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We haven't set up lodging yet, though I would like to stay downtown. Within 15 minutes of city limits I guess.

jlb1705;2302873; said:
Within 15 minutes of where? Do you have a hotel? Downtown, NKY or on the edge of the city?

Some of the newer clubs have gone semi-private to make ends meet. They are mostly in the norther suburbs it seems and though I haven't played them they seem like decent tracks and decent deals.

I tend to gravitate toward the Hamilton County courses such as Sharon Woods (north) or The Vineyard (southeast). They are nothing spectacular, but they are decent courses at decent prices.

Avoid the city/CRC courses. They are not maintained very well and some are in poor locations. Only good for cheap league golf.

Worst course I've played is Hartwell in Finneytown. Once upon a time is was an athletic club for CG&E employees. Now it's run-down and depleted. The fees are dirt cheap, and even for that price it's a rip-off. My father-in-law took me there - I had to play thru sprinklers on the first hole, had to skip the eighth because the green was covered in duck [Mark May], and had my credit card charged twice for the privilege.
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matt_thatsme;2303011; said:
We haven't set up lodging yet, though I would like to stay downtown. Within 15 minutes of city limits I guess.

Gotcha. Northern suburbs are probably the way to go then. Seems like there are more options for good courses up there, and access to downtown isn't too bad via I-71 or I-75.

Sharon Woods would be easy to get to - it's inside of I-275, between 75 and 71.

Beckett Ridge Golf Club is just outside the I-275 loop, and just west of I-75 I used to live a stone's throw away, but it was fully private back then. Now it's semi-private, but since I moved to the other side of town I haven't made a point of playing a round there for some reason.

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ScriptOhio;2311040; said:

Stories like that amaze me. I would like to think that I would have the drive to push through something like that, but I just don't know that I could do it.

I play with a guy that has very limited use of his entire left side. I have known him since high school. He used to be an all-state baseball player-- he was also a great linebacker for our football team. An all around great athlete. Went to college on a baseball scholarship. Out of nowhere, he started having issues with his left knee. He also started acting a lot different - poor hygiene, lazy, depressed. Completely out of character. One night a group of us were going to get dinner and he said that he wasn't feeling well. We had just parked and gotten out of the car. A few minutes later he collapsed, slammed his head on the pavement and began seizing. Awful scene - he was bleeding out of his mouth and ears. Called an ambulance and he was taken to the hospital where he underwent tons of tests. Turns out he had a huge tumor on his brain. Had emergency surgery the next day and some severe complications occurred. Long story short, one day he was a stand out athlete; the next day he is having to learn to walk and talk again. Seven years later he still only has about 30% use of his left side. Very little fine motor skills in his left hand/arm and he drags his left foot when walking. We play golf about once per week in the summer. He basically plays with one arm and one leg. He has just enough ability in his left hand to hold on to the club and just enough use of his left leg to put some weight on it for a fraction of a second after impact. Amazes me that he hits the ball solidly.
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Water hazard? What water hazard? Oh, that water hazard. Bubba Watson shows off his new go-anywhere hovercraft golf cart.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...aft-golf-cart-article-1.1306455#ixzz2PPZPxU6I

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5u_2bGPdUY"]Bubba's Hover - YouTube[/ame]
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Got out and played today for the first time it a long time. The weather was gorgeous, but the ground was really wet. The lower lying areas were really sloppy. Putted like a champ; ballstriking like a chump.

My new irons should be here on Monday. Can't wait to get them on the course.
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Mizuno MP59 and MP64 combo set. Project X 5.5s hardstepped once.

80 degree weather with a very faint breeze the last two days + News clubs still sitting in a box at home = me being worthless in the office.
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Guys I need some help

I desparately need some help. I have the driver yips. Rest of my game is solid, but have to hit hybrid off the tee because with driver, 3-wood, etc. I come over the top. Both pros, plus a teaching pro friend, have been paid a pretty penny to help, but it comes back (also did a mental lesson).

Anyone have a drill or whatnot to stop it? I play with single digit hcps, and they hit it a ton, so I try to muscle. But on the range practicing, I still get the banana. Anything you got, I'll try. Thanks.

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