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The great bicycle debate: moved from Schiano thread

I'm pretty much tired of all this "share the road" shit. There are miles and miles of bike trails around, but these arrogant asses still want to endanger themselves on curvy, hilly country roads, or moreover state routes. If you can't sustain the speed limit of the road, you shouldn't be riding it.
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I think my only problem with bicyclists is when they refuse to follow the rules of the road. As drivers, we're supposed to "share the road", and I'd be OK with that, if the bicyclists were willing to follow all the same rules.

I'm specifically talking about red lights. There's a narrow road nearby (2 lanes, each way, with a grass median) where the signs specifically state that the entire right lane can be used by bicycles. Drives need to move over to pass them. I don't mind that at all. But when we get to a red light, the bicyclists ride straight through. So now the drivers need to merge back into the left lane to pass the bicyclists again. And guess what happens at the next red light? If I'm supposed to treat you like a car, act like a car.
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He's right. In most places I've been it is actually "illegal" to bike on the sidewalk. It is one of those things that is selectively enforced. You probably won't get any issues doing it if it is a suburban, lightly used sidewalk, but it isn't technically allowed.
What about a paved bike/pedestrian path that is like 3 or 4 feet wide....seems like this would be the best place to be or in the actual designated bike lane that they now have in a lot of suburban areas...
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I was always taught to use the sidewalk as a kid and that if you needed to use the road to go around something, do so but ride against traffic. The worst the that will happen on a sidewalk as a bike ride is that you fall into the grass. The worst thing that will happen to you if you are riding in the road is that a car crushes your spleen and you die.... I think I'll take the sidewalk lol
Ride against traffic....I always thought it was ride with traffic and run/walk against traffic....
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