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The great bicycle debate: moved from Schiano thread


I really dont get why they love windy narrow country roads so much, it's literally the most dangerous place to ride your bike. Considering you have to be in middle of the road and theres tons of blind spots where someone might have very little reaction time to slow down behind you.

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Bottom line: Cyclists have the same rights as a motor vehicle. They can ride two abreast. They do not have to travel a minimum speed. A motorist must pass them safely as is the case with any other vehicle.

I don't live in Ohio but all the same, it seems egregiously selfish.

Everyone else on the road should be at risk, late and otherwise suffer for the enjoyment of two fucksticks who want to ride bicycle's together. You would hope at some point common sense and courtesy would kick in but whatever. I guarantee I can make them uncomfortable enough with front of my vehicle to change their mind about any little tandem fantasies.

You go fast enough at anyone and they'll move.
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Of course, if they are in TSUN gear, as Jax pointed out at the start of this discussion, those rights may be subject to review. Dean Wermer had a super secret special law put on the books for that.

I used to live on a country back road that Bikers loved to hoard to in flocks. There were only a few spots where it was really "safe" to cross the center line and go around them. Basically if you got stuck behind them it was a 10-15 minute waste of your time until one of these spots. You don't understand the actual frustration until youve lived it.

Cyclists also need to think about motorists and avoid being selfish idiots as well. Just because cyclists have the right of way doesn't mean that they need to create living hell for motorists.

I have seen several places in South Africa where local residents have put up signs asking cyclists to ride single file in such areas and cyclists generally cooperate. A selfish idiot is a selfish idiot.
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I don't live in Ohio but all the same, it seems egregiously selfish.

Everyone else on the road should be at risk, late and otherwise suffer for the enjoyment of two fucksticks who want to ride bicycle's together. You would hope at some point common sense and courtesy would kick in but whatever. I guarantee I can make them uncomfortable enough with front of my vehicle to change their mind about any little tandem fantasies.

You go fast enough at anyone and they'll move.
Tandem fantasies? You would do that to a bro?
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Having had many bikes and motorcycles, I have seen the same dumb mistakes by bicyclist and motorcycle owners over and over.
A bicycle owner has the right to the road like a car owner. But common sense should tell bike riders that they must make an effort to be seen. Same with motorcycle owners. It's easier on a motorcycle, just run with your lights on all the time. Makes a huge difference.
Bright colored clothing is a boon to road bicyclist but that's not enough. You must develop situational awareness. If you stop at a light pull to the side and let traffic go first. Put the odds back in your favor.
And it's moronic by a few here who like to see bicyclist go down. Your kid could be next! Just shut up.
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