Spoilers I guess...
Yeah there are a lot of people out these saying the episode was boring, but I think those people just have 5 second attention spans and watch too much reality TV. A lot was set up for the rest of the first half of the season in this one. Several questions popped up for me (I am not going by the comics, though I know some of what happened there…the show doesn’t always go by the comics anyway):
1) The one I mentioned before, who honked the horn, and why? At first I thought Wolves, Father Asshat, or Blondie’s dufus kid. However, I doubt it was dufus, because he wouldn’t want to get his mom killed, and I doubt Father Asshat, because I don’t think he wants the women and children from the community killed. Another possibility is that, based on the limited preview for next week, is that the Wolves hit the community while Rick et al. were out with the Walkers, so someone is honking the horn warning of danger and to return to Alexandria, perhaps not realizing the implications for the Walker heard…I guess we’ll see.
2) Is Maggie pregnant? That whole “that’s not the only reason” line stood out while discussing whether she should stay or go. Of course, as should have been expected by the other 10 times it’s happened to them already, she will likely be in more danger staying behind than she would have been under Rick et al.’s protection.
3) Are they setting up for Rick to get kicked out of Alexandria by having his own group turn on him? Rifts with Daryl and Michonne this episode seem to hint at that a bit.
4) Are Rick and Blondie going to bump uglies? Lots of mixed messages regarding that this episode, though it seems to be leaning towards no for now.
5) Sasha and Booger Red…something going on there?
6) Is jackoff who tried to kill Glenn really reformed, or is he just waiting for the best chance to stick it to him?
7) Carol is still trying to put up the Martha Stewart front…but she is stuck with the group back at the compound when the shit is going to hit the fan. Will she finally have to unleash Rambo Carol in front of the Alexandria group? Will that deception cause trust issues between the groups?
8) And finally…does Rick really just want to kill everyone not in the Dirty Dozen? It seems like he has morphed from wanting to incorporate people to just wanting to get rid of them. Seems like that question lies at the heart of most everything.