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I see 2 arguments people use to express the greatness of Tebow, stats and how much his team has won.

If you want to just use stats you have to also make the case for guys with gaudy numbers like Andre Ware, Klingler or any number of system players from the many chuck and duck offenses around CFB.

If you want to point to the NC's you have to consider Frazier going back no farther than the 90's. He played for 3 straight NC's, lost the first then won the last 2 and was named MVP of all 3 NC games. The 1994 Miami team he beat had Warren Sapp and Ray Lewis on defense.

Tebow is a great player and a great kid but the GOAT talk is just an example of how much any modern athletic accomplishment is overhyped. Just a couple of years ago they were trying to tell us Reggie Bush was the greatest of all time. Yesterday Dwayne Wise made a very nice catch to preserve a perfect game, the very same day it was called the greatest catch in MLB history by someone at -say it with me- ESPiN.

"All time" to the brainless whores in the national media = the last 18-24 months. Keeping that in mind I agree, Tebow is the greatest college football of the last 18-24 months (since Bush has been gone for longer than that).
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Jaxbuck;1503758; said:
I see 2 arguments people use to express the greatness of Tebow, stats and how much his team has won.

If you want to just use stats you have to also make the case for guys with gaudy numbers like Andre Ware, Klingler or any number of system players from the many chuck and duck offenses around CFB.

If you want to point to the NC's you have to consider Frazier going back no farther than the 90's. He played for 3 straight NC's, lost the first then won the last 2 and was named MVP of all 3 NC games. The 1994 Miami team he beat had Warren Sapp and Ray Lewis on defense.

Tebow is a great player and a great kid but the GOAT talk is just an example of how much any modern athletic accomplishment is overhyped. Just a couple of years ago they were trying to tell us Reggie Bush was the greatest of all time. Yesterday Dwayne Wise made a very nice catch to preserve a perfect game, the very same day it was called the greatest catch in MLB history by someone at -say it with me- ESPiN.

"All time" to the brainless whores in the national media = the last 18-24 months. Keeping that in mind I agree, Tebow is the greatest college football of the last 18-24 months (since Bush has been gone for longer than that).

great post
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Our national hightmare is over!!!1/!!1!1111

It was the Ol' Ball Coach that didn't vote Tebow 1st-team Preseason All-SEC QB. But he blames a football operations aide for filling out the ballot.

He better make sure that guy has Duke 25th for the Coaches poll!


BUSTED: Spurrier's SEC all-conference ballot

HOOVER, Ala. -- Steve Spurrier came this close to having his retired number taken down at The Swamp and dumped in a swamp.

We now know that the South Carolina coach was the lone SEC coach who didn't vote for Tim Tebow on the coaches' preseason All-SEC team. Now it becomes a case of damage control. Spurrier was allowed to change his vote to Tebow, diminishing, but not ending, a growing controversy.
Votergate has become a three-day story here at the SEC media days.

Tebow was not among the three unanimous choices on the team. Ever since then, every coach on the podium has been asked about his quarterback vote. With three coaches left -- Spurrier, Lane Kiffin and Les Miles -- the news has brokenthat the South Carolina coach's ballot did not include Tebow.

Spurrier said Friday morning he OK'd a ballot filled by a football operations aide without looking at the names. Ole Miss' Jevan Snead was listed on Spurrier's ballot.

"Some coach made a careless mistake," Spurrier said. "A coach brought it into me and I signed off on it ... It's my fault. It's my responsibility. I apologized to Tim Tebow."

"Tim Tebow is the best quarterback in this league but the best in the country."

The vote is now unanimous. (Coaches couldn't vote for their own guys.) We'll see if Gator Nation accepts the apology and lets the controversy die.
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Fiu had this to say in a comparison of Snead and Tebow. This piece was clearly written before Spurrier owned up to the voting controversy.


Could Jevan Snead Be Better Than Tim Tebow?


5. Tim Tebow is freakin' annoying.
Again, I will be the Grand Marshal of Tim Tebow Is The Greatest College Quarterback Of All-Time parade (remember, we're talking college production and not pro potential) if he leads Florida to another national title and/or he wins/deserves another Heisman, but there's a lot not to like about the Tyler Hansbrough of college football. Fine, so he's a good guy who truly believes in the goodness of in his missionary work, and fine, he's trying to save souls by hanging out in prisons, but none of that has anything to do with him as a football player or how he should be analyzed and scrutinized. There will be a backlash from those tired of the overall Tebow act, but there's a louder contingent of fawning "journalists" desperate to make a big deal out of any athlete who doesn't appear to be a total jerkweed. Beyond the churchy side of things, the messy paint on his face (that was NOT blood) against Florida State, the constant screaming of "let's go," the one-step-short-of-going-Kellen-Winslow-I'm-a-f***in'-soldier routine after the Ole Miss loss, and having it turned into Gospel, the not going to the Playboy mansion thing, and everything else that has embodied all that has been Tim Tebow, he is a great football player who does a lot of great things. However, with the media taking everything he does to a different level, it's hard to not look for someone else to come in and knock him down a peg. Snead might be good enough to do it.

Cont'd ...
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UTSINCE96;1502692; said:
Yes he did have good games in both of those games. I'm not denying the guy is a good qb. I'm just honestly not understanding why his name is brought up so much in the all time discussions. We also must not forget Percy Harvin's exploits in that game. Without him I don't think Florida wins that game. He took a couple of short little dump passes for very long gains.

As far as Tebow vs his current peers at qb. Tebow's record as a starter isn't much better than McCoy's record as a starter despite playing one less season as a full time starter.

Tebow: 22-5
McCoy: 32-7

So you see McCoy only has two more losses than Tebow does despite being a starter for a year longer. Also keep in mind that one of those losses came in a game where he was knocked out in the first quarter and the other loss came in a game that he had no business playing in anyway.

Like I said Tebow is a good quarterback no doubt. But I don't see what makes him that much better than his current rivals McCoy and Bradford let alone the all time greats.

As far as the Tebow vs VY question goes there is one question I always ask people. Do you think Texas beats USC with Tebow at qb? I honestly don't think so.

I know i'm like three pages two late but here are the stats I was searching for when I made that original post. It's Tebow and Colt's stats against common opponents in the 2008 season. It further proves my point that while Tebow is a great quarterback. He isn't even clearly better than his comtemporaries. Let alone all time.

McCoy vs. Arkansas: 17-19, 185 yards, 3 TD, 0 INT, 9 rushes, 84 yards, 2 TD, 52 team points

Tebow vs. Arkansas: 17-26, 217 yards, 2 TD, 1 INT, 11 rushes, 39 yards, 0 TD, 38 team points

McCoy vs. Oklahoma: 28-35, 277 yards, 1 TD, 0 INT, 10 rushes, 56 yards, 0 TD, 45 team points

Tebow vs. Oklahoma: 18-30, 231 yards, 2 TD, 2 INT, 22 rushes, 109 yards, 0 TD, 24 team points

McCoy Total: 45-54, 462 yards, 4 TD, 0 INT, 19 rushes, 140 yards (7.37 ypc), 2 TD, 97 team points

Tebow Total: 35-56, 448 yards, 4 TD, 3 INT, 33 rushes, 148 yards (4.48 ypc), 0 TD, 62 team points

Not a knock on Tebow and i'm not a Tebow hater but I just honestly don't understand where the GOAT talk is coming from. He has been a very successful individual in life and on the field. But greatest college football player of all time is a title that shouldn't be handed out to people as easily as a lot are handing it to Tebow.
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Jaxbuck;1503758; said:
Yesterday Dwayne Wise made a very nice catch to preserve a perfect game, the very same day it was called the greatest catch in MLB history by someone at -say it with me- ESPiN.

To be fair, they did say it was the greatest catch in any no-hitter all-time.

As for Tebow claiming to be a virgin, I call bullshit also. He goes to the Phillippines annually, and it ain't for missionary work...well, maybe missionary position.
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MililaniBuckeye;1504065; said:
To be fair, they did say it was the greatest catch in any no-hitter all-time.

Somebody said it with that qualification later, Mili; but shortly after the game Fernando Vina was calling it the greatest catch in baseball history, even when other guys were saying "Really?" - I posted that in the White Sox thread.
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Tom Jackson throws out labels like that on nfl live all of the time. Its usually 'one of the greatest', but with the frequency of said comments, the point is the same.
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Jaxbuck;1503758; said:
I see 2 arguments people use to express the greatness of Tebow, stats and how much his team has won.

If you want to just use stats you have to also make the case for guys with gaudy numbers like Andre Ware, Klingler or any number of system players from the many chuck and duck offenses around CFB.

If you want to point to the NC's you have to consider Frazier going back no farther than the 90's. He played for 3 straight NC's, lost the first then won the last 2 and was named MVP of all 3 NC games. The 1994 Miami team he beat had Warren Sapp and Ray Lewis on defense.

Tebow is a great player and a great kid but the GOAT talk is just an example of how much any modern athletic accomplishment is overhyped. Just a couple of years ago they were trying to tell us Reggie Bush was the greatest of all time. Yesterday Dwayne Wise made a very nice catch to preserve a perfect game, the very same day it was called the greatest catch in MLB history by someone at -say it with me- ESPiN.

"All time" to the brainless whores in the national media = the last 18-24 months. Keeping that in mind I agree, Tebow is the greatest college football of the last 18-24 months (since Bush has been gone for longer than that).

Great post.

Plus this whole pre-season All SEC Conference vote means nothing to me. Nice try, media drama queens.
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