Assistant Coach
A program isn't what it is until the fans accept it for what it is. Just because you want Michigan to always be what it is right now doesn't mean it always will be. Lots of teams have down years. The blue bloods keep trying until they get back on top. Some teams spend years in the desert before they get back. (Don't think it can't happen to OSU if Gene Smith ever has to replace Meyer.)Michigan is back to being Michigan. This is what they are. They’ve been underachieving for 17 years. At some point, even poorer performance will be considered underachieving because this is becoming the norm.
But I’m fine with the fan base being in denial; it’s hilarious to me.
If Michigan is now and forever who they will always be then we might be getting to where PSU is the bigger rival sooner rather than later. I'd prefer to live in a world where the Nits occasionally get a win over one or the other of OSU and Michigan, rarely both, and then two good teams face off in The Game to determine the B1G East and usually the conference champ. I don't know how Buckeye fans manage the cognitive dissonance of wanting Michigan to suck permanently while not recognizing that that would make PSU their #1 rival. I'm especially amazed by how seemingly no one else gets that. I don't think it's all that complicated.