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Tom "Ladies Frames" Crean (HC Georgia Bulldogs)

Oh my goodness Tommy what are you going to do:evil:

Even if Victor Oladipo and Cody Zeller leave Indiana for the NBA, as expected, Terry Hutchens of The Indianapolis Star reports that the Hoosiers still will have more players committed to play than they have scholarships.

Indiana has 16 scholarship players for 13 spots. Zeller and Oladipo have until April 16 to withdraw from NBA consideration and retain college eligibility. While Oladipo, a junior, seems sure to leave, Zeller’s status is more problematic. The sophomore could choose to return to develop a power forward’s game, which would leave the school two over the limit.
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Just photo bombing at Final Four.

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I think there are a couple of things going on there:

Tom is wondering where he can get a belt like that one.
Tom is wondering if there will still be a chance for the Hoosiers to cut down the nets after all the silliness is over.
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