Yeah, I agree in some ways. I thought parts of it were handled well, parts were not. I typed out my detailed thoughts on the episode, which are below.
As with most of this season, there are so many ways that this episode was so damned bad, it really outkicked the coverage of what could have been a very good piece of TV.
The good: Well, there was some movement in the story arc, finally. I guess. Maggie went full Old Testament in this episode, and she is going to be the strong leader that eventually leads the group(s) to victory. Capping the dipshit prisoner wasn’t a really big deal, but the symbolism in it was. Jesus is still a dumbfuck though, apparently. Now, obviously, knocking off Coral wasn’t an easy decision to make, and some of the subtlety of the story itself in this episode was extremely well-handled, from the awkward handwriting to staring at Enid’s note to sweating profusely/acting sick to offering himself to Negan up a la "tainted meat" Bob. I do agree with you though that is was somewhat odd from an episode-to-episode arc though (however, compared to Carol, it was Emmy-worthy, as explained below). Also, I thought they did what they could with EZE-E, him coming around to create a diversion and then get caught was at least not some stupid-assed Rambo shit they usually try to pull off as believable. If I had to piack a story arc that was actually decently handled this time, I think I would pick his.
The bad, ugly, and worse: 1) The whole fucking episode was shot at night, where you couldn’t see shit half the time, and everyone was fucking mumbling. I didn’t catch a single word that Dwight said the whole fucking show. That part of it was super fucking annoying. 2) The Carol story fuck. It’s one thing to botch something from 5 seasons ago. But one episode ago? We last saw Carol leaving Eze-E to play with his chain, while she left alone, on foot, with a littlish boy in tow wanting to fight. Now here, magically, she shows up at the Sanctuary, with only Jerry the Axman, in a truck, right at the time Rick just happened to start taking fire. What. In. The. Absolute. Fuck. 3) The drawn out Coral closeups. Look, I appreciated some of the subtleties of the Coral story part as stated above, but much of that was undone by the slow-motion limping Coral close-ups. We get it, he’s leaving the show and you wanted to feature his mug to sell a few more T-shirts. But it’s like they extended this episode for 30 minutes for 20 minutes of commercials and 10 minutes of Coral limp-dicking along with a smoke grenade with a lost look on his face. Unnecessary. 4) Rick, Michonne, and fuck, the rest of them the first time, after picking up Mumbling Dwight, were able to just waltz right the fuck into the middle of an open courtyard to a sewer drain, 15 minutes or less after Negan ordered a giant sweep and burn of the entire complex. So, aside of a chance to show Michonne go Benjamin Martin/Patriot on one goddamned nameless asshat, not a single person happened to notice them all walking in. Oh, and Negan apparently after fighting Rick and threatening to go Heart of Darkness on him just said “Ah, fuck it, I just knocked his ass out the window, let’s just let him go find his friends” instead of immediately ordering every available person to run him down. Yep, sounds logical. 5) Eugene. At this point, the fucker is just annoying. His schtik, like Negan’s, is overdone to the point of not being funny anymore. And the idea of him being conflicted for being a pussy is fine, but the fact he is apparently going to sleep well by just letting Gabriel take the Obie Gynie back to Maggie is, well, yeah OK. 6) The whole stupid-assed Aaron/Enid Oceanside thing. This is a microcosm of everything wrong with these writers. Have random characters pair up, add a soliloquy about someone missing someone else and making the other character uncomfortable, have them do mind-numbingly stupid shit. Then don’t get to it again for a month. Here we had 2 characters with no connection between them, going to a hostile group that you stole their guns from, parking in the middle of the night, right outside of their complex. Then, they get out of the car, do dumb shit, and Enid caps the leader. Aaron gets a dumbfuck look on his face. They get surrounded. And we won’t get to it again until episode 13. Completely random in any sense. Complete Dumbfuckery in every sense.