Wow, what a tremendous letdown. Didn't like anywhere they were going at all with anyone, more or less.
I found myself yelling at the screen: "Don't you fuckers do it...don't you try and make that stupid bitch into a sympathetic figure now after all of that...Don't you fucking do it..." And then they did it. And they did a horrible job of it. And the Michonne, who said she "traded a friend for a warm bed" suddenly goes Little House on the Prairie? WTF? Horrible.
So Karl=Shane=Karl. Are we going to get a reverse Darth Vader thing going here? Is Karl the new cross between Shane and the Governor? And did anyone else find themselves saying "Well, he is his father's son" when he was telling Rick how his letting people go led to people getting capped? That was Shane 101.
SO they do the whole thing of spending almost 1/4 of the last 3 episodes playing up the Maggie and Glen and then Big Pappa thing...and absolutely nothing came of any of it. Maggie and Glen go Rambo for like 30 seconds and a few rounds, everyone runs, and all of a sudden it is all Ozzie and Harriet I guess. Don't get it. At all. Why waste the time with a red herring like that? Took a page from The Killing I guess.
All the deaths were from Woodbury. All of them. WTF is that? I mean I know they want to bring people back, but seriously? Expect another scenario where they bring characters back that have done nothing, spend 2 eposides re-playing them up, then capping them it the T-Dog effect.
The only thing I liked was the Governor going apeshit on his own. The scene was well done, if predictable. The fact that there are 3 of them out there now still lends them to being a menace next year from the guerilla role, which should suit them well. So that was very anti-climactic, but at least it is consistent with the character and will set something useful up.
So now the Prison is Metropolis? Can't see that working out well. And again, so much for the whole democracy thing they spent so much time building up last week...Rick decides to bring everyone back, and everyone else has to go along. Another Killingesque red herring I guess.
All in all very disappointed. I thought the build-up over the last 3-4 episodes was very well done. This one fell flatter than Kate Moss's tits. Not killing off the Governor (and killing off that annoying bitch Andrea) will bring most of us back next year, but I don't know if I am interested in a Rick versus Karl season 4-5, because it looks like that is where they are going with it.