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ysubuck;1508588; said:
Money talks and your first round pick is expected to contribute immediately. No way Tebow goes in the first round.

I'm not calling you out but,

What makes you think he won't contribute early?
He's the greatest leader we have ever witnessed across the board in sports.
He doesn't do anything wrong off the field (so you don't have to worry about the liability like you do with other top picks).

People that criticize his passing...How many picks did he have last year?
He had 2 going into the NC and threw 2 unlucky picks in the NC to have a season total of 4!

He is a playmaker that doesn't make many mistakes, isn't this what you want in the nfl?
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Random Tebow stats

2006:Passing :22/33 358 yards, 5 Touchdowns,1int Rating 201.7
Rushing : 89 Carries, 469 yards, 8 Touchdowns

2007:Passing : 234/350 3286 yards 32 Touchdowns,4int's Rating 172.5
Rushing : 210 Carries,894 Yards,12 Touchdowns

2008 Passing : 192/298 2746 yards, 30 Touchdowns, 4 Ints Rating 172.4
Rushing : 176 Carries,673 Yards, 12 Touchdowns
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powerlifter;1508725; said:
Random Tebow stats

2006:Passing :22/33 358 yards, 5 Touchdowns,1int Rating 201.7
Rushing : 89 Carries, 469 yards, 8 Touchdowns

2007:Passing : 234/350 3286 yards 32 Touchdowns,4int's Rating 172.5
Rushing : 210 Carries,894 Yards,12 Touchdowns

2008 Passing : 192/298 2746 yards, 30 Touchdowns, 4 Ints Rating 172.4
Rushing : 176 Carries,673 Yards, 12 Touchdowns

Yea, but can he walk on water? Didn't think so.
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Random Tebow picture.

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I've been real impressed by this Tebow guy for quite some time now. First and foremost, of course, he loves God, just like me. But his play is also phenomenal. I'm no football expert, but I know a few things about the male form, and I think his abilities can largely be attributed to a really incredible body.


Here you see his powerful upper body, which enables him to fight off defenders and to score in spite of all the people that will tell him it's not Ok and it's not natural. Given his well-shaped pecs and bicepts, as well as his bulging traps, I bet he could sweep a guy my size right off his feet with just one arm, then gently lay him down on a bed of hay, so delicately that this hypothetical guy my size would never feel as though he'd been in harm's way, despite the awesome power he'd just encountered . . . .


Here I want you to really focus on Tebow's abs, which are firm and well-defined, almost like the artist's marble, but warm and soft at the same time. This is where Tebow generates a lot of torque when he's throwing the ball way down the field for a score. Note also his little patch of hair just below his naval. That doesn't really have anything to do with football, but there it is.


I'm sorry I couldn't find better pictures (very sorry, actually . . . because this is crucial). Here, though, you see perhaps the most important part of Tebow's game. He has incredibly powerful muscles in his rear end that allow him to power his mid-section through piles of big, sweaty, strong men. This is his engine. It keeps him thrusting forward, always forward despite the resistance he may encounter. I've given you a comparison here with Percy Harvin, and you can really see the difference. Tebow's back end is much rounder than Percy's, yet not too big. It's just the right size. For playing football.
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jthorp24;1508670; said:
I'm not calling you out but,

What makes you think he won't contribute early?
He's the greatest leader we have ever witnessed across the board in sports.
He doesn't do anything wrong off the field (so you don't have to worry about the liability like you do with other top picks).

People that criticize his passing...How many picks did he have last year?
He had 2 going into the NC and threw 2 unlucky picks in the NC to have a season total of 4!

He is a playmaker that doesn't make many mistakes, isn't this what you want in the nfl?

He is a playmaker surrounded by incredible talent. I would argue that Vince Young was better than Tebow during his time at Texas.

Is he going to have an even better year this year that's going to vault him into the first round? Maybe. He was a 3rd possibly 4th rounder this past season.
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