "First of all, the one thing you have to do is make sure that the guys you think are coming, do come, so you can't take anyone for granted. What I tell these guys in recruiting is these relationships are lifetime ones, not (just) until they say 'yes.' I think that's the responsibility you have, so I make sure I go to every one of their houses."

Additionally, Weis will host some of the nation's top junior prospects Jan. 14.

"I'll take time off after Feb. 1," Weis said. "That's signing day."

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Being a Bowl Championship Series bowl, here is what OSU players will receive in Tempe:

A Sony PSP (that’s a PlayStation Portable video-game system, for the technology-challenged), a Bulova watch, commemorative football, a Fiesta Bowl dart board and "a snackfilled duffel bag."

So the next time some yayhoos on other sites starting pointing fingers at why our players have Bulova watches being stolen, we can show them how the players got them within NCAA rules...
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Mark May is going to be "honored" at the Fiesta? Oh, crap.
May be he'll get lost and end up in San Antonio .:biggrin:
And Holtz? Best thing for him would be a one way ticket to the dog track.
Somehow that bit about Mark May brings to mind the opening stanza of a Rolling Stones song ...

"Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste.."
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