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The great bicycle debate: moved from Schiano thread

I have yet to see or hear of anyone on a huffy getting stopped by police

Like I said, selectively enforced, and I've never seen or heard of it happening, but the laws/codes do exist. Of course they're probably not going to be going after the kids/teens on their Wal-Mart bikes. The issue are fast/serious riders that should know better anyway. I was always taught as a kid to ride on the road unless I absolutely needed to use the sidewalk, and the sidewalks tend to be uneven anyway.
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Like I said, selectively enforced, and I've never seen or heard of it happening, but the laws/codes do exist. Of course they're probably not going to be going after the kids/teens on their Wal-Mart bikes. The issue are fast/serious riders that should know better anyway. I was always taught as a kid to ride on the road unless I absolutely needed to use the sidewalk, and the sidewalks tend to be uneven anyway.

I was always taught to use the sidewalk as a kid and that if you needed to use the road to go around something, do so but ride against traffic. The worst the that will happen on a sidewalk as a bike ride is that you fall into the grass. The worst thing that will happen to you if you are riding in the road is that a car crushes your spleen and you die.... I think I'll take the sidewalk lol
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Even where legal there are dangers in riding sidewalks as well. Sidewalks are notoriously poorly maintained, you are less visible to cross traffic and every intersection is a hazard. Nor is there adequate room to share with pedestrians or other cyclists.

It is clear that many non-riders on this site wish to send a big "Fuck You" to cyclists everywhere.

On behalf of avid cyclists like myself - a hearty back at you.
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Even where legal there are dangers in riding sidewalks as well. Sidewalks are notoriously poorly maintained, you are less visible to cross traffic and every intersection is a hazard. Nor is there adequate room to share with pedestrians or other cyclists.

It is clear that many non-riders on this site wish to send a big "Fuck You" to cyclists everywhere.

On behalf of avid cyclists like myself - a hearty back at you.

It's not necessarily a "fuck you" as much as it is a "hey asshole, it's 4:30 and I'm trying to drive at normal speeds to get home from a long days work. The last thing I really want to do is slow down to 20 mph and lag behind your slow ass until I can get around. As if rush hour isn't bad enough, Mr Armstrong, your slow peddling ass is impeding the flow of traffic. Keep up or get on the sidewalk where it's clear as day. This isn't the Tour de France, this isn't a completion. you're just an adult on a bike."
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I'm just trolling mili.

I don't want to see a biker hurt. I understand the law says bikers have rights. I don't understand why you would put your life at risk to ride.

Cars are very heavy. They are driven by stupid, angry, impatient, impulsive, distracted, drunk, sleepy, medicated morons. Why put your life in their hands?
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