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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)


well then, we know we're in the desert if not #1

wonder which Gene would choose if we are #1?

90% we're the only school that isn't Clemson or SEC... so I'd go with Desert. At least it's truly "neutral".
If we got PAC or L10... could go either way.

I’m not going to shut the fuck up about Oregon being behind UGA in the AP.

My cfp:

Clemson (theyve caught a bunch of shit for their schedule but they still look dangerous as hell and they’re turning it on).

Oregon has no fucking business being behind UGA. Just doesn’t — or Alabama for that matter. I’m so sick of hearing about the Auburn loss when Oregon trailed by 9 seconds and was down 3 offensive starters. Alabama lost to its only formidable opponent; Goergia lost to a team that lost to fucking Appalachian State. What’s there to discuss here?

I'm still perplexed why people are putting "good loss" teams above Minnesota.
But yea, otherwise agree.
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90% we're the only school that isn't Clemson or SEC... so I'd go with Desert. At least it's truly "neutral".
If we got PAC or L10... could go either way.

I'm still perplexed why people are putting "good loss" teams above Minnesota.
But yea, otherwise agree.

If good losses are such a strong consideration why isn't UC higher?
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