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The great bicycle debate: moved from Schiano thread


“[He was] devastated,” Meyer said on Wednesday when asked if he felt Schiano had been troubled by the incident in the following days. “I don't want to get too much into it but Greg, I don't know if you guys—obviously you know him as well as I do. That broke his heart.”

The city of Columbus cited Schiano with failure to control his vehicle on Wednesday, a minor misdemeanor. He is due in court next Wednesday at 9 a.m. and faces a $55 fine in addition to $97 fee for court charges.
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So, some chick decides to pass my eldest while he's riding his bike... Right in front of our drive way as he was getting ready to turn in. The turn to our drive is a left hand turn for him. She passes him on his left.

He turns, hits her car in the door. We're all very lucky that he turned when he did otherwise he would have been under her car.

Q: Who pays the damages?

A: I do. He was faulted for unsafe entry of the roadway. Mind you, he was in the flipp'n road.

No tickets issued, but he was found to be at fault. The idea that bikes have the same rights as cars is shit.

Just glad he's ok, but that's absolute bull shit. The overtaking vehicle should not have right of way at any time until they have completely overtaken the vehicle they are passing.
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So, some chick decides to pass my eldest while he's riding his bike... Right in front of our drive way as he was getting ready to turn in. The turn to our drive is a left hand turn for him. She passes him on his left.

He turns, hits her car in the door. We're all very lucky that he turned when he did otherwise he would have been under her car.

Q: Who pays the damages?

A: I do. He was faulted for unsafe entry of the roadway. Mind you, he was in the flipp'n road.

No tickets issued, but he was found to be at fault. The idea that bikes have the same rights as cars is [Mark May].

Just glad he's ok, but that's absolute bull [Mark May]. The overtaking vehicle should not have right of way at any time until they have completely overtaken the vehicle they are passing.

Just so you know, auto insurance companies don't pay claims 100% based on who the cop assigns fault to at the incident. Your example seems pretty crazy and one you could take up with insurance, but it might get a little tricky seeing as your son was on a bike. Good luck resolving this.

As bad as your situation is, it's the crazies out there that scare the shit out of me: http://www.greenvilleonline.com/sto...led-gun-greenvilles-george-hincapie/91273038/ or http://www.wyff4.com/Police-Asheville-Firefighter-Shot-Bicyclist/6180970
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So, some chick decides to pass my eldest while he's riding his bike... Right in front of our drive way as he was getting ready to turn in. The turn to our drive is a left hand turn for him. She passes him on his left.

He turns, hits her car in the door. We're all very lucky that he turned when he did otherwise he would have been under her car.

Q: Who pays the damages?

A: I do. He was faulted for unsafe entry of the roadway. Mind you, he was in the flipp'n road.

No tickets issued, but he was found to be at fault. The idea that bikes have the same rights as cars is [Mark May].

Just glad he's ok, but that's absolute bull [Mark May]. The overtaking vehicle should not have right of way at any time until they have completely overtaken the vehicle they are passing.
Agree, that is bullshit.
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Just so you know, auto insurance companies don't pay claims 100% based on who the cop assigns fault to at the incident. Your example seems pretty crazy and one you could take up with insurance, but it might get a little tricky seeing as your son was on a bike. Good luck resolving this.

As bad as your situation is, it's the crazies out there that scare the [Mark May] out of me: http://www.greenvilleonline.com/sto...led-gun-greenvilles-george-hincapie/91273038/ or http://www.wyff4.com/Police-Asheville-Firefighter-Shot-Bicyclist/6180970

Interesting thought but I'm not going to make a claim unless a quote comes back that is really high. I'd file it under our umbrella personal liability policy anyhow. I can't imagine that it's going to cost that much as it was a good scratch but I don't think that he creased it.

So, did I mention that this happened while my wife and I were in Scotland and we found out while we were eating dinner via text message from our neighbor. You can imagine the scrambling that went on at our table to call him, his grandmother who was with the boys, the house, etc. Like I said, just glad he's ok. Happy to pay the bill in exchange for his health. Call it Karma or whatever.
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So, some chick decides to pass my eldest while he's riding his bike... Right in front of our drive way as he was getting ready to turn in. The turn to our drive is a left hand turn for him. She passes him on his left.

He turns, hits her car in the door. We're all very lucky that he turned when he did otherwise he would have been under her car.

Q: Who pays the damages?

A: I do. He was faulted for unsafe entry of the roadway. Mind you, he was in the flipp'n road.

No tickets issued, but he was found to be at fault. The idea that bikes have the same rights as cars is [Mark May].

Just glad he's ok, but that's absolute bull [Mark May]. The overtaking vehicle should not have right of way at any time until they have completely overtaken the vehicle they are passing.

you don't mention (or I missed it) did he signal his intention to make the left?
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Well... I have a confession to make, I'm an asshole on a bike.

Friday, I thought maybe, since it was chilly and windy... it might be safe to use the Olentangy/Scioto bike path... plus, you can get to Thurns (if you don't know what this is, then you're missing out) more or less, and I figured if I'm going to eat all forms of really fatty charcuterie a 35 mile round trip on the bike might justify it... so, I get some cash together (Thurn's doesn't take American Express. Or any other plastic and a soft sided cooler and roll...

So, really, not too crowded except the usual clowns around Park of Roses, even Antrim wasn't too bad.

Pretty much no one around campus... except one guy.

Now, I generally am pretty good about signalling when I pass... sorta (lets not talk about observing the 15mph speed limit, doesn't happen and why I try to ride on this stupid thing when I think there will be any amount of people) but I'll be the first one to say that the frequency with which I signal drops in frequency in some order starting with Groups of runners walkers (Always) Single Runners/walkers (95% - if they are all the way over on the edge and there's no one else around and, the path is wide and I can be more than 10 feet from them, I don't always) comfort bikers in groups, commuter riders etc, kind of 75-95%. Now for whatever reason, I'm bad about signaling to other road bikes. I think its partly because there's not a great speed differential usually and I for one, know when someone is on my six. (Further if they are going more or less than the same speed as you, there's time to observe what they are doing and pass in a place where there's no one else around... as opposed to walkers that are for all intents and purposes stationary and like do do moronic things like turn around and go the other way for no reason without looking.)

So, rolling by the stadium I see this dude doing oh, maybe 17-18 mph, and there's no one around so, just before Batelle, I just roll by him...

Dude puts his hand up and screams at me, "Signal when you pass, you fucking asshole"

Like wow man, Bike path road rage. Pretty good stuff. So, at 3rd Ave, there's the under the bridge switch back where you have to cross the river. so, this clown is now "chasing me" - wtf? Now, keep in mind, I didn't cut him off, I didn't get close to him really, and I was going like 25 mph when I passed him so, there was immediate separation. So, I just keep doing what I'm doing and run down to the end of Olentangy at the confluence... and the light is red at Spring or Long or whatever the fuck that is... and the guy is nowhere to be seen, so I figure he punched out on goodale or whatever... so, sucking on some GU, since I was on the hammer since 161... light changes, and here comes mister road rage.... dipshit passes me on the right and doesn't signal... :lol:
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Well... I have a confession to make, I'm an asshole on a bike.

Friday, I thought maybe, since it was chilly and windy... it might be safe to use the Olentangy/Scioto bike path... plus, you can get to Thurns (if you don't know what this is, then you're missing out) more or less, and I figured if I'm going to eat all forms of really fatty charcuterie a 35 mile round trip on the bike might justify it... so, I get some cash together (Thurn's doesn't take American Express. Or any other plastic and a soft sided cooler and roll...

So, really, not too crowded except the usual clowns around Park of Roses, even Antrim wasn't too bad.

Pretty much no one around campus... except one guy.

Now, I generally am pretty good about signalling when I pass... sorta (lets not talk about observing the 15mph speed limit, doesn't happen and why I try to ride on this stupid thing when I think there will be any amount of people) but I'll be the first one to say that the frequency with which I signal drops in frequency in some order starting with Groups of runners walkers (Always) Single Runners/walkers (95% - if they are all the way over on the edge and there's no one else around and, the path is wide and I can be more than 10 feet from them, I don't always) comfort bikers in groups, commuter riders etc, kind of 75-95%. Now for whatever reason, I'm bad about signaling to other road bikes. I think its partly because there's not a great speed differential usually and I for one, know when someone is on my six. (Further if they are going more or less than the same speed as you, there's time to observe what they are doing and pass in a place where there's no one else around... as opposed to walkers that are for all intents and purposes stationary and like do do moronic things like turn around and go the other way for no reason without looking.)

So, rolling by the stadium I see this dude doing oh, maybe 17-18 mph, and there's no one around so, just before Batelle, I just roll by him...

Dude puts his hand up and screams at me, "Signal when you pass, you fucking asshole"

Like wow man, Bike path road rage. Pretty good stuff. So, at 3rd Ave, there's the under the bridge switch back where you have to cross the river. so, this clown is now "chasing me" - wtf? Now, keep in mind, I didn't cut him off, I didn't get close to him really, and I was going like 25 mph when I passed him so, there was immediate separation. So, I just keep doing what I'm doing and run down to the end of Olentangy at the confluence... and the light is red at Spring or Long or whatever the fuck that is... and the guy is nowhere to be seen, so I figure he punched out on goodale or whatever... so, sucking on some GU, since I was on the hammer since 161... light changes, and here comes mister road rage.... dip[Mark May] passes me on the right and doesn't signal... :lol:

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