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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)

Not too worried about the amount of SEC teams. BIG Ten actually has 6 teams. If we win out, we'd potentially have wins over 5 CFP ranked teams (Wisky, Minny, Pedo, TTUN, and the Juggalos). That's as many as LSU would have (Texass, Auburn, Bama, Florida, Georgia) if they win out.
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Setting it up for a 1 loss Bama after LSU takes Georgia to the woodshed in the CCG.

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Watching Rece Davis acting Alabama is in real danger of not making the playoffs with them needing "a whole lot of chaos" to get in, implying that a one-loss PAC 12 champ and/or Big 12 champ would actually jump Alabama even if Alabama won out and LSU beat now-#4 Georgia in the CCG, when everyone on fucking Terra Firma knows that Alabama at #5 ain't falling if they win out and indeed will jump Georgia if the Bulldogs lose.

All the ESECPN talking head will have a group circle-jerk should LSU, UGA, and Bama win out and UGA upsets LSU in OT in the CCG, and will conjure up reason why all three should jump undefeated Ohio State and Clemson.
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Minnesota 35
Georgia Southern 32

Georgia Southern 24
App State 21

App State 20
South Carolina 15

South Carolina 20
Georgia 17

Not to mention Penn State > TTUN > NoD

The Gophers have a stronger case for #4 than UGa, but S-E-C! S-E-C!
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I haven’t seen anything that so clearly shows the SEC bias.

The 4th best teams in each division of the Big 10 are ranked in the top 20. Neither of the 4th ranked teams in each division of the SEC are ranked.

And yet despite this the SEC has UGA #4, Bama #5, FLA #11 and Auburn #12

I mean GFO!!!! How in the hell does that make any damn sense?
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I haven’t seen anything that so clearly shows the SEC bias.

The 4th best teams in each division of the Big 10 are ranked in the top 20. Neither of the 4th ranked teams in each division of the SEC are ranked.

And yet despite this the SEC has UGA #4, Bama #5, FLA #11 and Auburn #12

I mean GFO!!!! How in the hell does that make any damn sense?
Silly Rabbit, the only reason the Big Ten has so many middling ranked teams is cuz they don't play in the SEC. If Ohio State played in the SEC, they'd finish somewhere between Vandy and Pig Soooey. If Pig Soooey played in the Big Ten, they'd be 8-1 right now. South Carolina or Tennessee would win the Big Ten championship every single year. The only reason the SEC doesn't have 14 ranked teams right now is because the committee doesn't want to completely alienate the rest of college football. Everyone instinctively knows that the SEC is light years ahead of everyone else, they just refuse to admit it out loud because of jealousy and cognitive dissonance.
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