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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)

I would love to see Burrow get a shot, but if not, this would be my dream scenario. What would the committee do? Regardless of how you feel about LSU and Bama, the eye test, their rosters/talent, ect...., they would have to leave them both out or people would be screaming "fixed". And I would argue that if Minny somehow runs the table and loses a close one to OSU in B1G CG, they would have a strong argument for #4.

How fun would that scenario be with the addition of a 2nd B1G team and an 8 team playoff?


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How it should be:

First 3
1. LSU
2. Ohio State
3. Clemson

Next 3 (control their own destiny....maybe)
4. Minnesota
5. Georgia
6. Alabama

Last 3 (can you help a brother out?)
7. Oregon
8. Okie
9. Utah

How it will be:
Ohio State
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We will know how they really think about Bama tonight

If they put them at 4, we know Bama is likely a lock for the playoff unless they choke to Auburn, once again on the benefit of the doubt based on past success card.

Of course their lofty ranking is now solely based on who they lost to, since they have beat absolutely no one, would anyone else besides maybe Clemson get such treatment?
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We will know how they really think about Bama tonight

If they put them at 4, we know Bama is likely a lock for the playoff unless they choke to Auburn, once again on the benefit of the doubt based on past success card.

Of course their lofty ranking is now solely based on who they lost to, since they have beat absolutely no one, would anyone else besides maybe Clemson get such treatment?
What you were saying is certainly possible, but I believe that if Oregon wins out, they will actually supplant Alabama. That is the kind of thing that is done if a team wins their conference championship game.
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What you were saying is certainly possible, but I believe that if Oregon wins out, they will actually supplant Alabama. That is the kind of thing that is done if a team wins their conference championship game.

I dont know, I think the "TUA WASNT 100%" card comes into play too.

Oregon and Utah both going into the PAC title game with 1 loss would help either of their cases a lot though.

If the "eye test" really is a thing (and not just when it benefits Bama) at this point Bama definitely isnt a top 4 team. On the flip side the same can probably be said about Georgia and Oklahoma.
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