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The great bicycle debate: moved from Schiano thread

I only ride on country roads, wear bright clothes with a blinking light at all times, ride on the side of the road, and wave drivers by who may be behind me on a hill or curve if the coast is clear.
Additionally to what Thump said above, don't ride two abreast and don't frickin' run stop signs. I can't count how many dipshit cyclists I've seen barreling through stop signs doing 15-20 MPH without even looking.

We our group goes out on training rides, with 15-20 in a group sometimes, we never ride in anything but single file. The only time we get wider than single file is at a stop light, where we might be two-wide.
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Additionally to what Thump said above, don't ride two abreast and don't frickin' run stop signs. I can't count how many dip[Mark May] cyclists I've seen barreling through stop signs doing 15-20 MPH without even looking.

We our group goes out on training rides, with 15-20 in a group sometimes, we never ride in anything but single file. The only time we get wider than single file is at a stop light, where we might be two-wide.
While you may ride single file, as pointed out in an earlier link by Ohio law cyclists can legally ride two abreast.

If I am doing my math correctly, in a tandem fantasy involving two women - each with the standard number of breasts - this would allow for up to 8 cyclists to be riding side by side.
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This never gets old.

Not. Fucking. Cool.
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While you may ride single file, as pointed out in an earlier link by Ohio law cyclists can legally ride two abreast.

If I am doing my math correctly, in a tandem fantasy involving two women - each with the standard number of breasts - this would allow for up to 8 cyclists to be riding side by side.

I subscribe to the law of the heavy and faster moving objects can have the lane.

A car 'having' to pass safely doesn't mean they will and that whole law thing doesn't mean much when its 200lbs vs 3000.
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A bicycle owner has the right to the road like a car owner.

Yeah, god forbid a bicyclist uses a sidewalk where they are safely separated from car accidents, and vehicles that could kill them with a simple nudge of their 40+ mph 3,000 pound car... besides, just because you buy an expensive bike doesn't grant you the right to slow down traffic and play in traffic. Move your ass to the sidewalk with the children on their bikes, you're not special. Sorry.
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Yeah, god forbid a bicyclist uses a sidewalk where they are safely separated from car accidents, and vehicles that could kill them with a simple nudge of their 40+ mph 3,000 pound car... besides, just because you buy an expensive bike doesn't grant you the right to slow down traffic and play in traffic. Move your ass to the sidewalk with the children on their bikes, you're not special. Sorry.
Not allowed to bike on sidewalks.
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