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Tom "Ladies Frames" Crean (HC Georgia Bulldogs)

It has to just kill Crean that they couldn't get past the S16 this year. They must've thought they were going to win the NC a month ago, even after they cut the nets in Bloomington they seemed to think they would win it all. Everything seemed to be aligning for IU to win a title this year, or at least get back to the F4, but they fell apart in the last month of the season. Seems like Crean burned some bridges this year, if Zeller and Oladipo turn pro they're going to be in rebuilding mode AGAIN next year.
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DZ83CK;2322976; said:
It has to just kill Crean that they couldn't get past the S16 this year. They must've thought they were going to win the NC a month ago, even after they cut the nets in Bloomington they seemed to think they would win it all. Everything seemed to be aligning for IU to win a title this year, or at least get back to the F4, but they fell apart in the last month of the season. Seems like Crean burned some bridges this year, if Zeller and Oladipo turn pro they're going to be in rebuilding mode AGAIN next year.

They will certainly be losing a sizable chunk of their team, but I don't know if I'd call it rebuilding necessarily. They'd be exceptionally young, with the only experienced players returning being Will Sheehey, Yogi Ferrell, Remy Abell. But they bring in a recruiting class with four top 100 kids, including Noah Vonleh, a top 10 talent. Throw in two rising sophomores who were big time recruits in Jeremy Hollowell and Hanner Mosquera-Parea, and the talent is there. They will undoubtedly take a step back, but if a decent percentage of these players develop (and say what you will about Crean, his players improve), I think they'll be pretty competitive next year.
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They might be competitive next year, but if they lose Zeller and Oladipo they're not going to be a top-4 B1G team and they're not going to make the S16. Basically they would take a step back from the past couple of seasons.
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LitlBuck;2323002; said:
I have said this before but I don't think that Zeller is NBA ready... unfortunately:wink:

I think he'll go, because there's not much improvement to be had. I think what we saw as a freshman was largely what he has. High floor, low ceiling guy. I've yet to hear a convincing case as to what makes him different from his brother, Tyler, or more than a solid backup center in the NBA.
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senorbuckeye;2323011; said:
I think he'll go, because there's not much improvement to be had. I think what we saw as a freshman was largely what he has. High floor, low ceiling guy. I've yet to hear a convincing case as to what makes him different from his brother, Tyler, or more than a solid backup center in the NBA.

I see him being a solid PF. Maybe all-star once in a while, but not perennial.
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Kind of interesting:

Indiana basketball: Hoosiers have more players committed than scholarships for next season

The Hoosiers have a math problem that Victor Oladipo may only slightly ease. While Indiana basketball fans await the decisions of [Oladipo] and Cody Zeller about entering the NBA, another issue looms: There are more players committed to the Hoosiers than scholarships. Indiana has 16 scholarship players for 13 spots. Even if Oladipo and Zeller leave, one player will still be left out. Zeller and Oladipo have until April 16 to withdraw from NBA consideration and retain college eligibility. While Oladipo, a junior and first-team All-America, seems sure to leave, Zeller, a sophomore and second-team all-America, might choose to return to get stronger and develop a power forward's game.

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Re: IU was in a similar situation last year, having ?over-signed? by one player. Former Broad Ripple standout Ron Patterson, one of five players in Indiana?s recruiting class, announced Aug. 15 he would not be attending IU after failing to meet academic standards. He later signed to play at Syracuse and will be eligible in the fall.


It appeared that IU over-signed by two players last year, but the school opted not to bring Matt Roth back for a fifth year academically and fourth in terms of eligibility. Roth, who earned his undergraduate and graduate degrees at IU, had been informed early in the 2011-12 season that he likely would not have a scholarship in 2012-13.

I'm seeing a pattern here. I would think their high school coaches would not be pleased, word would get around, and eventually he might have some problems recruiting at their schools again (i.e. in the future, etc.).
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ScriptOhio;2324616; said:
Kind of interesting:

Indiana basketball: Hoosiers have more players committed than scholarships for next season

The Hoosiers have a math problem that Victor Oladipo may only slightly ease. While Indiana basketball fans await the decisions of [Oladipo] and Cody Zeller about entering the NBA, another issue looms: There are more players committed to the Hoosiers than scholarships. Indiana has 16 scholarship players for 13 spots. Even if Oladipo and Zeller leave, one player will still be left out. Zeller and Oladipo have until April 16 to withdraw from NBA consideration and retain college eligibility. While Oladipo, a junior and first-team All-America, seems sure to leave, Zeller, a sophomore and second-team all-America, might choose to return to get stronger and develop a power forward's game.


I can't get over how many people commenting on that link are supporting his continuous oversigning. One even mentioned how Crean did this at Marquette and that he's ok with it.
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