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Tom "Ladies Frames" Crean (HC Georgia Bulldogs)

Another example of a coach building his resume at a decent basketball school that flames out and is unable to compete at one rich in tradition. The longer they keep him, the deeper in a hole they will dig.
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Rumors circulating on the interwebs that some prominent boosters are pushing to buy him out.

Would be a wise move IMO. Six years in, and all he has to show for it are two tourney appearances which stalled in the sweet 16. His recruiting was going strong for a little while, but appears to have stalled. They underachived pretty badly this year...not even making the NIT. His in game coaching is drawing a lot of criticism, and his support is drying up.

It looks like the Crean era may have peaked back in Dec 2011 when they upset #1 Kentucky. They thought they were back. They were finally competing. Their recruiting seemed to be strong. But, in reality, it never really took off. If they're smart, they eat that contract before they dig a deeper hole.
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Rumors circulating on the interwebs that some prominent boosters are pushing to buy him out.

Would be a wise move IMO. Six years in, and all he has to show for it are two tourney appearances which stalled in the sweet 16. His recruiting was going strong for a little while, but appears to have stalled. They underachived pretty badly this year...not even making the NIT. His in game coaching is drawing a lot of criticism, and his support is drying up.

It looks like the Crean era may have peaked back in Dec 2011 when they upset #1 Kentucky. They thought they were back. They were finally competing. Their recruiting seemed to be strong. But, in reality, it never really took off. If they're smart, they eat that contract before they dig a deeper hole.

How's Steve Alford doing?
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So Crean says on Twitter that he "would have loved to be able to keep playing"...then turns down an invitation to do just that? Swallow your pride and use the extra games to build towards next year.
From the Indianapolis Star:
IU made the decision Sunday afternoon that the program would not accept a bid to the College Basketball Invitational, a tertiary postseason tournament in which host teams pay for their participation.

Indiana Director of Athletics Fred Glass confirmed that decision to The Star on Sunday night.

"Finances wouldn't be an issue if we thought it made sense," Glass told The Star. "But we're Indiana. We don't play in the CBI."
So it doesn't make sense to have your team which obviously needs more work play more basketball? Sure Fred. It warms my heart even more that they didn't get an NIT invite... they are just as spoiled and entitled as Kentucky.
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Rumors circulating on the interwebs that some prominent boosters are pushing to buy him out.

Would be a wise move IMO. Six years in, and all he has to show for it are two tourney appearances which stalled in the sweet 16. His recruiting was going strong for a little while, but appears to have stalled. They underachived pretty badly this year...not even making the NIT. His in game coaching is drawing a lot of criticism, and his support is drying up.

It looks like the Crean era may have peaked back in Dec 2011 when they upset #1 Kentucky. They thought they were back. They were finally competing. Their recruiting seemed to be strong. But, in reality, it never really took off. If they're smart, they eat that contract before they dig a deeper hole.
I think if Noah Vonleh leaves for the NBA his seat will even get hotter. He so underutilized him it was embarrassing. As I mentioned in another thread, Crean was quoted by a color analyst who said that Tommy has told people you just do not come to Indiana to park your suitcase.
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